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Learning Activity 2: FILM SHOWING

Kindly watch the video titled “The Miracle of Life” by Rendering CG on YouTube.

Answer the activity below. Fill up the words on the space provided after watching
the film.

Student’s Complete Name: Jessa Fe D. Pagayonan Section: BSA 1C                   

Answer Activity:

The Path Traveled by the Egg

1. The egg travels through the fallopian tubes after being released from the ovaries.
2. The fertilized egg contains DNA/genetic material from both parents.
3. The egg is surrounded by a cloud of support cells.
4. These hairs, called cilia, move the egg along towards the uterus.
5. It takes the egg 3-4 days to travel five inches along fallopian tube.
6. The egg must join with the sperm within 24 hours in order for conception to
take place. If no sperm is present, the egg disintegrates.

When Sperm Enters the Female Body

1. Nearly ¼ or 25% of the sperm will die almost immediately after entering the
woman’s body
2. Sperm will remain viable (able to survive) only for 28 to 48 hours.
3. The sperm has one goal: to find and fertilize the egg.
4. There are many barriers (things to overcome) for a sperm to reach the egg.
Some of these include:
a. Acid environment of vagina
b. Trying to fertilize normal body cells
c. vagina's protective cell
When Sperm Enters the Fallopian Tube
1. The fallopian has two openings, one leads to the uterus and the other leads to the
2. Of the 200 million sperms that enter, only about 50 ever reach the egg.
3. Only one sperm will enter and fertilize the egg.
4. Once inside the egg, the sperm undergo a big change, it sheds its coating.
5. The genetic material is released from the head of the sperm.
6. Within 24 hours, the new cell begins to divide.

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