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Exercitiul 1


1. Priveste! Rasare soarele de dupa munti! Ce priveliste frumoasa!

Look! The sun is coming from the mountains. What a beautiful view! 

2. Ei au ales cele mai bune prajituri.

They have really chosen the best cakes. 

3. Ieri pe vremea asta gateam.

This time yesterday I was cooking. 

4. Pana la sfarsitul acestui an eu voi fi economisit 1000 de lei.

By the end of this year I will have saved 1000 lei. 

5. Maine voi merge la banca sa aflu mai multe informatii.

Tomorrow I am going to the bank for further information. 

Exercitiul 2
Completati cu verbul corect:

1. Hardly _____ I______  (read) the book, that she _______ (ask) me to give it
back. (hardly had I read, asked) 

2. This time next year we ____________ (go) on a 3 months cruise. (will be


3. The phone is ringing. I ___________ (get) it! (I’ll get it) 

4. The shop ___________ (close) at 9. (closes) 

5. While he _________ (sing) she ________ (dance). (he was singing, she was

6. Yesterday _________ She (be) very sick, today she _______ (be) better.

(was, is) 
Exercitiul 3

2. Alegeti varianta corecta:

1.       I don’t like skiing and about/anyway/else. I’m not free that weekend.     R: anyway

2.       How around/about going out for a meal tonight?           R: about

3.       What other/else do you want to do today?                       R: else

4.       J: Would you like some coffee? I haven’t got any milk.               

N: It doesn’t matter/mind. I prefer black coffee.                            R: doesn’t matter

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