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Urdu language

Urdu is national language of Pakistan and few states in India. Most people here speak Urdu. But here in
Pakistan Urdu is speaking less than Punjabi , Pashto , Sindhi , Saraiki and Balochi language. Urdu is come
from Indo- European and Iran-Aryan language. Urdu is also similar to Hindi language. Before the
separation of sub- continents it was called Hindustani language. After coming British east India company
they adopt Urdu as for speaking in Sub continent. After partition the sub continent divide into two
different countries they called Pakistan and India. The Urdu and Hindi language become religious.

Urdu is speak in south Asia countries. Urdu was started speaking by Amir khosrow in 12 th century. Urdu
is more difficult to learn as a 2nd language but Urdu is easier than English and German language. Urdu is
less difficult to learn Chinese.

Urdu is one such beautiful language that features a way of claiming things that mark the courteous from
the unlearned and therefore the noble from the standard . Literature and poetry are depicted in Urdu so
beautifully. It known as touch the soul with poetry and other languages cannot do it.

There are many languages are similar to the Urdu in south Asian countries. Punjabi is also similar to the
Urdu. Punjabi can write in Urdu and we can read Punjabi in Urdu. Hindi language is also similar to the
Urdu. In Urdu Arabic alphabet are used but in Hindi they use Sanskrit alphabets. But when we read the
both languages at the time we listen same nothing is changed.

Urdu is most superior language. But it need to help of Urdu . It can b more easier as we need. We should
suggest the language in all over the world. Because it has a unique history. In UN we should promote it.
Urdu language has its own significant.

All language need human to secure them and speak them. It is also need to whole world. In Pakistan and
the rest the world Urdu language is studied as a subject. We write many books translated in Urdu. Many
university of the world offer degree in Urdu.

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