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Ancha, Rodelyn E.

May 31, 2021

BSE - English 201 - Irregular Monday


Prof. Joy B. Badilla

DIRECTION: Search the internet and provide one picture for each type of stage based on the lecture.
Write a 2-3 sentence description for each picture.
1. Found Stage or Found Space Theater

This image shows a play where the two actors are sitting at the center reading and talking to each other.
However, the stage location is somewhere in nature, they put bulbs to light the place and reorganize the
scenery. The nature was transformed into a small stage.

2. Proscenium Stage

Proscenium stages have an architectural frame, known as the proscenium arch, although not always
arched in shape. Their stages are deep and sometimes raked, meaning the stage is gently sloped rising
away from the audience.
3. End Stage or End-On Stage Theater

End stage theaters are those that have a crowd of people on just one side. Such stages are frequently
rectangular or square, however they can be triangular in which case they are called corner stage theaters
or take an assortment of sporadic shapes that can incorporate side stages in which case they are alluded to
as broadened stage theaters.

4. Thrust Stage or Platform Stage

Thrust Stage is one that extends into the audience on three sides and is connected to the backstage area by
its upstage end. A thrust has the benefit of greater intimacy between performers and the audience than a
proscenium, while retaining the utility of a backstage area.
5. Arena Theater
Arena theater is where the concerts and sport events usually take place. The stage is at the center of the

auditorium and also surrounded with seats of the audiences.

6. Theater In-The-Round
Theater in-the-round and Arena Theater have a similar definition: the stage is at the center of the crowd
and don’t need to have a background designs and props. However, arena theater accommodating
expensive audiences, more likely a thousand of people while the theater in-the-round is only

accommodating a smaller count of crowd.

7. Flexible Theater or Block Box Theater
Flexible Theater allows the designers to decorate both stage and the audience set ups. Stage and seating
are not fixed, each can be changed to suit the needs of the play or likes of the directors.
8. Platform Stages
Platform stages usually consist of a raised rectangular platform at one end of a room. They can either have
a level or raked sloping floor. The audience sit in rows facing the stage.
9. Hippodrome

The pictures above are the graphic plan based from the ruins left of the original hippodrome in Greece
where the people and the king were watching the horse racing and chariots racing on the elevated seats of
the theater.
10. Open Air Theaters
Some of the open-air theaters have a roof on the head of the audiences as a protection from the rain or

sunlight but some are totally open just like in the picture. Open air theaters occurred the outside
performances, it also has the chance to have a helicopter on the sky and actors performing.

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