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The term servant-leader was devised by Robert K. Greenleaf in his essay; “The Servant As

Leader”, which he published in 1970. Servant-leader is a type of leadership style in which a

person leads by putting the needs of his team members first.

There exist various ways through which servant-leadership could be demonstrated, such as; a

servant-leader is a good listener, allows his team members to speak, and consider their

perspectives in decision making. Moreover, one of the most essential traits of a servant leader is;

he does not use his authority or power over his team members rather he motivates and persuade

them to achieve a particular goal and reach a consensus with the help of his team members. The

servant-leader plays an essential role in motivating their teams, helps them in setting goals, and

leads by examples (, 2021). They are committed to the professional development of

their teams and help their team members to become leaders themselves.

Servant leadership is of immense importance to the business. It helps in developing a

working culture in which every employee feels safe, respected, appreciated, and valued.

Moreover, servant leadership also serves in raising the morals of the employees and has marked

effects on increasing employee engagement (Ragnarsson et al., 2018).

For being a good servant-leader, I would also put the needs of my team members first, I

would listen to them, respect and consider their views in decision making, and would try to

persuade and motivate them rather than boasting my power over them. Servant leadership fits

perfectly into GCU’s Christian Worldview, as the leadership style focuses on considering the

needs of the people, respecting them, and helping them succeed. Since servant-leadership

integrates the principles of Christianity, it fits right in GCU’s Christian Worldview.

References: (2021). What Is Servant Leadership? 10 Principles of Servant Leadership. Retrieved 10 July 2021, from


Ragnarsson, S., Kristjánsdóttir, E., & Gunnarsdóttir, S. (2018). To Be Accountable While

Showing Care: The Lived Experience of People in a Servant Leadership Organization.

SAGE Open, 8(3), 215824401880109.

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