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After his battle with the ViraBot, The Chosen One flies back to his world, trailed by The Second
Coming and company. Exiting the IP barrier, he flies down to a house near a cliffside, while the Stick
Gang fall into the nearby bay. Landing down and opening the door inside, he sees the Dark Lord,
having survived his punch from their last fight. Before the Dark Lord could react, he is immediately
punched and thrown through the wall of the house and knocked back. The unrelenting Chosen One,
angered by his former friend's actions, quickly goes on the offensive and punches him into the
cliffside. The Dark Lord lands on an outcropping safely and launches a fireball at his direction,
destroying a portion of the cliff. As he flies back to the house, his path is cut off by an immense laser
beam and promptly struck by another one. The Chosen One kicks him near the water level and flies
upwards, the Dark Lord retaliating back with consecutive fireballs but misses. Both combatants enter
the water and the Chosen One flies forward, punching his opponent out of the water and into a side
of the cliff. As a stunned Dark Lord watches, the Chosen One flies menacingly towards him before
charging ahead.

Elsewhere, the Stick Gang manages to climb out of the water and arrive near the house. A
curious Red looks at 7 locked hatches and then opens the door to the house. Inside, they see a
computer, while Yellow and Blue look down and see more inactive Virabots. Red and Green look at
the computer and see the portals on-screen are activated and linked to an unknown location. Red
sees a black and red band and plays around with it. A slip leads him to accidentally opening the
hatch doors. Meanwhile, The Chosen One manages to grab the Dark Lord and attempts to laser his
opponent, but the Dark Lord pushes his head upwards, causing the beam to harmlessly fire into the
sky. Unaware of the open portals, they fly in. They arrive in a YouTube video of Animator vs
Animation Shorts 4: The Showdown, with both fighters pausing the video at certain moments to
injure their adversary. They fly out again and land in a Twitter page. The Chosen One lands on the
bottom and the Dark Lord kicks him down and through the website. They land at the front page of
Reddit, destroying a post and causing another to increase in upvotes. The Chosen One grabs the
Dark Lord and pushes him into another portal, into the search page of Google. The Dark Lord
quickly uses the site to his advantage by typing "do a.." and uses the barrel roll easter egg to knock
the Chosen One away. They land at a Twitch stream and the Dark Lord uses the rapid wall of
message to injure the Chosen One, before he is knocked away and lands into the Wikipedia Globe.
The Chosen One punches his enemy into the globe, destroying it, and they land into a Discord
server. The Chosen One scrolls upwards, causing the profile's pictures to knock and stun the Dark
Lord before using his laser vision to knock him back into their own world. The Dark Lord stops his
momentum from the attack and launches a fireball, which hits the unsuspecting Chosen One.
Stunned and hurtling, he is grabbed by the Dark Lord and punched into the water below, knocked
unconscious. Satisfied, the Dark Lord flies back to his house. Seeing the immensely powerful being
flying towards them, the Stick Gang hide in the nick of time. The Dark Lord enters and closes the
portals. Thinking he is unseen, he attached the band to his wrist, causing his eyes to glow and a
black and red beam of energy to shoot into the sky, momentarily darkening the world. The Chosen
One recovers but sees the beam and grows uncertain.
The Dark Lord, now more powerful, flies towards his opponent, eager to end the fight. The Chosen
One tries to attack but is knocked back by a flurry of kicks and punches. He attempts to use his
laser, but the beam is now ineffective to the Dark Lord, who promptly knocks his head back and
throws him away. The Chosen One lands safely but is met by huge red spines, similar to the
Virabot's. He gets hit in the chest but is otherwise unaffected and rips it out, using it to knock back
the other spines flying towards him controlled by the Dark Lord. He gets knocked into the sky and is
then struck by four spines in the chest, before being punched into the water. He crash lands but the
Dark Lord dives down to continue his assault. Inside the house, the Second Coming, Red, Blue and
Green are panicking, seeing their saviour overwhelmed by the new threat. Yellow takes charge of
the situation and uses the computer for a plan. The Second Coming notices the cursor and thinks of
a plan involving Noogai. Noogai, cleaning up his computer after the Chosen One's battle, suddenly
sees an urgent message. He thinks none of it and continues to clean up when another pops up,
pleading to help the Chosen One. He gets a User Control Account message from Yellow, originating
from the Dark Lord's console, mentioning the Chosen One's need for assistance. A program called
Animator Combat Tool opens up and ,with Yellow's assistance and knowledge, he is able to enter
their world, the portals opening and creating a huge cursor to fight with and control. Seeing the
cursor move, The Second Coming congratulates Yellow for his quick thinking.

The Dark Lord, having knocked the Chosen One into the water again, turns around and is shocked
by the appearance of a cursor. Before he could react, he is grabbed and shoved into the cliffside.
The Chosen One enters the fray and he and Noogai attempt to injure the Dark Lord. Pinning him
against the cursor and trying to burn him alive, the more durable Dark Lord grabs his opponent and
ignites a corrosive, flaming blade, thrusting it into his chest. The Chosen One falls into the water and
the Dark Lord attempts to kill him but is intervened by the cursor blocking his path. He is grabbed
and pulled upwards but the cursor disappears when it exits the Combat Tool window. Noogai right
clicks and a Windows menu knocks the falling Dark Lord back into the water. The Chosen One flies
up to help and the battle becomes a mess of flying rocks, lasers, blades and combos from the
Chosen One and Noogai. The Dark Lord calls for assistance and summons a huge swarm of
Virabots to help him. The swarm overwhelms the cursor, unable to overpower the greater number of
virus. The Chosen One tries to burn and knock them away but is grabbed by the Dark Lord and
violently thrown into the cliffside. With the greater number of viruses and the Dark Lord's blade
impaling the cursor, they manage to crash the program, removing Noogai's intervention. The
computer is now crashed by the virus, causing the Stick Gang to panic, when they see the Second
Coming running out to meet the Chosen One for assistance. Given the effort just to kill one, the
Chosen One is overwhelmed and pinned down. As the Dark Lord flies in, the Second Coming gets
between them and tries to stop the fight. The Dark Lord summons the viruses away to confront the
new threat personally and ignites his left blade, when the trio is interrupted by the arrival of Red,
Yellow, Green and Blue.

Red tries to attack but stunned by the Dark Lord's immense speed, knocked to the ground and
impaled. He weakly tries to get up but dissolves into nothing. Angered, his friends try to avenge him
but are completely outmatched by the Dark Lord. One by one, Green, Blue and Yellow are killed, the
Second Coming knocked down and the Chosen One attacked by the virus swarm. He sees the dire
situation but is suddenly stabbed from the back by the Dark Lord, seen but unable to be helped by a
cornered Chosen One. The Second Coming falls to his knees but isn't dissolving. Confused, the
Dark Lord slams him into the ground and stabs him again but is stunned by the Second Coming
surviving. Angered, the Dark Lord resorts to flying him into the sky, rapidly slashing and stabbing his
opponent, slamming the Second Coming into the cliff and impaling him with both his arm blades.
Satisfied, the Dark Lord flies up and surveys the outcome of the battle, the Second Coming's
unmoving body, the numerous damage to the landscape and the Chosen One too weak to intervene.
The Dark Lord opens the portals to the 7 internet sites and orders the virus to enter them. The
Chosen One sees the virus about to enter but can't fight anymore.

Suddenly, the Second Coming's body is healed of injuries and disappears. The viruses nearly make
it to the portals but are suddenly destroyed. The Dark Lord sees this but is too slow to see the
Second Coming appear behind him. He is punched down to the water but is grabbed against and
knocked back. The Dark Lord manages to gather himself and summons the swarm to attack back.
The swarm crowds the Second Coming but are quickly destroyed. The Second Coming is knocked
into the cliffside but quickly recovers, and throws a boulder at the Dark Lord above. The stunned
Dark Lord watches the Second Coming fly towards him but can't react to the subsequent volley of
kicks and punches, injuring him. He watches a bright green light emitted from the eyes of his
opponent but is too weak to intervene. He can only watch as the Second Coming ignites his eyes
and blasts him with a beam of laser and electricity, before being dragged across the landscape. The
Second Coming increases the intensity before pushing him into a mountain side, destroying his body
and engulfing the entire area in a massive explosion. With the threat now gone, the Second Coming
flies down to the computer and using his newfound power to revived Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and
the cursor, before collapsing in exhaustion. The cursor gently takes his body to his company. The
Second Coming wakes up, surprised by the alive Red and friends, rubs the tears in his eyes before
being enveloped in a group hug. The Chosen One, similarly to how the Second Coming and gang
reacted to his powers, is stunned by what he just witnessed and bows down to a shocked Second
Coming, unaware of what he did. The cursor arrives to take them back but not until they thank the
Chosen One, who witnesses them cross the IP barrier back home

 An unlisted video (made by a person impersonating Alan) existed before the episode
was even out.
 The video has some unfinished parts.
 After being nearly killed by The Dark Lord, the Second Coming is revealed to have
awakened powers, previously unknown, but could be guessed that he had from some
clues from Animator vs Animation 4. His new powers make him currently the most
powerful character known.
 Awakened powers are:
 Healing powers that can heal himself and his friends.
 Laser and shockwave attack. The laser attack is used for a
singular, faraway target while the shockwave attack is used for
multiple targets at a close range. Both attacks can instantly
destroy a ViraBot.
 Flight.
 Telekinesis powers, shown when he threw a boulder at the
Dark Lord. (If one looks closely, he did not throw it by hand)
 A laser attack which is similar to the Chosen One but far more
 Greater enhanced strength, as shown when he fights back
against the newly empowered Dark Lord with an unseen level
of damage.
 It can be surmised that the Second Coming's powers can only be activated
by severe damage or trauma, similar to the Chosen One's sudden increase
in power when overwhelmed by the giant pop-up Virabot. Also, it seems the
power is something the Second Coming cannot control explicitly, as he
wakes up unaware of what he just did.

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