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InternShip Program

Search Content Exercise

1. Create an INDEX page with an option to list the result of a search content. For this
purpose you can use the iTunes Store API’s.

2. You must create a search field that passes a text string you want to search: For
example: Jack+Johnson.

3. Result of Search:

In this page the result of search will be listed all albums of the Artist, each Album
should be shown in a component similar to a card (or identity card), showing the
following information:

• The Album image cover.

(Use a default image in case of the Album doesn’t have one).

• The name of the album.

• Name of the Artist.

• Price.



• Branches:

A. Master, should contain only an initial commit.

B. Develop, should be branched from Master and will contain all your commits.

C. Once you finish your work, create a Pull Request and target it from DEVELOP to


If you aren’t able to use API, other option is read a DATA FILE (data.json) to populate the
result of a static search.

(Optional) Pagination.

(Optional) Ordering column (A - Z, Z - A).

(Optional) Show pagination and the link “See All >”

Itunes API

For this exercise, please refer to use iTunes Search API:

The following are examples of fully-qualified URLs for specific search requests:

• To search for all Jack Johnson audio and video content (movies, podcasts, music,
music videos, audiobooks, short films, and tv shows), your URL would look like the

• To search for all Jack Johnson audio and video content and return only the first 25
items, your URL would look like the following:

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