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I´m inspired by the plot that develops the story, its way of showing readers how two people
are able to found a town called "Macondo", see how the genre of magical realism can be
appreciated and so unreal elements appear, the way in which loneliness is present
throughout history because none of the family members seem to find true love, as
reflected at the end of the story.


 One Hundred Years of Solitude is a novel that tells the story of a peculiar Buendía family
in the village of Macondo, a village that was founded by the head of the family, and place
where history begins.

It is a story that unfolds from the adventures and adventures suffered by the family. If there
is one thing that the Goodies have in common, it is above all the repetition of names
(Aureliano and José Arcadio) and the love for esotericism... Indeed, almost all the
Buendía, feel a strong attraction to inventions, experiments and everything that has an
ingredient between mysterious and unreal.

All this will make what was a normal family composed of Ursula and her husband José
Arcadio Buendía, be realized over time. In fact, the beginning of this saga is already
curious because they settle on a piece of land and found a village called Macondo, the
sons Aureliano and José Arcadio will grow. The first self-absorbed, quiet, and the second
much more open.

Soon, the family grows with Rebekah (who appeared one day there with a sack of bones)
with Amaranta... And with this base all kinds of curious descendants are reproduced. In
the end, after a hundred years of loneliness the family will disappear, after the birth and
death of the last baby.

The greatness of the novel lies in the vital description of the characters. The author
fills out leaves and more leaves, recounting the extravagances of each of them, and it
is his day-to-day life that makes the novel work. A day by day that consists for example of
the endearing Ursula and his stamina capacity, the chifladura of her husband who will end
up tied to a chestnut tree, the magical powers of the gypsy Melquíades, Pietro Crespi and
his tight meshes, the cruelty of the spinster Amaranta, the bones of Rebekah, the splendor
of the beautiful Remedios, the strict Fernanda, the partyman of Aureliano Segundo, the
falsehood of his brother José Arcadio Segundo, the tender humanity of the prostitute Pilar
Tenera, the solitary air and warrior of Colonel Aureliano Buendía…

And I say that special daily life is the key, since the novel really lacks a plot. Rather, it is an
"open" story, where emotion is introduced by unpredictable characters and their particular
worlds. But more than the prodigious imagination demonstrated by García Márquez, From
my point of view, the great value of this work is above all technical.

One Hundred Years of Solitude unfolds hundreds of pages filled with a practically

perfect technique. The use of metaphors is commendable, symbols, dynamism,
countless resources... Quite a master class of literature.

For novelty or originality purposes, I would highlight the use of so-called magical realism

(some humans are able to carry out actions that are not entirely human...) and also the
fact of repeating the name of the characters throughout the novel.

CONCLUSION: In short, what struck me most about the way we see facts that for us
today are so irrational and unreal and that for them were part of their daily culture and life,
things as simple as the arrival of ice in the village let us see how far from the real world in
which their citizens are located, but not because they were those years, but because they
were so isolated, that when something that was already every day for us, for them was still
far from coming.


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