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Elvis Presley - Anthology

365 tracks recorded between 1953 and 1977.

The ultimate digitally remastered collection from the original RCA Records Label® master
tapes, featuring the very best of Elvis’ studio, concert and informal recordings.

To call Elvis a cultural icon is to shortchange him. He is THE cultural icon. Years after his
untimely death on August 16, 1977 it was still unclear how history would judge Elvis Presley,
but now it’s no exaggeration to say he is regarded not only as the ultimate Rock ‘n’ roll icon,
but the embodiment of American popular music in the latter half of the 20th Century. Elvis is
not only inextricable from so much that surround us, but his unprecedented level of
achievement is still the benchmark by which artistic success is measured.

As early as 1956, the search was on for someone who would become the next Elvis Presley,
but now we know better: There’ll never be another Elvis. One day maybe someone might
score more hits, maybe even sell more records, but they’ll never be Elvis. No one will single-
handedly change the way we think about popular music the way Elvis did.

Elvis Presley - Anthology goes beyond the established master recordings, and documents
the invaluable “music-making” of the world’s most successful recording artist. It chronicles
the outstanding career of Elvis Presley from a unique perspective, allowing us to follow his
career almost on a session-by-session basis.

Each track presented here has been digitally remastered from the best possible sound
source to ensure state-of-the-art sonic quality. It symbolizes years of work, research and
technical proficiency and reflects the commitment to restore and preserve this most valuable
of all contemporary music legacies. The sound varies due to tape source, but every effort
has been made to achieve optimum sound quality; however, priority has been given to
historic content.

Elvis Presley - Anthology tells a truly fascinating and different story, it’s not just about his
several hundred million record sales worldwide, nor about the Rock ‘n’ roller turned Pop star
and certainly not about the activities of his non-musical private life. This collection is a unique
testament to the broad scope of his career and the vast musical legacy of the singer, the
performer, the greatest recording artist of all time…

“Before Elvis, There Was Nothing…” – John Lennon.

His Name Was Elvis Aaron Presley

His own NBC-TV special Aloha From Hawaii, via

satellite, was viewed by an estimated one billion

His name was Elvis Aron Presley.

He was twenty-one and he made his first Las Vegas
appearance with Freddy Martin at the new Frontier
He became one of the highest paid performers in
the history of Las Vegas in sellout appearances at
the International Hotel.

His name was Elvis Aron Presley.

He was twenty-one and he toured the South to the
increasing enthusiasm of his teenage following.
His concert tours were seen by millions of fans;
His name was Elvis Aron Presley. from Seattle, Washington to New York’s Madison
He began life in Tupelo, Mississippi. Square Garden, he never played to an unsold seat.
He became a superstar, a fantasy figure, an idol.
His name was Elvis Aron Presley.
His name was Elvis Aron Presley. His is the story of a raw talent that became magic
He was eighteen and he walked into the offices of for millions of people. His is the story of humble
the Memphis Recording Service to make a personal beginnings, of growth in style and stage presence
record for his mother. and warmth. It is the story of an almost unbelievable
He changed the sound of popular music forever. charisma, a unique personal power that inspired a
kind of awe among his fans - and there are millions
His name was Elvis Aron Presley. of them.
He was twenty and RCA Records signed him to a
recording contract for $35,000. His records have His name was Elvis Aron Presley: The man
sold over 500,000,000 copies around the world. whose recorded voice has been heard by more
people in the world than that of any other
His name was Elvis Aron Presley. performing artist… the man who is known to all
He was twenty-one and he received $10,000 for those people who have heard that voice simply as
performing in his hometown, and he gave it back to – ELVIS.
the people of Tupelo.
He raised $100,000 in a benefit concert to help
From the Elvis Aron Presley (Silver Box) liner notes.
complete the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial honoring
seamen who died at Pearl Harbor.

His name was Elvis Aron Presley.

He was twenty-one and he starred in his first movie.
He made thirty-three movies and became one of
Hollywood’s top box office attractions.

His name was Elvis Aron Presley.

He was twenty-one and he made his television
debut on CBS as a guest with the Dorsey Brothers.

Elvis Presley may be the single most important figure in American 20th Century
popular music. Not necessarily the best and certainly not the most consistent. But no one
could argue with the fact that he was the musician most responsible for popularizing Rock
‘n’ roll on an international level. Viewed in cold sales figures, his impact was phenomenal.
Dozens upon dozens of international smashes from the mid ‘50s to the late ‘70s, as well as
the steady sales of his catalog and reissues since his death in 1977, may make him the
single highest-selling performer in history.
More important from a music lover’s perspective, however, are his remarkable artistic
achievements. Presley was not the very first white man to sing Rhythm & Blues; Bill Haley
predated him in that regard, and there may have been others as well. Elvis was certainly the
first, however, to assertively fuse Country and Blues music into the style known as
Rockabilly. While Rockabilly arrangements were the foundations of his first (and possibly
best) recordings, Presley could not have become a mainstream superstar without a much
more varied palette that also incorporated Pop, Gospel, and even some bits of Bluegrass
and operatic schmaltz here and there. His 1950’s recordings established the basic language
of Rock ‘n’ roll; his explosive and sexual stage presence set standards for the music’s visual
image; his vocals were incredibly powerful and versatile.

Unfortunately, to much of the public, Elvis is more icon than artist… Innumerable bad
Hollywood movies, increasingly caricatured records and mannerisms, and a personal life
that became steadily more sheltered from real-world concerns (and steadily more bizarre)
gave his story a somewhat mythic status. By the time of his death, he’d become more a
symbol of gross Americana than of cultural innovation. The continued speculation about his
incredible career has sustained interest in his life, and supported a large
tourist/entertainment industry, that may last indefinitely, even if the fascination is fueled more
by his celebrity than his music.

Elvis Aaron Presley was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in a two-room house in Tupelo,
Mississippi, on January 8, 1935, in the heart of Depression. His twin brother, Jessie Garon,
was stillborn, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child. He and his parents moved to
Memphis, Tennessee in 1948, where he absorbed the vibrant melting pot of Southern
popular music in the form of blues, country, bluegrass, and gospel. Elvis graduated from
Humes High School there in 1953. After graduating from high school, he became a truck
driver, rarely if ever singing in public.

Some 1953 and 1954 demos, recorded at the emerging Sun label in Memphis primarily for
Elvis’ own pleasure, helped stir interest on the part of Sun owner Sam Phillips. In mid-1954,
Phillips, looking for a white singer with a black feel, teamed Presley with guitarist Scotty
Moore and bassist Bill Black. Almost by accident, apparently, the trio hit upon a version of
an Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup blues tune, “That’s All Right,” that became Elvis’ first single.

Elvis’ five Sun singles pioneered the blend of R&B and C&W that would characterize
Rockabilly music. For quite a few scholars, they remain not only Elvis’ best singles, but the
best Rock ‘n’ roll ever recorded. Claiming that Elvis made Blues acceptable for the white
market is not the whole picture; the singles usually teamed Blues covers with Country and
Pop ones, all made into Rock ‘n’ roll (at this point a term that barely existed) with the pulsing
beat, slap-back echo, and Elvis’ soaring, frenetic vocals. “That’s All Right,” “Blue Moon Of
Kentucky,” “Good Rockin’ Tonight,” “Baby, Let’s Play House,” and “Mystery Train” remain
core early Rock classics.

The singles sold well in the Memphis area immediately, and by 1955 were starting to sell
well to Country audiences throughout the South. Presley and The Blue Moon Boys (Moore
and Black) hit the road with a stage show that grew ever wilder and more provocative, Elvis’
swiveling hips causing enormous controversy. The move to all-out Rock was hastened by
the addition of drums. The last Sun single, “I Forgot To Remember To Forget” b/w “Mystery
Train,” hit number one on the national Country charts in late 1955. Presley was obviously a
performer with superstar potential, attracting the interest of bigger labels and Colonel Tom
Parker, who became Elvis’ manager. In need of capital to expand the Sun label, Sam Phillips
sold Presley’s contract to RCA in late 1955 for 35,000 dollars; a bargain, when viewed in
hindsight, but an astronomical sum at the time.

This is the point where musical historians start to diverge in opinion. For many, the whole of
his subsequent work for RCA - encompassing over 20 years - was a steady letdown, never
recapturing the pure, primal energy that was harnessed so effectively on the handful of Sun
singles. Elvis, however, was not a purist. What he wanted, more than anything, was to be
successful. To do that, his material needed more of a pop feel; in any case, he’d never
exactly been one to disparage the mainstream, naming Dean Martin as one of his chief
heroes from the get-go.

At RCA, his Rockabilly was leavened with enough Pop flavor to make all of the charts, not
just the Country ones.

At the beginning, at least, the results were hardly any tamer than the Sun sessions.
“Heartbreak Hotel,” his first single, rose to number one and, aided by some national
television appearances, helped make Elvis an instant superstar. “I Want You, I Need You, I
Love You” was a number one follow-up; the double-sided monster “Hound Dog” b/w “Don’t
Be Cruel” was one of the biggest-selling singles the industry had ever experienced up to
that point. Albums and EP’s were also chart-toppers, not just in the U. S., but throughout the
world. The 1956 RCA recordings, while a bit more sophisticated in production and a bit less
rootsy in orientation than his previous work, were still often magnificent, rating among the
best and most influential recordings of early Rock ‘n’ roll.

Elvis’ (and Colonel Parker’s) aspirations were too big to be limited to records and live
appearances. By late 1956, his first Hollywood movie, “Love Me Tender,” had been
released; other screen vehicles would follow in the next few years, “Jailhouse Rock” being
the best. The hits continued unabated, several of them (“Jailhouse Rock,” “All Shook Up,”
“Too Much”) excellent, and often benefiting from the efforts of top early rock songwriter Otis
Blackwell, as well as the emerging team of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller. The Jordanaires
added both Pop and Gospel elements with their smooth backup vocals.
Yet worrisome signs were creeping in. The Dean Martin influence began rearing his head in
smoky, sentimental ballads such as “Loving You”; the vocal swoops became more
exaggerated and stereotypical, although the overall quality of his output remained high. And
although Moore and Black continued to back Elvis on his early RCA recordings, within a few
years the musicians had gone their own ways.

Presley’s recording and picture careers were interrupted by his induction into the Army in
early 1958. There was enough material in the can to flood the charts throughout his two-
year absence (during which he largely served in Germany). When he re-entered civilian life
in 1960, his popularity, remarkably, was at just as high a level as when he left.

One couldn’t, unfortunately, say the same for the quality of his music, which was not just
becoming more sedate, but was starting to either repeat itself, or opt for operatic ballads
that didn’t have a whole lot to do with Rock. Elvis’ rebellious, wild image had been tamed to
a large degree as well, as he and Parker began designing a career built around Hollywood
films. Shortly after leaving the Army, in fact, Presley gave up live performing altogether for
nearly a decade to concentrate on movie-making. The films, in turn, would serve as vehicles
to both promote his records and to generate maximum revenue with minimal effort.

For the rest of the ‘60s, Presley ground out two or three movies a year that, while mostly
profitable, had little going for them in the way of story, acting, or social value.

While there were some quality efforts on Presley’s early ‘60s albums, his discography was
soon dominated by forgettable soundtracks, mostly featuring material that was dispensable
or downright ridiculous. In time he became largely disinterested in devoting much time to his
craft in the studio. The soundtrack LP’s themselves were sometimes filled out with outtakes
that had been in the can for years (and these, sadly, were often the highlights of the albums).
There were some good singles in the early ‘60s, like “Return To Sender”; once in a while
there was even a flash of superb, tough Rock, like “Little Sister” or “(Marie’s The Name) His
Latest Flame.” But by 1963 or so there was little to get excited about, although he continued
to sell in large quantities.

The era spanning, roughly, 1962-1967 has generated a school of Elvis apologists, eager to
wrestle any kernel of quality that emerged from his recordings during this period. They also
point out that Presley was assigned poor material, and assert that Colonel Parker was
largely responsible for Presley’s emasculation. True to a point, but on the other hand it could
be claimed, with some validity, that Presley himself was doing little to rouse himself from his
artistic stupor, letting Parker destroy his artistic credibility without much apparent protest,
and holing up in his large mansion with a retinue of yes-men that protected their benefactor
from much day-to-day contact with a fast-changing world.

The Beatles, all big Elvis fans, displaced Presley as the biggest Rock act in the world in
1964. What’s more, they did so by writing their own material and playing their own
instruments; something Elvis had never been capable of, or particularly aspired to.

They, and the British and American groups the Beatles influenced, were not shy about
expressing their opinions, experimenting musically, and taking the reins of their artistic
direction into their own hands. The net effect was to make Elvis Presley, still churning out
movies in Hollywood as psychedelia and soul music became the rage, seem irrelevant, even
as he managed to squeeze out an obscure Dylan cover, “Tomorrow Is A Long Time,” on the
“Spinout” soundtrack album in 1966.

By 1967 and 1968, there were slight stirrings of an artistic reawakening by Elvis. Singles like
“Guitar Man,” “Big Boss Man,” and “U.S. Male,” though hardly classics, were at least genuine
Rock ‘n’ roll that sounded better than much of what he’d been turning out for years. A 1968
television special gave Presley the opportunity he needed to reinvent himself as an all-out
leather-coated rocker, still capable of magnetizing an audience, and eager to revisit his blues
and country roots.

The 1969 album “From Elvis In Memphis” was the first LP in nearly a decade in which
Presley seemed cognizant of current trends, as he updated his sounds with contemporary
compositions and touches of Soul to create some reasonably gutsy late ‘60s Pop/Rock. This
material, with hits like “Suspicious Minds” and “In the Ghetto,” returned him to the top of the
charts. Arguably, it’s been overrated by critics, who were so glad to have him singing Rock
again that they weren’t about to carp about the slickness of some of the production, or the
mediocrity of some of the songwriting.

But Elvis’ voice did sound good, and he returned to live performing in 1969, breaking in with
weeks of shows in Las Vegas. This was followed by national tours that proved him to still be
an excellent live entertainer, even if the exercises often reeked of show-biz extravaganza.
(Elvis never did play outside of North America and Hawaii, possibly because Colonel Parker,
as it was later revealed, was an illegal alien who could have faced serious problems if he
traveled abroad.) Hollywood was history, but studio and live albums were generated at a
rapid pace, usually selling reasonably well, although Presley never had a Top Ten hit after
1972’s “Burning Love.”

Presley’s 1970’s recordings, like most of his ‘60s work, are the focus of divergent critical
opinion. Some declare them to be, when Elvis was on, the equal of anything he did,
especially in terms of artistic diversity. It’s true that the material was pretty eclectic, running
from Country to Blues to all-out Rock to Gospel (Presley periodically recorded Gospel-only
releases, going all the way back to 1957). At the same time, his vocal mannerisms were
often stilted, and the material - though not nearly as awful as that ‘60s soundtrack filler -
sometimes substandard. Those who are not serious Elvis fans will usually find this late-
period material to hold only a fraction of the interest of his ‘50s classics.

Elvis’ final years have been the subject of a cottage industry of celebrity bios, tell-alls, and
gossip screeds from those who knew him well, or (more likely) purported to know him well.
Those activities are really beyond the scope of a mini-bio such as this, but it’s enough to
note that his behavior was becoming increasingly instable. His weight fluctuated wildly; his
marriage broke up; he became dependent upon a variety of prescription drugs. Worst of all,
he became isolated from the outside world except for professional purposes (he continued
to tour until the end), rarely venturing outside of his Graceland mansion in Memphis. Colonel
Parker’s financial decisions on behalf of his client have also come in for much criticism.
On August 16, 1977, Presley was found dead in Graceland. The cause of death remains a
subject of widespread speculation, although it seems likely that drugs played a part.

An immediate cult (if cult is the way to describe millions of people) sprang up around his
legacy, kept alive by the hundreds of thousands of visitors who make the pilgrimage to
Graceland annually. Elvis’ memorabilia, much of it kitsch, is another industry in his own right.
Dozens if not hundreds make a comfortable living by impersonating the King in live
performance. And then there are all those Elvis’ sightings, reported in tabloids on a
seemingly weekly basis.

Although Presley had recorded a mammoth quantity of both released and unreleased
material for RCA, the label didn’t show much interest in repackaging it with the respect due
such a pioneer. Haphazard collections of outtakes and live performances were far rarer than
budget reissues and countless re-packagings of the big hits. In the CD age, RCA/BMG (now
Sony) finally began to treat the catalog with some of the reverence it deserved, at long last
assembling a box set containing nearly all of the 1950’s recordings. Similar, although less
exciting, box sets were documenting the 1960’s, the 1970’s, and his soundtrack recordings.
And exploitative reissues of Elvis’ material continue to appear constantly, often baited with
one or two rare outtakes or alternates to entice the completists (of which there are many).

In death, as in life, Presley continues to be one of RCA’s most consistent earners.

Fortunately, with a little discretion, a good Elvis library can be built with little duplication,
sticking largely to the most highly recommended selections…

Richie Unterberger
Writer, author of USA - The Rough Guide To Music.

1. My Happiness (Demo Acetate) (2:33)

(Peterson - Bergantine)
WPA5 2531-NA
Recorded on July 18(?), 1953 at SUN Studio (Memphis Recording Service), Memphis,
First released on “The Great Performances” RCA 2227-1-R (1990).

2. That’s All Right (1:58)

(Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup)
F2WB 8040-04
Recorded on July 5, 1954 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 209 (single A-side), backed with “Blue Moon Of Kentucky” (1954).

3. Blue Moon Of Kentucky (2:06)

(Bill Monroe)
F2WB 8041-NA
Recorded on July 7, 1954 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 209 (single B-side), backed with “That’s All Right” (1954).

4. Blue Moon (2:43)

(Rodgers - Hart)
F2WB 8117-06
Recorded during August 15-19, 1954 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

5. Good Rockin’ Tonight (2:14)

(Roy Brown)
F2WB 8043-02
Recorded during September 12-16, 1954 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 210 (single A-side), backed with “I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine”

6. I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine (2:32)

(Mack David)
F2WB 8042-03
Recorded during September 12-16, 1954 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 210 (single B-side), backed with “Good Rockin’ Tonight” (1954).

7. Milkcow Blues Boogie (2:38)

(Kokomo Arnold)
F2WB 8044-NA
Recorded on November 15(?), 1954 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 215 (single B-side), backed with “You’re A Heartbreaker” (1955).

8. Fool, Fool, Fool (Demo Acetate) (1:56)

(Ahmet Ertegun)
WPA5 2533-NA
Recorded on January 6, 1955 at KDAV Radio, Lubbock, Texas
First released on “The King Of Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Complete 50’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66050-2 (1992).

9. Baby, Let’s Play House (2:18)

(Arthur Gunter)
F2WB 8046-02
Recorded on February 3(?), 1955 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 217 (single A-side), backed with “I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone”

10. I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone (2:38)

(Kesler - Taylor)
F2WB 8047-06
Recorded on March 5, 1955 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee
First released on SUN 217 (single B-side), backed with “Baby, Let’s Play House” (1955).

11. Tweedle Dee (Live) (2:58)

(Winfield Scott)
WPA5 2535-01
Recorded live on April 30, 1955 for the “Louisiana Hayride” (Remote Broadcast) at High
School Gym, Gladewater, Texas.
First released on “The First Live Recordings” The Music Works PB 3601 (1982).

12. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (2:30)

(Kesler - Feathers)
F2WB 8000-NA
Recorded on July 11(?), 1955 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 223 (single A-side), backed with “Mystery Train” (1955).

13. Mystery Train (2:29)

(Parker - Burns)
F2WB 8001-01
Recorded on July 11(?), 1955 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on SUN 223 (single B-side), backed with “I Forgot To Remember To Forget”

14. Tryin’ To Get To You (2:33)

(Singleton - McCoy)
F2WB 8039-NA
Recorded on July 11(?), 1955 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

15. Maybellene (Live) (2:45)

(Chuck Berry)
WPA5 2536-01
Recorded live on August 20, 1955 at “The Louisiana Hayride” Municipal Auditorium,
Shreveport, Louisiana.
First released on “The First Live Recordings” The Music Works PB 3601 (1982).

16. I Got A Woman (2:26)

(Charles - Richard)
G2WB 0208-08
Recorded on January 10, 1956 at RCA Studios, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

17. Heartbreak Hotel (2:09)

(Axton - Durden - Presley)
G2WB 0209-07
Recorded on January 10, 1956 at RCA Studios, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-6420 (single A-side), backed with “I Was The One” (1956).

18. Money Honey (2:36)

(Jesse Stone)
G2WB 0210-SP (Master is spliced from takes 5 and 6)
Recorded on January 10, 1956 at RCA Studios, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

19. I Was The One (2:34)

(Schroeder - Blair - Demetrius - Peppers)
G2WB 0218-07
Recorded on January 11, 1956 at RCA Studios, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-6420 (single B-side), backed with “Heartbreak Hotel” (1956).

20. Medley: Shake, Rattle And Roll / Flip, Flop And Fly (Live) (2:45)
(Charles Calhoun / Calhoun - Turner) – From the CBS-TV show “Stage Show” (1956).
OPA1 4199-01
Recorded live on January 28, 1956, CBS Studios, New York, New York.
First released on “A Golden Celebration (The Golden Box)” RCA CPM6 5172 (1984).

21. Blue Suede Shoes (2:01)

(Carl Perkins)
G2WB 1230-10
Recorded on January 30, 1956 at RCA Studio 1, New York, New York.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

22. My Baby Left Me (2:14)

(Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup)
G2WB 1231-09
Recorded on January 30, 1956 at RCA Studio 1, New York, New York.
First released on RCA 47-6540 (single B-side), backed with “I Want You, I Need You, I Love
You” (1956).

23. One-Sided Love Affair (2:12)

(Bill Campbell)
G2WB 1232-08
Recorded on January 30, 1956 at RCA Studios 1 New York, New York.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

24. So Glad You’re Mine (2:22)

(Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup)
G2WB 1233-10
Recorded on January 30, 1956 at RCA Studio 1, New York, New York.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

25. I’m Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) (2:05)
(Thomas - Biggs)
G2WB 1254-18
Recorded on January 31, 1956 at RCA Studio 1, New York, New York.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

26. Tutti Frutti (2:00)

(LaBostrie - Penniman)
G2WB 1255-10
Recorded on January 31, 1956 at RCA Studio 1, New York, New York.
First released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

27. Lawdy, Miss Clawdy (2:24)

(Lloyd Price)
G2WB 1293-10
Recorded on February 3, 1956 at RCA Studio 1, New York, New York.
First released on RCA 47-6642 (single B-side), backed with “Shake, Rattle and Roll” (1956).

28. Shake, Rattle And Roll (Alternate Take 8) (2:40)

(Charles Calhoun)
G2WB 1294-08 (Master is take 12)
Recorded on February 3, 1956 at RCA Studio 1, New York, New York.
First released on “The King Of Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Complete 50’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66050-2 (1992).
Master take first released on “Elvis Presley” RCA LPM 1254 (1956).

29. I Want You, I Need You, I Love You (2:41)

(Mysels - Kosloff)
G2WB 0271-SP (Master is spliced from takes 14 and 17)
Recorded on April 14, 1956 at RCA Studios, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-6540 (single A-side), backed with “My Baby Left Me” (1956).

30. (You Ain’t Nothing But A) Hound Dog (2:18)

(Leiber - Stoller)
G2WB 5935-31
Recorded on July 2, 1956 at RCA Studios, New York, New York.
First released on RCA 47-6604 (single A-side), backed with “Don’t Be Cruel” (1956).

31. Don’t Be Cruel (To A Heart That’s True) (2:05)

(Blackwell - Presley)
G2WB 5936-28
Recorded on July 2, 1956 at RCA Studios, New York, New York.
First released on RCA 47-6604 (single B-side), backed with “Hound Dog” (1956).

32. Any Way You Want Me (That’s How I Will Be) (2:15)
(Schroeder - Owens)
G2WB 5937-12
Recorded on July 2, 1956 at RCA Studios, New York, New York.
First released on RCA 47-6643 (single B-side), backed with “Love Me Tender” (1956).

33. The Truth About Me (Monolog) (2:16)

(Public Domain)
Recorded on August 22, 1956 at 20th Century Fox Lot, Hollywood, California.
First Released with "Elvis Answers Back!" magazine (1956).

34. Love Me Tender (Stereo Master) (2:45)

(Poulton - Matson - Presley) – From the 20th Century-Fox picture “Love Me Tender” (1956)
G2WB 4767-02
Recorded on August 24, 1956 at 20th Century Fox Stage 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-6643 (single A-side), backed with “Any Way You Want Me” (1956).

35. Playing For Keeps (2:54)

(Stanley A. Kesler)
G2WB 4920-SP (Master is spliced from take 7 and ending of take 18)
Recorded on September 1, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-6800 (single A-side), backed with “Too Much” (1956).

36. Love Me (2:45)

(Leiber - Stoller)
G2WB 4921-09
Recorded on September 1, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

37. How’s The World Treating You? (2:26)

(Atkins - Bryant)
G2WB 4924-07
Recorded on September 1, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

38. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again (2:22)

(Walker - Sullivan)
G2WB 4925-10
Recorded on September 2, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis”RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

39. Long Tall Sally (1:55)

(Blackwell - Johnson - Penniman)
G2WB 4926-04
Recorded on September 2, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

40. Paralyzed (2:25)

(Blackwell - Presley)
G2WB 4922-SP (Master is spliced from take 12 and insert take 5)
Recorded on September 2, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

41. Too Much (2:35)

(Rosenberg - Weinman)
G2WB 4928-SP (Master is spliced from take 12 and insert take 2)
Recorded on September 2, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-6800 (single B-side), backed with “Playing For Keeps” (1956).

42. Anyplace Is Paradise (2:27)

(Joe Thomas)
G2WB 4929-22
Recorded on September 2, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

43. Ready Teddy (1:57)

(Blackwell - Marascalco)
G2WB 4930-12
Recorded on September 3, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

44. First In Line (3:25)

(Schroeder - Weisman)
G2WB 4931-27
Recorded on September 3, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

45. Rip It Up (1:54)

(Blackwell - Marascalco)
G2WB 4932-19
Recorded on September 3, 1956 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis” RCA LPM 1382 (1956).

46. When The Saints Go Marchin’ In (Informal Performance) (2:17)

(Purvis - Black)
VPA4 5326-01
Recorded on December 4, 1956 at SUN Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “The Million Dollar Quartet” RCA 2023-1-R (1990).

47. Tell Me Why (2:09)

(Traditional - Titus Turner)
H2WB 0254-05
Recorded on January 12, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8740 (single A-side), backed with “Bue River” (1965).

48. Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do! (2:33)

(Schroeder - Weisman) – From the Paramount picture “Loving You” (1957)
H2WB 0255-09
Recorded on January 12, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Loving You” RCA LPM 1515 (1957).

49. (I’m) All Shook Up (2:02)

(Blackwell - Presley)
H2WB 0256-10
Recorded on January 12, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-6870 (single A-side), backed with “That’s When Your Heartaches
Begin” (1957).

50. Mean Woman Blues (2:32)

(Claude Demetrius) – From the Paramount picture “Loving You” (1957)
H2WB 0257-14
Recorded on January 13, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Loving You” RCA LPM 1515 (1957).

51. (There’ll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me) (3:24)

(Thomas A. Dorsey)
H2WB 0258-09
Recorded on January 13, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Peace In The Valley” RCA EPA 4054 (1957).

52. I Beg Of You (Alternate Master, Take 12) (1:53)

(McCoy - Owens)
H2WB 0259-12 (Master is take 34, re-recorded on February 23)
Recorded on January 13, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Essential Elvis, Vol.2: Stereo ‘57” RCA 9589-2-R (1988).
Master take first released on RCA 47-7150 (single B-side), backed with “Don’t” (1958).

53. That’s When Your Heartaches Begin (3:51)

(Raskin - Brown - Fisher)
H2WB 0260-SP (Master is spliced from takes 7 and 14)
Recorded on January 13, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-6870 (single B-side), backed with “All Shook Up” (1957).

54. Take My Hand, Precious Lord (3:19)

(Dorsey - Allen)
H2WB 0261-14
Recorded on January 13, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Peace In The Valley” RCA EPA 4054 (1957).

55. (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear (1:49)

(Mann - Lowe) – From the Paramount picture “Loving You” (1957)
H2WB 2193-13
Recorded on January 16, 1957 at Paramount Sound Stage, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7000 (single A-side), backed with “Loving You” (1957).

56. Is It So Strange? (2:29)

(Faron Young)
H2WB 0285-12
Recorded on January 19, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Just For You” RCA PA 4041 (1957).

57. (Let’s Have A) Party (1:32)

(Jessie Mae Robinson) – From the Paramount picture “Loving You” (1957)
H2WB 2195-11
Recorded on January 21, 1957 at Paramount Sound Stage, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Loving You” RCA PM 1515 (1957).

58. Loving You (Farm Version, Take 10) (1:50)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the Paramount picture “Loving You” (1957)
WPA5 2538-10 (Master is H2WB 0418-04, re-recorded on February 24)
Recorded on February 14, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Essential Elvis: The First Movies” RCA PL 89979 (1986).
Master take first released on RCA 47-7000 (single B-side), backed with “Teddy Bear” (1957).

59. One Night (With You) (2:33)

(Bartholomew - King - Steiman)
H2WB 0415-10
Recorded on February 23, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7410 (single A-side), backed with “I Got Stung” (1958).

60. I Need You So (2:40)

(Ivory Joe Hunter)
H2WB 0417-08
Recorded on February 23, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Just For You” RCA EPA 4041 (1957).

61. When It Rains, It Really Pours (1:51)

(Billy “The Kid” Emerson)
H2WB 0419-08
Recorded on February 24, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis For Everyone” RCA LSP 3450 (1965).

62. Jailhouse Rock (2:29)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the MGM picture “Jailhouse Rock” (1957)
H2WB 6779-SP (Master is spliced from take 6 and insert take 2)
Recorded on April 30, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7035 (single A-side), backed with “Treat Me Nice” (1957).

63. Young And Beautiful (2:05)

(Schroeder - Silver) – From the MGM picture “Jailhouse Rock” (1957)
H2WB 6777-22
Recorded on April 30, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Jailhouse Rock” RCA EPA 4114 (1957).

64. Treat Me Nice (Movie Version) (2:06)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the MGM picture “Jailhouse Rock” (1957)
H2WB 6778-SP (Master is spliced from takes 10 and 13)
(Single version H2PB 5523-15 was re-recorded on September 5)
Recorded on May 3, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Essential Elvis: The First Movies” RCA PL 89979 (1986).
Single version first released on RCA 47-7035 (single B-side), backed with “Jailhouse Rock”

65. I Want To Be Free (2:15)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the MGM picture “Jailhouse Rock” (1957)
H2WB 6781-SP (Master is spliced from take 11 and ending of take 5)
Recorded on May 3, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Jailhouse Rock” RCA EPA 4114 (1957).

66. (You’re So Square) Baby, I Don’t Care (1:54)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the MGM picture “Jailhouse Rock” (1957)
H2WB 6782-06
Recorded on May 8, 1957 at MGM Sound Stage, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Jailhouse Rock” RCA EPA 4114 (1957).

67. Blue Christmas (2:09)

(Hayes - Johnson)
H2PB 5525-03
Recorded on September 5, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis’ Christmas Album” RCA LOC 1035 (1957).

68. My Wish Came True (2:36)

(Ivory Joe Hunter)
H2PB 5524-28
Recorded on September 6, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7600 (single B-side), backed with “A Big Hunk O’ Love” (1959).

69. White Christmas (2:30)

(Irving Berlin)
H2PB 5526-09
Recorded on September 6, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis’ Christmas Album” RCA LOC 1035 (1957).

70. Don’t (2:50)

(Leiber - Stoller)
H2PB 5529-07
Recorded on September 6, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7150 (single A-side), backed with “I Beg Of You” (1958).

71. Santa, Bring My Baby Back (To Me) (1:54)

(Schroeder - Demetrius)
H2PB 5531-09
Recorded on September 7, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis’ Christmas Album” RCA LOC 1035 (1957).

72. Santa Claus Is Back In Town (Christmas Blues) (2:25)

(Leiber - Stoller)
H2PB 5532-07
Recorded on September 7, 1957 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis’ Christmas Album” RCA LOC 1035 (1957).

73. Hard-Headed Woman (1:55)

(Claude Demetrius) – From the Paramount picture “King Creole” (1958)
J2PB 3603-10
Recorded on January 15, 1958 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7280 (single A-side), backed with “Don’t Ask Me Why” (1958).

74. Trouble (2:18)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the Paramount picture “King Creole” (1958)
J2PB 3604-05
Recorded on January 15, 1958 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “King Creole, Vol.2” RCA EPA 4321 (1958).

75. New Orleans (2:00)

(Tepper - Bennett) – From the Paramount picture “King Creole” (1958)
J2PB 3605-05
Recorded on January 15, 1958 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “King Creole, Vol.1” RCA EPA 4319 (1958).

76. Crawfish (With Kitty White) (2:21)

(Wise - Weisman) – From the Paramount picture “King Creole” (1958)
J2PB 3607-07
Recorded on January 15, 1958 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “King Creole, Vol. 2” RCA EPA 4321 (1958).

77. King Creole (2:10)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the Paramount picture “King Creole” (1958)
J2PB 3612-13
Recorded on January 23, 1958 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “King Creole, Vol.1” RCA EPA 4319 (1958).

78. Doncha’ Think It’s Time? (Single Version) (1:58)

(Otis - Dixon)
J2WB 0179-SP (Master is spliced from takes 40, 47 and 48)
Recorded on February 1, 1958 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7240 (single B-side), backed with “Wear My Ring Around Your
Neck” (1958).

79. Wear My Ring Around Your Neck (2:15)

(Carroll - Moody)
J2WB 0181-22
Recorded on February 1, 1958 at Radio Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
Elvis overdubbed the piano and guitar back beat on February 26.
First released on RCA 47-7240 (single A-side), backed with “Doncha’ Think It’s Time?”

80. I Need Your Love Tonight (2:06)

(Wayne - Reichner)
J2WB 3253-18
Recorded on June 10, 1958 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7506 (single A-side), backed with “A Fool Such As I” (1959).

81. A Big Hunk O’ Love (2:16)

(Schroeder - Wyche)
J2WB 3254-SP (Master is spliced from takes 3 and 4)
Recorded on June 10, 1958 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7600 (single A-side), backed with “My Wish Came True” (1959).

82. Ain’t That Loving You, Baby? (2:25)

(Otis - Hunter)
J2WB 3255-04
Recorded on June 10, 1958 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on 47-8440 (single A-side), backed with “Ask Me” (1964).

83. Ain’t That Loving You, Baby? (Fast Version) (2:35)

(Otis - Hunter)
PPA5 2672-SP (Master is spliced from takes 8-11 and ending of take 1)
(Single version is J2WB 3255-04)
Recorded on June 10, 1958 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Reconsider, Baby” RCA AFL 1 5418 (1985).
Single version first released on 47-8440 (single A-side), backed with “Ask Me” (1964).

84. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (2:57)

(Bill Trader)
J2WB 3256-09
Recorded on June 10, 1958 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7506 (single B-side), backed with “I Need Your Love Tonight”

85. I Got Stung (1:51)

(Schroeder - Hill)
J2WB 3257-24
Recorded on June 11, 1958 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7410 (single B-side), backed with “One Night” (1958).

86. Elvis Sails - Press Conference (Excerpt) (2:53)

(Public Domain)
Recorded on September 22, 1958 at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, Brooklyn, New York.
First released on “Worldwide 50 Gold Award Hits, Vol.1” LPM 6401 (1970).
Press Conference first released on “Elvis Sails” RCA EPA 4325 (1958).

87. Mona Lisa (Home Recording) (2:29)

(Livingston - Evans)
NPA5 5822-01
Recorded during December 21-31, 1958 at Room 10, Hotel Grunewald, Bad Nauheim,
First released on “Elvis: A Legendary Performer, Vol.4” RCA CPL1 4848 (1983).

88. Make Me Know It (2:01)

(Otis Blackwell)
L2WB 0081-19
Recorded on March 20, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

89. Stuck On You (2:20)

(Schroeder - McFarland)
L2WB 0083-03
Recorded on March 21, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7740 (single A-side), backed with “Fame And Fortune” (1960).

90. Fame And Fortune (2:32)

(Wise - Weisman)
L2WB 0084-SP (Master is spliced from takes 14 and 15)
Recorded on March 21, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7740 (single B-side), backed with “Stuck On You” (1960).

91. A Mess Of Blues (2:42)

(Pomus - Shuman)
L2WB 0085-05
Recorded on March 21, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7777 (single B-side), backed with “It’s Now Or Never” (1960).

92. It Feels So Right (2:15)

(Wise - Weisman) – From the Allied Artists picture “Tickle Me” (1965)
L2WB 0086-05
Recorded on March 21, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

93. Medley: Love Me Tender / Witchcraft (Live, with Frank Sinatra) (1:46)
(Poulton - Matson - Presley / Leigh - Coleman) – From the ABC-TV Timex Special “Welcome
Home, Elvis” (1960).
WPA5 2562-01
Recorded live on March 26, 1960 at the Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami, Florida.
First released on “From Nashville To Memphis: The Essential 60’s Masters I” box-set RCA
07863 66160-2 (1993).

94. Fever (3:34)

(Cooley - Davenport)
L2WB 0098-04
Recorded on April 3, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

95. Like A Baby (2:52)

(Jesse Stone)
L2WB 0099-06
Recorded on April 3, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

96. It’s Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) (3:16)

(Capurro - di Capua - Mazzucchi - Schroeder - Gold)
L2WB 0100-SP (Master is spliced from takes 2 and 4)
Recorded on April 3, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7777 (single A-side), backed with “A Mess Of Blues” (1960).

97. The Girl Of My Best Friend (2:23)

(Ross - Bobrick)
L2WB 0101-10
Recorded on April 4, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

98. Thrill Of Your Love (3:03)

(Stanley A. Kesler)
L2WB 0103-03
Recorded on April 4, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

99. I Gotta Know (2:17)

(Evans - Williams)
L2WB 0104-02
Recorded on April 4, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7810 (single B-side), backed with “Are You Lonesome Tonight?”

100. Such A Night (3:00)

(Lincoln Chase)
L2WB 0105-05
Recorded on April 4, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

101. Are You Lonesome Tonight? (3:08)

(Turk - Handman)
L2WB 0106-SP (Master is spliced from take 5 and work-part take 2)
Recorded on April 4, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7810 (single A-side), backed with “I Gotta Know” (1960).

102. Reconsider Baby (3:44)

(Lowell Fulson)
L2WB 0109-02
Recorded on April 4, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Is Back!” RCA LSP 2231 (1960).

103. Doin’ The Best I Can (3:12)

(Pomus - Shuman) – From the Paramount picture “G.I. Blues” (1960)
L2PB 3688-13
Recorded on April 27, 1960 at RCA Studios, Hollywood, California.
First released on “G.I. Blues” RCA LSP 2256 (1960).

104. G.I. Blues (2:39)

(Tepper - Bennett) – From the Paramount picture “G.I. Blues” (1960)
L2PB 3682-SP (Master is spliced from takes 7 and insert take 10)
Recorded on April 27, 1960 at RCA Studios, Hollywood, California.
First released on “G.I. Blues” RCA LSP 2256 (1960).

105. Wooden Heart (Muß I Denn) (2:04)

(Kaemfert - Twomey - Wise - Weisman) – From the Paramount picture “G.I. Blues” (1960)
L2PB 3681-04
Recorded on April 28, 1960 at RCA Studios, Hollywood, California.
First released on “G.I. Blues” RCA LSP 2256 (1960).

106. Pocketful Of Rainbows (2:42)

(Wise - Weisman) – From the Paramount picture “G.I. Blues” (1960)
L2PB 3683-02
Recorded on May 6, 1960 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “G.I. Blues” RCA LSP 2256 (1960).

107. Frankfurt Special (2:58)

(Wayne - Edwards) – From the Paramount picture “G.I. Blues” (1960)
L2PB 3680-10
Recorded on May 6, 1960 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “G.I. Blues” RCA LSP 2256 (1960).

108. Summer Kisses, Winter Tears (2:20)

(Wise - Weisman - Lloyd) – Unused song from the 20th Century-Fox picture “Flaming Star”
M2PB 1986-20
Recorded on August 9, 1960 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis By Request: Flaming Star” RCA LPC-128 (1961).

109. Flaming Star (2:31)

(Wayne - Edwards) – From the 20th Century-Fox picture “Flaming Star” (1960)
M2PB 1987-06
Recorded on October 7, 1960 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis By Request: Flaming Star” RCA LPC-128 (1961).

110. Milky White Way (Alternate Take 3) (2:32)

(Coleman - Gray)
L2WW 0373-03 (Master is take 7)
Recorded on October 30, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).
Master take first released on “His Hand In Mine” RCA LSP 2328 (1960).

111. I Believe In The Man In The Sky (Alternate Take 1) (2:10)

(Richard Howard)
L2WW 0375-01 (Master is take 4)
Recorded on October 30, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Essential Elvis Vol.6: Such A Night” RCA 07863 67840-2 (2000).
Master take first released on “His Hand In Mine” RCA LSP 2328 (1960).

112. Surrender (Torna A Surriento) (1:54)

(De Curtis - De Curtis - Pomus - Shuman - Weiss)
L2WW 0377-SP (Master is spliced from take 4 and work-part take 8)
Recorded on October 30, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7850 (single A-side), backed with “Lonely Man” (1961).

113. Joshua Fit The Battle (Of Jericho) (2:41)

(Traditional - Arr. by Elvis Presley)
L2WW 0380-04
Recorded on October 31, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “His Hand In Mine” RCA LSP 2328 (1960).

114. Swing Down, Sweet Chariot (2:33)

(Traditional - Burleigh)
L2WW 0381-04
Recorded on October 31, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “His Hand In Mine” RCA LSP 2328 (1960).

115. If We Never Meet Again (1:59)

(Albert E. Brumley)
L2WW 0383-01
Recorded on October 31, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “His Hand In Mine” RCA LSP 2328 (1960).

116. Crying In The Chapel (2:26)

(Artie Glenn)
L2WW 0385-03
Recorded on October 31, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-0643 (single A-side), backed with “I Believe In The Man In The
Sky” (1965).

117. Working On The Building (1:53)

(Hoyle - Bowles)
L2WW 5001-05
Recorded on October 31, 1960 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “His Hand In Mine” RCA LSP 2328 (1960).
118. Lonely Man (Solo Version) (2:03)
(Benjamin - Marcus) – Unused song from the 20th Century-Fox picture “Wild In The Country”
WPA5 2504-04 (Master is L2PB 5381-13)
Recorded on November 7, 1960 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Today, Tomorrow & Forever” box-set RCA 07863 65115-2 (2002).
Master take first released on RCA 47-7850 (single B-side), backed with “Surrender” (1961).

119. In My Way (1:24)

(Wise - Weisman) – From the 20th Century-Fox picture “Wild In The Country” (1961)
L2PB 5384-08
Recorded on November 7, 1960 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis For Everyone” RCA LSP 3450 (1965).

120. Wild In The Country (1:54)

(Peretti - Creatore - Weiss) – From the 20th Century-Fox picture “Wild In The Country” (1961)
L2PB 5383-19
Recorded on November 7, 1960 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-7880 (single B-side), backed with “I Feel So Bad” (1961).

121. Make Believe (Home Recording, with Nancy Sharp) (1:36)

(Hammerstein II - Kern)
CPA5 5196-01
Recorded during November, 1961 at Perugia Way, Bel Air, Los Angeles, California.
First released on “The Home Recordings” RCA 07863 67676-2 (1999).

122. I’m Comin’ Home (2:23)

(Charlie Rich)
M2WW 0567-07
Recorded on March 12, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Something For Everybody” RCA LSP 2370 (1961).

123. Gently (2:18)

(Wizell - Lisbona)
M2WW 0568-05
Recorded on March 12, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Something For Everybody” RCA LSP 2370 (1961).

124. I Feel So Bad (2:55)

(Chuck Willis)
M2WW 0571-02
Recorded on March 12, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7880 (single A-side), backed with “Wild In The Country” (1961).

125. I Want You With Me (2:15)

(Woody Harris)
M2WW 0573-02
Recorded on March 12, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Something For Everybody” RCA LSP 2370 (1961).

126. There’s Always Me (2:18)

(Don Robertson)
M2WW 0574-10
Recorded on March 12, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Something For Everybody” RCA LSP 2370 (1961).

127. Sentimental Me (2:34)

(Cassin - Morehead)
M2WW 0576-02
Recorded on March 13, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Something For Everybody” RCA LSP 2370 (1961).

128. Put The Blame On Me (1:59)

Blagman - Twomey - Wise) – From the Allied Artists picture “Tickle Me” (1965)
M2WW 0578-05
Recorded on March 13, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Something For Everybody” RCA LSP 2370 (1961).

129. No More (La Paloma) (2:32)

(Yradier - Robertson - Blair) – From the Paramount picture “Blue Hawaii” (1961)
M2PB 2987-SP (Master is spliced from take 13 and insert take 16)
Recorded on March 21, 1961 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Blue Hawaii” RCA LSP 2426 (1961).

130. Can’t Help Falling In Love (Plaisir D’ Amour) (3:03)

(Martini - Peretti - Creatore - Weiss) – From the Paramount picture “Blue Hawaii” (1961)
M2PB 2988-29
Recorded on March 23, 1961 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Blue Hawaii” RCA LSP 2426 (1961).

131. Rock-A-Hula Baby (2:01)

(Wise - Weisman - Fuller) – From the Paramount picture “Blue Hawaii” (1961)
M2PB 2989-05
Recorded on March 23, 1961 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Blue Hawaii” RCA LSP 2426 (1961).

132. (I’m) All Shook Up (Live) (2:00)

(Blackwell - Presley)
KPA5 9544-01
Recorded live on March 25, 1961 at the Bloch Arena, Honolulu, Hawaii.
First released on “Elvis Aron Presley (The Silver Box)” box-set RCA CPL8 3699 (1980).

133. Kiss Me Quick (2:48)

(Pomus - Shuman)
M2WW 0857-12
Recorded on June 25, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Pot Luck” RCA LSP 2523 (1962).
134. That’s Someone You Never Forget (2:50)
(West - Presley)
M2WW 0858-08
Recorded on June 25, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Pot Luck” RCA LSP 2523 (1962).

135. (Marie’s The Name) His Latest Flame (2:09)

(Pomus - Shuman)
M2WW 0860-08
Recorded on June 26, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7908 (single A-side), backed with “Little Sister” (1961).

136. Little Sister (2:33)

(Pomus - Shuman)
M2WW 0861-04
Recorded on June 26, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7908 (single B-side), backed with “His Latest Flame” (1961).

137. Angel (2:40)

(Tepper - Bennett) – From the United Artists picture “Follow That Dream” (1962)
M2WW 0873-07
Recorded on July 2, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Follow That Dream” RCA EPA 4368 (1962).

138. Follow That Dream (Alternate Take 2) (1:49)

(Wise - Weisman) – From the United Artists picture “Follow That Dream” (1962)
M2WW 0874-02 (Master is take 6, stereo master is lost)
Recorded on July 2, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Aron Presley (The Silver Box)” box-set RCA CPL8 3699 (1980).
Master take first released on “Follow That Dream” RCA EPA 4368 (1962).

139. What A Wonderful Life (Composite) (2:27)

(Wayne - Livingston) – From the United Artists picture “Follow That Dream” (1962)
M2WW 0875-SP (Spliced from multiple surviving takes. Master is take 7, stereo master is
Recorded on July 2, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on this compilation!
Master take first released on “Follow That Dream” RCA EPA 4368 (1962).

140. Good Luck Charm (2:26)

(Schroeder - Gold)
M2WW 1003-04
Recorded on October 15, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7992 (single A-side), backed with “Anything That’s Part Of You”

141. Anything That’s Part Of You (2:06)

(Don Robertson)
M2WW 1004-10
Recorded on October 15, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-7992 (single B-side), backed with “Good Luck Charm” (1962).

142. Night Rider (2:11)

(Pomus - Shuman) – From the Allied Artists picture “Tickle Me” (1965)
M2WW 1006-03
Recorded on October 16, 1961 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Pot Luck” RCA LSP 2523 (1962).

143. Home Is Where The Heart Is (Unedited Master) (2:34)

(Edwards - David) – From the United Artists picture “Kid Galahad” (1962)
N2PB 3134-21
Recorded on October 26, 1961 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Kid Galahad” RCA PA 4371 (1962).

144. I Got Lucky (Unedited Master) (2:12)

(Wise - Weisman - Fuller) – From the United Artists picture “Kid Galahad” (1962)
N2PB 3135-02
Recorded on October 27, 1961 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Kid Galahad” RCA EPA 4371 (1962).

145. King Of The Whole Wide World (Unedited Master) (2:42)

(Batchelor - Roberts) – From the United Artists picture “Kid Galahad” (1962)
N2PB 3131-04
Recorded on October 27, 1961 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Kid Galahad” RCA EPA 4371 (1962).

146. Something Blue (3:08)

(Evans - Byron)
N2WW 0685-07
Recorded on March 18, 1962 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Pot Luck” RCA LSP 2523 (1962).

147. (I’m) Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (2:30)

(Pomus - Shuman)
N2WW 0686-07
Recorded on March 18, 1962 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Pot Luck” RCA LSP 2523 (1962).

148. (Such An) Easy Question (2:21)

(Blackwell - Scott) – From the Allied Artists picture “Tickle Me” (1965)
N2WW 0687-05
Recorded on March 18, 1962 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Pot Luck” RCA LSP 2523 (1962).

149. You’ll Be Gone (2:25)

(West - Presley - Hodge)
N2WW 0691-03
Recorded on March 19, 1962 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8500 (single B-side), backed with “Do The Clam” (1965).

150. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (1:57)

(Leiber - Stoller)
N2WW 0693-06
Recorded on March 19, 1962 at RCA Studio B ,Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8041 (single B-side), backed with “She’s Not You” (1962).

151. Suspicion (2:36)

(Pomus - Shuman)
N2WW 0694-SP (Master is spliced from takes 5 and work-part take 3)
Recorded on March 20, 1962 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Pot Luck” RCA LSP 2523 (1962).

152. She’s Not You (2:11)

(Leiber - Stoller - Pomus)
N2WW 0695-SP (Master is spliced from takes 3 and work-part take 5)
Recorded on March 20, 1962 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8041 (single A-side), backed with “Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello”

153. Thanks To The Rolling Sea (1:31)

(Batchelor - Roberts) – From the Paramount picture “Girls! Girls! Girls!” (1962)
N2PB 3281-05
Recorded on March 26, 1962 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Girls! Girls! Girls!” RCA LSP 2621 (1962).

154. Girls! Girls! Girls! (2:33)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the Paramount picture “Girls! Girls! Girls!” (1962)
N2PB 3272-03
Recorded on March 27, 1962 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Girls! Girls! Girls!” RCA LSP 2621 (1962).

155. Return To Sender (2:08)

(Blackwell - Scott) – From the Paramount picture “Girls! Girls! Girls!” (1962)
N2PB 3279-02
Recorded on March 27, 1962 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8100 (single A-side), backed with “Where Do You Come From?”

156. They Remind Me Too Much Of You (2:34)

(Don Robertson) – From the MGM picture “It Happened At The World’s Fair” (1963)
PPA3 2725-09
Recorded on September 22, 1962 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8134 (single B-side), backed with “One Broken Heart For Sale”

157. How Would You Like To Be? (3:29)

(Raleigh - Barkan) – From the MGM picture “It Happened At The World’s Fair” (1963)
PPA3 2722-06
Recorded on September 22, 1962 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “It Happened At The World’s Fair” RCA LSP 2697 (1963).

158. One Broken Heart For Sale (1:48)

(Blackwell - Scott) – From the MGM picture “It Happened At The World’s Fair” (1963)
PPA3 2724-05
Recorded on September 22, 1962 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8134 (single A-side), backed with “They Remind Me Too Much Of
You” (1963).

159. Bossa Nova Baby (2:15)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the Paramount picture “Fun In Acapulco” (1963)
PPA3 4431-11
Recorded on January 22, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8243 (single A-side), backed with “Witchcraft” (1963).

160. Marguerita (2:43)

(Don Robertson) – From the Paramount picture “Fun In Acapulco” (1963)
PPA3 4427-08
Recorded on January 22, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Fun In Acapulco” RCA LSP 2756 (1963).

161. Please, Don’t Drag That String Around (1:56)

(Blackwell - Scott)
PPA4 0291-06
Recorded on May 26, 1963 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8188 (single B-side), backed with “Devil In Disguise” (1963).

162. (You’re The) Devil In Disguise (2:21)

(Giant - Baum - Kaye)
PPA4 0292-06
Recorded on May 26, 1963 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8188 (single A-side), backed with “Please, Don’t Drag That String
Around” (1963).

163. Never Ending (2:00)

(Kaye - Springer)
PPA4 0293-03
Recorded on May 26, 1963 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8400 (single B-side), backed with “Such A Night” (1964).

164. Witchcraft (2:24)

(Bartholomew - King)
PPA4 0295-03
Recorded on May 27, 1963 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8243 (single B-side), backed with “Bossa Nova Baby” (1963).
165. (It’s A) Long, Lonely Highway (Album Version) (2:22)
(Pomus - Shuman) – From the Allied Artists picture “Tickle Me” (1965)
PPA4 0303-02 (Single version is take 1)
Recorded on May 27, 1963 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released as a bonus track on “Kissin’ Cousins” RCA LSP 2894 (1964).
Single version first reelased on RCA 47-8657 (single B-side), backed with “I’m Yours” (1965).

166. Slowly But Surely (2:15)

(Wayne - Weisman) – From the Allied Artists picture “Tickle Me” (1965)
PPA4 0306-05
Recorded on May 27, 1963 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released as a bonus track on “Fun In Acapulco” RCA LSP 2756 (1963).

167. Night Life (1:51)

(Giant - Baum - Kaye) – Unused song from the MGM picture “Viva Las Vegas” (1964)
WPA1 8023-14
Recorded on July 9, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star And Others” RCA PRS 279

168. C’mon Everybody (2:35)

(Joy Byers) – From the MGM picture “Viva Las Vegas” (1964)
RPA3 0389-05
Recorded on July 9, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Viva Las Vegas” RCA EPA 4382 (1964).

169. I Need Somebody To Lean On (3:04)

(Pomus - Shuman) – From the MGM picture “Viva Las Vegas” (1964)
RPA3 0386-20
Recorded on July 10, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Viva Las Vegas” RCA EPA 4382 (1964).

170. Viva Las Vegas (2:27)

(Pomus - Shuman) – From the MGM picture “Viva Las Vegas” (1964)
RPA3 0234-07
Recorded on July 10, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8360 (single B-side), backed with “What’d I Say?” (1964).

171. You’re The Boss (With Ann-Margret) (2:47)

(Leiber - Stoller) – Unused song from the MGM picture “Viva Las Vegas” (1964)
WPA5 2511-16
Recorded on July 11, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis Sings Leiber & Stoller” RCA 3026 2-R (1991).

172. Today, Tomorrow And Forever (3:27)

(Liszt - Giant - Baum - Kaye) – From the MGM picture “Viva Las Vegas” (1964)
RPA3 0388-06
Recorded on July 11, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Viva Las Vegas” RCA EPA 4382 (1964).
173. Kissin’ Cousins (2:15)
(Wise - Starr) – From the MGM picture “Kissin’ Cousins” (1964)
RPA3 0219-SP (Master is spliced from take 2 and work-part take 1)
Recorded on October 10 1963 at MGM Sound Stage, Hollywood, California
First released on RCA 47-8307 (single A-side), backed with “It Hurts Me” (1964).

174. Tender Feeling (2:34)

(Traditional - Giant - Baum - Kaye) – From the MGM picture “Kissin’ Cousins” (1964)
RPA3 0225-01
Recorded on October 10 1963 at MGM Sound Stage, Hollywood, California
First released on “Kissin’ Cousins” RCA LSP 2894 (1964).

175. Memphis, Tennessee (2:10)

(Chuck Berry)
RPA4 1004-06
Recorded on January 12, 1964 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis For Everyone” RCA LSP 3450 (1965).

176. Ask Me (Io) (2:08)

(Modugno - Giant - Baum - Kaye)
RPA4 1005-11
Recorded on January 12, 1964 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8440 (single B-side), backed with “Ain’t That Loving You, Baby?”

177. It Hurts Me (2:29)

(Byers - Daniels)
RPA4 1006-05
Recorded on January 12, 1964 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8307 (single B-side), backed with “Kissin’ Cousins” (1964).

178. Little Egypt (2:24)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the Paramount picture “Roustabout” (1964)
RPA3 5270-15
Recorded on March 2, 1964 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Roustabout” RCA LSP 2999 (1964).

179. Big Love, Big Heartache (2:02)

(Fuller - Morris - Hendrix) – From the Paramount picture “Roustabout” (1964)
RPA3 5265-17
Recorded on March 3, 1964 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Roustabout” RCA LSP 2999 (1964).

180. Wheels On My Heels (1:23)

(Tepper - Bennett) – From the Paramount picture “Roustabout” (1964)
RPA3 5275-07
Recorded on March 3, 1964 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Roustabout” RCA LSP 2999 (1964).
181. Puppet On A String (2:41)
(Traditional - Tepper - Bennett) – From the MGM picture “Girl Happy” (1965)
SPA3 2010-11
Recorded on June 10, 1964 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Girl Happy” RCA LSP 3338 (1965).

182. Wisdom Of The Ages (1:57)

(Giant - Baum - Kaye) – Unused song from the MGM picture “Harum Scarum” (1965)
SPA3 6760-05
Recorded on February 25, 1965 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Harum Scarum” RCA LSP 3468 (1965).

183. Animal Instinct (2:15)

(Giant - Baum - Kaye) – Unused song from the MGM picture “Harum Scarum” (1965)
SPA3 6757-06
Recorded on February 26, 1965 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Harum Scarum” RCA LSP 3468 (1965).

184. Please, Don’t Stop Loving Me (2:05)

(Panzeri - Salerno - Byers) – From the United Artists picture “Frankie And Johnny” (1966)
SPA3 7384-19
Recorded on May 13, 1965 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8780 (single B-side), backed with “Frankie And Johnny” (1966).

185. This Is My Heaven (2:36)

(Giant - Baum - Kaye) – From the Paramount picture “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” (1966)
TPA3 3838-SP (Master is spliced from takes 6 and 8)
Recorded on August 2, 1965 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” RCA LSP 3643 (1966).

186. Sand Castles (2:59)

(Goldberg - Hess) – Unused song from the Paramount picture “Paradise, Hawaiian Style”
TPA3 3839-02
Recorded on August 3, 1965 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” RCA LSP 3643 (1966).

187. Datin’ (Alternate Takes 6-8, 11 and 12) (3:13)

(Wise - Starr) – From the Paramount picture “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” (1966)
TPA3 3843- (Master is take 14)
Recorded on August 4, 1965 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis Aron Presley (The Silver Box)” box-set RCA CPL8 3699 (1980).
Master take first released on “Paradise, Hawaiian Style” RCA LSP 3643 (1966).

188. If I Loved You (Home Recording) (1:42)

(Rodgers - Hammerstein I)
CPA5 5155-01
Recorded during February, 1966 at Rocca Place, Bel Air, California.
First released on “The Home Recordings” RCA 07863 67676-2 (1999).

189. Tennessee Waltz (Home Recording) (1:22)

(Stewart - King)
CPA5 5152-01
Recorded during February, 1966 at Rocca Place, Bel Air, California.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).

190. Stop, Look And Listen (1:31)

(Joy Byers) – From the MGM picture “Spinout” (1966)
TPA3 5305-SP (Master is spliced from takes 6 and 7)
Recorded on February 16, 1966 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Spinout” RCA LSP 3702 (1966).

191. Spinout (2:35)

(Wayne - Weisman - Fuller) – From the MGM picture “Spinout” (1966)
TPA3 5311-05
Recorded on February 17, 1966 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-8941 (single A-side), backed with “All That I Am” (1966).

192. I’ll Be Back (2:04)

(Wayne - Weisman) – From the MGM picture “Spinout” (1966)
TPA3 5313-01
Recorded on February 17, 1966 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Spinout” RCA LSP 3702 (1966).

193. Dark Moon (Home Recording) (2:56)

(Ned Miller)
OPA5 8213-02
Recorded during early 1966 at Rocca Place, Bel Air, California.
First released on “A Golden Celebration (The Golden Box)” RCA CPM6 5172 (1984).

194. Run On (For A Long Time) (2:24)

TPA4 0908-07
Recorded on May 25, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “How Great Thou Art” RCA LSP 3758 (1967).

195. How Great Thou Art (3:02)

(Boberg - Hine)
TPA4 0909-04
Recorded on May 25, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “How Great Thou Art” RCA LSP 3758 (1967).

196. Stand By Me (2:30)

(Charles Albert Tindley)
TPA4 0910-11
Recorded on May 25, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “How Great Thou Art” RCA LSP 3758 (1967).
197. Where No One Stands Alone (2:44)
(Mosie Lister)
TPA4 0911-SP (Master is spliced from take 4 and work-part take 7)
Recorded on May 26, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “How Great Thou Art” RCA LSP 3758 (1967).

198. Down In The Alley (2:51)

(Jesse Stone)
TPA4 0912-09
Recorded on May 26, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released as a bonus track on “Spinout” RCA LSP 3702 (1966).

199. Tomorrow Is A Long Time (5:23)

(Bob Dylan)
TPA4 0913-03
Recorded on May 26, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released as a bonus track on “Spinout” RCA LSP 3702 (1966).

200. Love Letters (3:01)

(Young - Heyman)
TPA4 0914-09
Recorded on May 26, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8870 (single A-side), backed with “Come What May” (1966).

201. Indescribably Blue (2:49)

(Darrell Glenn)
TPA4 0982-02
Recorded on June 12, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9056 (single A-side), backed with “Fools Fall In Love” (1967).

202. I’ll Remember You (Album Edit) (2:45)

(Kuiokalani Lee)
TPA4 0983-SP (Master is spliced from takes 1 and 3)
Recorded on June 12, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released as a bonus track on “Spinout” RCA LSP 3702 (1966).

203. If Every Day Was Like Christmas (2:54)

(Red West)
TPA4 0984-02
Recorded on June 12, 1966 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-8950 (single A-side), backed with “How Would You Like To Be?”

204. Long-Legged Girl (With The Short Dress On) (1:30)

(Scott - MacFarland) – From the MGM picture “Double Trouble” (1967)
HRA1 8673-06
Recorded on June 28, 1966 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-9115 (single A-side), backed with “That’s Someone You Never
Forget” (1967).

205. Suppose (Demo) (3:01)

(Dee - Goehring)
OPA5 8216-02
Recorded late 1966 at at Rocca Place, Bel Air, California.
First released on “A Golden Celebration (The Golden Box)” box-set RCA CPM 6 5172 (1984).

206. The Girl I Never Loved (1:53)

(Randy Starr) – From the United Artists picture “Clambake” (1967)
UPA3 8447-09
Recorded on February 21, 1967 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Clambake” RCA LSP 3893 (1967).

207. Who Are You? (Who Am I?) (2:35)

(Wayne - Weisman) – From the MGM picture “Speedway” (1968)
WPA1 1025-06
Recorded on June 20, 1967 at MGM Sound Stage, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Speedway” RCA LSP 3989 (1968).

208. Let Yourself Go (3:00)

(Joy Byers) – From the MGM picture “Speedway” (1968)
WPA1 1029-SP (Master is spliced from takes 5 and 6)
Recorded on June 21, 1967 at MGM Sound Stage, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-9547 (single A-side), backed with “Your Time Hasn’t Come Yet,
Baby” (1968).

209. Guitar Man (2:20)

(Jerry Reed Hubbard)
UPA4 2765-12
Recorded on September 10, 1967 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released as a bonus track on “Clambake” RCA LSP 3893 (1967).

210. Big Boss Man (2:53)

(Smith - Dixon)
UPA4 2766-11
Recorded on September 10, 1967 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9341 (single A-side), backed with “You Don’t Know Me” (1967).

211. Hi-Heel Sneakers (Single Edit) (2:47)

(Robert Higginbotham)
UPA4 2770-07
Recorded on September 11, 1967 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9425 (single B-side), backed with “Guitar Man” (1968).

212. You Don’t Know Me (Album Version) (2:31)

(Walker - Arnold) – From the United Artists picture “Clambake” (1967)
UPA4 2771-01
Recorded on September 11, 1967 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9341 (single B-side), backed with “Big Boss Man” (1967).

213. You’ll Never Walk Alone (Alternate Take 2) (2:59)

(Hammerstein II - Rodgers)
UPA4 2773-02 (Master is spliced from takes 1 and 8)
Recorded on September 11, 1967 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).
Master take first released on RCA 47-9600 (single B-side), backed with “We Call On Him”

214. All I Needed Was The Rain (1:48)

(Wayne - Weisman) – From the MGM picture “Stay Away, Joe” (1968)
WPA1 8026-NA
Recorded on October 1, 1967 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star And Others” RCA PRS 279

215. Too Much Monkey Business (2:32)

(Chuck Berry)
WPA4 1800-12
Recorded on January 15, 1968 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star And Others” RCA PRS 279

216. U.S. Male (2:44)

(Jerry Reed Hubbard)
WPA4 1807-12
Recorded on January 17, 1968 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9465 (single B-side), backed with “Stay Away” (1968).

217. Wonderful World (2:13)

(Fletcher - Flett) – From the MGM picture “Live A Little, Love A Little” (1968)
WPA1 5768-17
Recorded on March 7, 1968 at Western Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star And Others” RCA PRS 279

218. Edge Of Reality (3:40)

(Giant - Baum - Kaye) – From the MGM picture “Live A Little, Love A Little” (1968)
WPA1 5769-08
Recorded on March 7, 1968 at Western Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-9670 (single B-side), backed with “If I Can Dream” (1968).

219. A Little Less Conversation (Album Version) (2:11)

(Strange - Davis) – From the MGM picture “Live A Little, Love A Little” (1968)
WPA1 5767-10 (Single version is take 16)
Recorded on March 7, 1968 at Western Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Almost In Love” RCA CAS 2440 (1970).
Single version first released on RCA 47-9610 (single B-side), backed with “Almost In Love”

220. Medley: Trouble / Guitar Man (3:21)

(Leiber - Stoller / Jerry Reed Hubbard) – From the NBC-TV Special “ELVIS (The ‘68
Comeback Special)” (1968)
WPA1 8030-21/WPA1 8047-SP (Master is spliced from take 21 from “Trouble” and takes 19
and 32 from “Guitar Man”)
Recorded on June 22, 1968 at Western Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “ELVIS: NBC-TV Special” RCA LPM 4088 (1968).

221. If I Can Dream (3:11)

(W. Earl Brown) – From the NBC-TV Special “ELVIS (The ‘68 Comeback Special)” (1968)
WPA1 8029-05
Recorded on June 23, 1968 at Western Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California
First released on RCA 47-9670 (single A-side), backed with “Edge Of Reality” (1968).

222. Memories (3:08)

(Strange - Davis) – From the NBC-TV Special “ELVIS (The ‘68 Comeback Special)” (1968)
WPA1 8044-NA
Recorded on June 24, 1968 at Western Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Elvis - NBC-TV Special” RCA LPM 4088 (1968).

223. Tryin’ To Get To You (Live) (2:59)

(Singleton - McCoy) – From the NBC-TV Special “ELVIS (The ‘68 Comeback Special)” (1968)
CPA5 5139-01
Recorded live on June 27, 1968 6PM Show at NBC Studio 4, Burbank, California.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).

224. (You Got Me Runnin’) Baby, What You Want Me To Do? (Live) (3:57)
(Jimmy Reed) – From the NBC-TV Special “ELVIS (The ‘68 Comeback Special)” (1968)
WPA1 8120-03
Recorded live on June 27, 1968 6PM Show at NBC Studio 4, Burbank, California.
First released on “Elvis: A Legendary Performer, Vol.2” RCA CPL1 1349 (1976).

225. Lawdy, Miss Clawdy (Live) (1:57)

(Lloyd Price) – From the NBC-TV Special “ELVIS (The ‘68 Comeback Special)” (1968)
WPA1 8031-01
Recorded live on June 27, 1968 8PM Show at NBC Studio 4, Burbank, California.
First released on “Elvis - NBC-TV Special” RCA LPM 4088 (1968).

226. Tiger Man (Live) (2:45)

(Lloyd Price) – From the NBC-TV Special “ELVIS (The ‘68 Comeback Special)” (1968)
WPA1 8028-01
Recorded live on June 27, 1968 8PM Show at NBC Studio 4, Burbank, California.
First released on “Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star And Others” RCA PRS 279

227. Clean Up Your Own Back Yard (3:10)

(Strange - Davis) – From the MGM picture “The Trouble With Girls (And How To Get Into It)”
XPA1 3976-06
Recorded on October 23, 1968 at United Recorders, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-9747 (single A-side), backed with “The Fair’s Moving On” (1969).

228. Charro (2:45)

(Strange - Davis) – From the National General picture “Charro!” (1969)
WPA1 8091-SP (Master is spliced from V.O. takes 5 and 9)
Recorded on November 25, 1968 at Goldwyn Studios, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 47-9731 (single A-side), backed with “Memories” (1969).

229. Long Black Limousine (3:43)

(Stovall - George)
XPA5 1142-09
Recorded on January 13, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

230. Wearin’ That Loved-On Look (2:47)

(Frazier - Owens)
XPA5 1145-15
Recorded on January 13, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

231. You’ll Think Of Me (4:01)

(Mort Shuman)
XPA5 1146-23
Recorded on January 14, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9764 (single B-side), backed with “Suspicious Minds” (1969).

232. I’m Movin’ On (2:54)

(Hank Snow)
XPA5 1147-02
Recorded on January 13, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

233. Gentle On My Mind (3:24)

(John Hartford)
XPA5 1155-NA
Recorded on January 15, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

234. In The Ghetto (The Vicious Circle) (2:58)

(Scott “Mac” Davis)
XPA5 1154-22
Recorded on January 20, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9741 (single A-side), backed with “Any Day Now” (1969).

235. Rubberneckin’ (2:14)

(Jones - Warren) – From the Universal picture “Change Of Habit” (1969)
XPA5 1156-02
Recorded on January 21, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9768 (single B-side), backed with “Don’t Cry, Daddy” (1969).

236. Mama Liked The Roses (2:49)

(John Christopher)
XPA5 1152-NA
Recorded on January 21, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9835 (single B-side), backed with “The Wonder Of You” (1970).

237. Don’t Cry, Daddy (2:48)

(Scott “Mac” Davis)
XPA5 1149-NA
Recorded on January 22, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9768 (single A-side), backed with “Rubberneckin’” (1969).

238. Without Love (There Is Nothing) (2:57)

(Danny Small)
XPA5 1159-05
Recorded on January 23, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Memphis To Vegas / From Vegas To Memphis” RCA LSP 6020

239. I’ll Hold You In My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms) (4:35)
(Dilbeck - Horton - Arnold)
XPA5 1160-01
Recorded on January 23, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

240. Suspicious Minds (4:38)

(Mark James)
XPA5 1227-08
Recorded on January 23, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9764 (single A-side), backed with “You’ll Think Of Me” (1969).

241. Stranger In My Own Home Town (4:39)

(Percy Mayfield)
XPA5 1266-01
Recorded on February 17, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Memphis To Vegas / From Vegas To Memphis” RCA LSP 6020

242. True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (2:40)

(Frazier - Owens)
XPA5 1265-11
Recorded on February 17, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).
243. Power Of My Love (2:45)
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)
XPA5 1268-07
Recorded on February 18, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

244. After Loving You (3:07)

(Miller - Lantz)
XPA5 1269-04
Recorded on February 18, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

245. Do You Know Who I Am? (2:51)

(Bobby Russell)
XPA5 1270-07
Recorded on February 19, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Memphis To Vegas / From Vegas To Memphis” RCA LSP 6020

246. Kentucky Rain (3:19)

(Rabbitt - Heard)
XPA5 1271-10
Recorded on February 19, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9791 (single A-side), backed with “My Little Friend” (1970).

247. Only The Strong Survive (2:43)

(Gamble - Huff - Butler)
XPA5 1272-29
Recorded on February 20, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis In Memphis” RCA LSP 4155 (1969).

248. Any Day Now (My Wild Beautiful Bird) (3:01)

(Hilliard - Bacharach)
XPA5 1274-06
Recorded on February 21, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9741 (single B-side), backed with “In The Ghetto” (1969).

249. What’d I Say? (Live) (4:23)

(Ray Charles)
WPA5 2530-01
Recorded live on August 23, 1969 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “Greatest Hits, Vol.1” RCA AHL 1 2347 (1981).

250. Johnny B. Goode (Live) (2:09)

(Chuck Berry)
XPA5 2314-01
Recorded live on August 24, 1969 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “From Memphis To Vegas / From Vegas To Memphis” RCA LSP 6020

251. Runaway (Live) (2:32)

(Shannon - Crook)
XPA5 2315-01
Recorded live on August 25, 1969 Dinner Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las Vegas,
First released on “On Stage” RCA LSP 4362 (1970).

252. My Babe (Live) (2:15)

(Traditional - Willie Dixon)
XPA5 2381-01
Recorded live on August 25, 1969 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “From Memphis To Vegas / From Vegas To Memphis” RCA LSP 6020

253. Suspicious Minds (Live) (7:18)

(Mark James)
XPA5 2312-01
Recorded live on August 26, 1969 Dinner Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las Vegas,
First released on “From Memphis To Vegas / From Vegas To Memphis” RCA LSP 6020

254. Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Live, Laughing Version) (2:55)

(Turk - Handman)
KPA5 9569-01
Recorded live on August 26, 1969 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “Elvis Aron Presley (The Silver Box)” box-set RCA CPL8 3699 (1980).

255. Proud Mary (Live) (2:32)

(John Fogerty)
ZPA5 1289-01
Recorded live on February 16, 1970 Dinner Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “On Stage” RCA LSP 4362 (1970).

256. Let It Be Me (Je T’Appartiens) (Live) (3:44)

(Bécaud - Delanoë - Curtis)
ZPA5 1291-01
Recorded live on February 17, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “On Stage” RCA LSP 4362 (1970).

257. The Wonder Of You (Live) (2:39)

(Baker Knight)
ZPA5 1300-01
Recorded live on February 18, 1970 Dinner Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on RCA 47-9835 (single A-side), backed with “Mama Liked The Roses” (1970).

258. See See Rider (Live) (2:39)

(Rainey - Arant - Arr. by Elvis Presley)
ZPA5 1290-01
Recorded live on February 18, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “On Stage” RCA LSP 4362 (1970).

259. Polk Salad Annie (Live) (4:57)

(Tony Joe White)
ZPA5 1298-01
Recorded live on February 18, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “On Stage” RCA LSP 4362 (1970).

260. Medley: Men With Broken Hearts / Walk A Mile In My Shoes (Live) (3:34)
(Hank Williams / Joe South)
WPA5 2576-01 / ZPA5 1297-01
“Men With Broken Hearts” recorded live on August 11, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom,
International Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Walk A Mile In My Shoes” recorded live on February 19, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom,
International Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Men With Broken Hearts” first released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s
Masters” box-set RCA 07863 66670-2 (1995).
“Walk A Mile In My Shoes” first released on “On Stage” RCA LSP 4362 (1970).

261. Twenty Days And Twenty Nights (3:18)

(Weisman - Westlake)
ZPA4 1593-09
Recorded on June 4, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

262. I’ve Lost You (3:32)

(Howard - Blaikley)
ZPA4 1594-07
Recorded on June 4, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9873 (single A-side), backed with “The Next Step Is Love” (1970).

263. The Fool (2:34)

(Naomi Ford)
ZPA4 1597-02
Recorded on June 4, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

264. Bridge Over Troubled Water (4:30)

(Paul Simon)
ZPA4 1600-08
Recorded on June 5, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

265. Medley: Got My Mojo Working / Hands Off (Informal Performance) (4:41)
(Preston Foster / Bowman - McShann)
ZPA4 1601-01
Recorded on June 5, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Love Letters From Elvis” RCA LSP 4530 (1971).

266. How The Web Was Woven (3:27)

(Westlake - Most)
ZPA4 1602-03
Recorded on June 5, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

267. It’s Your Baby, You Rock It (3:02)

(Winfield Scott)
ZPA4 1603-05
Recorded on June 5, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

268. Stranger In The Crowd (3:48)

(Westlake - Most)
ZPA4 1604-05
Recorded on June 6, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

269. I’ll Never Know (2:26)

(Karger - Wayne - Weisman)
ZPA4 1605-07
Recorded on June 6, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Love Letters From Elvis” RCA LSP 4530 (1971).

270. Mary In The Morning (4:12)

(Cymbal - Rashkow)
ZPA4 1606-05
Recorded on June 5, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

271. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me (Io Che Non Vivo Senza Te) (2:32)
(Donaggio - Pallavicini - Wickham - Napier-Bell)
ZPA4 1608-03
Recorded on June 6, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9916 (single A-side), backed with “Patch It Up” (1970).

272. Just Pretend (4:05)

(Flett - Fletcher)
ZPA4 1609-03
Recorded on June 6, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

273. Heart Of Rome (2:56)

(Stephens - Howard - Blaikley)
ZPA4 1614-SP (Master is spliced from take 3 and work-part take 1)
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Love Letters From Elvis” RCA LSP 4530 (1971).

274. I Really Don’t Want To Know (2:46)

(Barnes - Robertson)
ZPA4 1616-04
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

275. Faded Love (3:18)

(Billy Jack, Bob and John Wills)
ZPA4 1617-01
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

276. Tomorrow Never Comes (3:56)

(Tubb - Bond)
ZPA4 1618-SP (Master is spliced from take 13 and work-part take 1)
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

277. The Next Step Is Love (3:33)

(Evans - Parnes)
ZPA4 1619-11
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9873 (single B-side), backed with “I’ve Lost You” (1970).

278. Make The World Go Away (Undubbed Master) (3:39)

(Hank Cochran)
ZPA4 1620-SP (Master is spliced from take 3 and work-part take 1)
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

279. Funny How Time Slips Away (4:22)

(Willie Nelson)
ZPA4 1621-01
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B , Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

280. I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water (3:52)

(Joe Babcock)
ZPA4 1622-01
Recorded on June 7, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

281. There Goes My Everything (Alternate Take 1) (2:51)

(Dallas Frazier)
ZPA4 1624-01 (Master is take 3)
Recorded on June 8, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Great Country Songs” RCA 07863 66880-2 (1996).
Master take first released on RCA 47-9960 (single B-side), backed with “I Really Don’t Want
To Know” (1970).

282. Patch It Up (3:13)

(Rabbitt - Bourke)
ZPA4 1628-08
Recorded on June 8, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9916 (single B-side), backed with “You Don’t Have To Say You
Love Me” (1970).

283. Stranger In My Own Home Town (Rehearsal) (5:31)

(Percy Mayfield)
WPA5 2558-01
Recorded on July 24, 1970 at RCA Studios, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995) (Edited Version).

284. I Just Can’t Help Believin’ (Live) (4:43)

(Mann - Weil) – From the MGM picture “Elvis: That’s The Way It Is” (1970)
ZPA5 1862-01
Recorded live on August 11, 1970 Dinner Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las Vegas,
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

285. Something (Live) (3:49)

(George Harrison)
WPA5 2577-01
Recorded live on August 11, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).

286. Medley: Mystery Train / Tiger Man (Live) (3:10)

(Parker - Burns / Lewis - Burns) – From the MGM picture “Elvis: That’s The Way It Is” (1970)
FRA1 8122-01
Recorded live on August 12, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is: 30th Anniversary Edition” box-set RCA 07863 67938-
2 (2000).

287. Words (Live) (2:46)

(Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb)
FRA1 8128-01
Recorded live on August 12, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is: 30th Anniversary Edition” box-set RCA 07863 67938-
2 (2000).

288. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ (Live) (4:32)

(Mann - Weil - Spector) – From the MGM picture “Elvis: That’s The Way It Is” (1970)
ZPA5 1864-01
Recorded live on August 12, 1970 Midnight Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “That’s The Way It Is” RCA LSP 4445 (1970).

289. I Got A Woman (Live) (2:30)

(Charles - Richard)
FRA1 8165-01
Recorded live on August 13, 1970 Dinner Show at Showroom, International Hotel, Las Vegas,
First released on “That’s The Way It Is: 30th Anniversary Edition” box-set RCA 07863 67938-
2 (2000).

290. Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On (3:07)

(Williams - David)
ZPA4 1799-02
Recorded on September 22, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Country” RCA LSP 4460 (1971).

291. Rags To Riches (1:57)

(Adler - Ross)
ZPA4 1800-SP (Master is spliced from takes 3 and 4)
Recorded on September 22, 1970 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9980 (single A-side), backed with “Where Did They Go, Lord?”

292. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (3:46)

(Ewan MacColl)
APA4 1255-12
Recorded on March 15, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 74-0672 (single B-side), backed with “An American Trilogy” (1972).

293. Amazing Grace (Alternate Take 2) (3:29)

(Traditional - Newton - Rees - Arr. by Elvis Presley)
APA4 1256-02 (Master is take 5)
Recorded on March 15, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).
Master take first released on “He Touched Me” RCA LSP 4690 (1972).
294. Early Morning Rain (2:56)
(Gordon Lightfoot)
APA4 1257-SP (Master is spliced from takes 3, 10 and 12)
Recorded on March 15, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Now” RCA LSP 4671 (1972).

295. (That’s What You Get) For Lovin’ Me (2:10)

(Gordon Lightfoot)
APA4 1258-12
Recorded on March 15, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis (Including Fool)” RCA APL1 0283 (1973).

296. If I Get Home On Christmas Day (2:53)

(Tony Macaulay)
APA4 1261-08
Recorded on May 15, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas” RCA LSP 4579 (1971).

297. Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees (2:15)

(West - Spreen)
APA4 1263-10
Recorded on May 15, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas” RCA LSP 4579 (1971).

298. Merry Christmas, Baby (5:45)

(Baxter - Moore)
APA4 1264-01
Recorded on May 15, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas” RCA LSP 4579 (1971).

299. I’ll Be Home On Christmas Day (Alternate Take 4) (3:50)

(Michael Jarrett)
APA4 1266-04 (Master is take 8)
Recorded on March 16, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).
Master take first released on “Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas” RCA LSP 4579

300. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right (Informal Performance) (Album Edit) (2:57)
(Bob Dylan)
APA4 1269-01
Recorded on May 16, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis (Including Fool)” RCA APL1 0283 (1973).

301. Help Me Make It Through The Night (2:48)

(Kris Kristofferson)
APA4 1273-SP (Master is spliced from takes 11 and 16)
Recorded on May 17, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Now” RCA LSP 4671 (1972).
302. Until It’s Time For You To Go (3:59)
(Buffy Sainte-Marie)
APA4 1274-08
Recorded on May 17, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 74-0619 (single A-side), backed with “We Can Make The Morning”

303. Lady Madonna (Informal Performance) (1:14)

(Lennon - McCartney)
WPA5 2572-01
Recorded on May 17, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).

304. Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread) (2:43)

(Bloom - Mercer)
APA4 1276-24
Recorded on May 18, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis Now” RCA LSP 4671 (1972).

305. He Touched Me (2:40)

(William J. Gaither)
APA4 1277-04
Recorded on May 18, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 74-0651 (single A-side), backed with “Bosom Of Abraham” (1972).

306. It’s Still Here (Album Edit) (2:10)

(Ivory Joe Hunter)
APA4 1282-05
Recorded on May 19, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Elvis (Including Fool)” RCA APL1 0283 (1973).

307. I’m Leavin’ (3:52)

(Jarrett - Charles)
APA4 1285-NA
Recorded on May 20, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 47-9998 (single A-side), backed with “Heart Of Rome” (1971).

308. I Shall Be Released (Informal Performance) (0:50)

(Bob Dylan)
WPA5 2573-01
Recorded on May 20, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).

309. It’s Only Love (2:44)

(James - Tyrell)
APA4 1287-10
Recorded on May 20, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 48-1017 (single A-side), backed with “The Sound Of Your Cry” (1971).

310. I, John (2:17)

(Johnson - McFadden - Brooks)
APA4 1294-02
Recorded on June 9, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on “He Touched Me” RCA LSP 4690 (1972).

311. Bosom Of Abraham (Rock My Soul) (1:54)

(Johnson - McFadden - Brooks)
APA4 1295-06
Recorded on June 9, 1971 at RCA Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee.
First released on RCA 74-0651 (single B-side), backed with “He Touched Me” (1972).

312. Never Been To Spain (Live) (3:35)

(Hoyt Axton)
BPA5 1142-01
Recorded live on February 16, 1972 Midnight Show at Showroom, Las Vegas Hilton, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).

313. A Big Hunk O’ Love (Live) (2:10)

(Schroeder - Wyche)
BPA5 1144-01
Recorded live on February 16, 1972 Midnight Show at Showroom, Las Vegas Hilton, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).

314. It’s Impossible (Somos Novios) (Live) (2:58)

(Rivgauche - Dieval - Wayne - Manzanero)
BPA5 1145-01
Recorded live on February 16, 1972 Midnight Show at Showroom, Las Vegas Hilton, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “Elvis (Including Fool)” RCA APL 1 0283 (1973).

315. It’s Over (Live) (2:29)

(Jimmie Rodgers)
BPA5 1144-01
Recorded live on February 17, 1972 Dinner Show at Showroom, Las Vegas Hilton, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).

316. Separate Ways (2:52)

(West - Mainegra)
BPA3 1149-21
Recorded on March 27, 1972 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 74-0815 (single A-side), backed with “Always On My Mind” (1972).

317. For The Good Times (3:13)

(Kris Kristofferson)
BPA3 1150-04
Recorded on March 27, 1972 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters” box-set RCA 07863
66670-2 (1995).

318. Burning Love (2:58)

(Dennis Linde)
BPA3 1257-06
Recorded on March 28, 1972 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 74-0769 (single A-side), backed with “It’s A Matter Of Time” (1972).

319. Fool (2:38)

(Sigman - Last)
BPA3 1258-02
Recorded on March 28, 1972 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 74-0910 (single B-side), backed with “Steamroller Blues” (1973).

320. Always On My Mind (3:39)

(James - Christopher - Carson)
BPA3 1259-01
Recorded on March 29, 1972 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA 74-0815 (single B-side), backed with “Separate Ways” (1972).

321. Lead Me, Guide Me (Rehearsal) (2:26)

(Doris Akers) – From the MGM picture “Elvis On Tour” (1972)
WPA5 2566-01
Recorded on March 31, 1972 at RCA Studio A, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Amazing Grace: His Greatest Sacred Performances” RCA 07863 66421-2

322. The Impossible Dream (The Quest) (Live) (2:38)

(Leigh - Darion)
BPA5 6785-01
Recorded live on June 10, 1972 Evening Show at Madison Square Garden, New York, New
First released on “Elvis As Recorded At Madison Square Garden” RCA LSP 4776 (1972).

323. I Can’t Stop Loving You (Live) (2:27)

(Don Gibson)
BPA5 6791-01
Recorded live on June 10, 1972 Evening Show at Madison Square Garden, New York, New
First released on “Elvis As Recorded At Madison Square Garden” RCA LSP 4776 (1972).
324. I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry (Live) (2:24)
(Hank Williams) – From the NBC-TV Special “Elvis: Aloha From Hawaii” (1973)
CPA5 4734-01
Recorded live on January 14, 1973 at Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
First released on “Aloha From Hawaii, Via Satellite” RCA VPSX 6089 (1973).

325. What Now, My Love? (Et Maintenant) (Live) (3:16)

(Bécaud - Delanoë - Sigman) – From the NBC-TV Special “Elvis: Aloha From Hawaii” (1973)
CPA5 4737-01
Recorded live on January 14, 1973 at Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
First released on “Aloha From Hawaii, Via Satellite” RCA VPSX 6089 (1973).

326. An American Trilogy (Live) (4:26)

(Traditional - Arr. by Mickey Newbury) – From the NBC-TV Special “Elvis: Aloha From Hawaii”
CPA5 4744-01
Recorded live on January 14, 1973 at Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
First released on “Aloha From Hawaii, Via Satellite” RCA VPSX 6089 (1973).

327. If You Don’t Come Back (2:48)

(Leiber - Stoller)
CPA5 4761-09
Recorded on July 21, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Raised On Rock” RCA APL 1 0388 (1973).

328. Find Out What’s Happening (2:32)

(Jerry Crutchfield)
CPA5 4764-09
Recorded on July 22, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Raised On Rock” RCA APL 1 0388 (1973).

329. I’ve Got A Thing About You, Baby (2:22)

(Tony Joe White)
CPA5 4765-15
Recorded on July 22, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA APBO 0196 (single A-side), backed with “Take Good Care Of Her”

330. Just A Little Bit (2:33)

(Thornton - Brown - Bass - Washington)
CPA5 4766-02
Recorded on July 22, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Raised On Rock” RCA APL 1 0388 (1973).

331. Raised On Rock (2:40)

(Mark James)
CPA5 4767-10
Recorded on July 23, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA APBO 0088 (single A-side), backed with “For Ol’ Times Sake” (1973).
332. For Ol’ Times Sake (3:38)
(Tony Joe White)
CPA5 4768-08
Recorded on July 23, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA APBO 0088 (single B-side), backed with “Raised On Rock” (1973).

333. I Miss You (2:16)

(Donnie Sumner)
CPA5 4774-15
Recorded on September 23, 1973 at Elvis Presley’s Residence, Palm Springs, California.
First released on “Raised On Rock” RCA APL 1 0388 (1973).

334. Are You Sincere? (Alternate Take 2) (2:03)

(Wayne Walker)
CPA5 4775-02 (Master is take 4)
Recorded on September 23, 1973 at Elvis Presley’s Residence, Palm Springs, California.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).
Master take first released on “Raised On Rock” RCA APL 1 0388 (1973).

335. It’s Midnight (3:24)

(Wheeler - Chesnut)
CPA5 1618-19
Recorded on December 10, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10074 (single A-side), backed with “Promised Land” (1974).

336. If You Talk In Your Sleep (2:37)

(West - Christopher)
CPA5 1620-09
Recorded on December 11, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA APBO 0280 (single A-side), backed with “Help Me” (1974).

337. Thinking About You (3:03)

(Tim Baty)
CPA5 1622-08
Recorded on December 12, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10191 (single B-side), backed with “My Boy” (1975).

338. My Boy (Parce Que Je T'Aime, Mon Enfant) (3:21)

(Bourtayre - François - Martin - Coulter)
CPA5 1625-03
Recorded on December 13, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Good Times” RCA CPL 1 0475 (1974).

339. Loving Arms (2:52)

(Tom Jans)
CPA5 1626-03
Recorded on December 13, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Good Times” RCA CPL 1 0475 (1974).
340. Good Time Charlie’s Got The Blues (3:14)
(Danny O’Keefe)
CPA5 1627-09
Recorded on December 13, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Good Times” RCA CPL 1 0475 (1974).

341. Promised Land (2:57)

(Chuck Berry)
CPA5 1629-06
Recorded on December 15, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10074 (single A-side), backed with “It’s Midnight” (1974).

342. There’s A Honky Tonk Angel (Who Will Take Me Back In) (3:05)
(Seals - Rice)
CPA5 1631-08
Recorded on December 15, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Promised Land” RCA APL1 0873 (1975).

343. Steamroller Blues (Live) (2:58)

(James Taylor)
DPA5 0908-01
Recorded live on March 20, 1974 at Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).

344. Green, Green Grass Of Home (3:38)

(Claude “Curly” Putman, Jr.)
EPA3 1595-05
Recorded on March 11, 1975 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Today” RCA APL 1 1039 (1975).

345. I Can Help (4:06)

(Billy Swan)
EPA3 1596-02
Recorded on March 11, 1975 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Today” RCA APL 1 1039 (1975).

346. And I Love You So (Alternate Take 2) (3:42)

(Don McLean)
EPA3 1597-02 (Master is take 5)
Recorded on March 11, 1975 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Platinum: A Life In Music” box-set RCA 07863 67469-2 (1997).
Master take first released on “Today” RCA APL 1 1039 (1975).

347. Susan When She Tried (2:18)

(Don Reid)
EPA3 1598-06
Recorded on March 11, 1975 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Today” RCA APL 1 1039 (1975).
348. T-R-O-U-B-L-E (3:04)
(Jerry Chesnut)
EPA3 1599-04
Recorded on March 12, 1975 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on RCA PB 10278 (single A-side), backed with “Mr. Songman” (1975).

349. Shake A Hand (3:51)

(Joe Morris)
EPA3 1601-03
Recorded on March 12, 1975 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Today” RCA APL 1 1039 (1975).

350. Pieces Of My Life (4:05)

(Troy Seals)
EPA3 1603-04
Recorded on March 13, 1975 at RCA Studio C, Hollywood, California.
First released on “Today” RCA APL 1 1039 (1975).

351. She Thinks I Still Care (3:53)

(Lee - Duffy)
FWA5 0666-17
Recorded on February 2, 1976 at The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10857 (single B-side), backed with “Moody Blue” (1976).

352. Moody Blue (2:51)

(Mark James)
FWA5 0669-10
Recorded on February 4, 1976 at The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10857 (single A-side), backed with “She Thinks I Still Care” (1976).

353. (Had A Dream) For The Heart (3:23)

(Dennis Linde)
FWA5 0671-NA
Recorded on February 5, 1976 at The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10601 (single B-side), backed with “Hurt” (1976).

354. Hurt (2:09)

(Crane - Jacobs)
FWA5 0672-07
Recorded on February 5, 1976 at The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10601 (single A-side), backed with “For The Heart” (1976).

355. Danny Boy (3:59)

(Frederic E. Weatherly)
FWA5 0673-10
Recorded on February 5, 1976 at The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on “From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee” RCA APL 1 1506
356. Way Down (2:42)
(Layng Martine, Jr.)
FWA5 1049-02
Recorded on October 29, 1976 at The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10998 (single A-side), backed with “Pledging My Love” (1977).

357. Pledging My Love (2:53)

(Washington - Robey)
FWA5 1050-06
Recorded on October 29, 1976 at The Jungle Room, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee.
First released on RCA PB 10998 (single B-side), backed with “Way Down” (1977).

358. Unchained Melody (Live) (2:50)

(North - Zaret)
GWA5 2576-01
Recorded live on April 24, 1977 Evening Show at Crisler Arena, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
First released on “Moody Blue” RCA AFL 1 2428 (1977).

359. My Way (Comme D'Habitude) (Live) (4:05)

(François - Thibault - Anka - Revaux) – From the CBS-TV Special “Elvis In Concert” (1977)
GWA5 0436-01
Recorded live on June 21, 1977 at Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, South Dakota.
First released on “Elvis In Concert” RCA APL 2 2587 (1977).

360. A Little Less Conversation (Junkie XL Remix) (3:34)

(Strange - Davis) – From the MGM picture “Live A Little, Love A Little” (1968)
CPA5 5148-02 (Take 2 is an outtake)
Originally recorded on March 7, 1968 at Western Recorders Studio 1, Hollywood, California.
Remixed by Tom Holkenborg (Junkie XL) at The Computer Hell Cabin, Amsterdam,
First released on RCA 74321 94357-2 CD single (2002).
Original outtake first released on “Memories: The '68 Comeback Special” RCA 07863 67612-
2 (1998).

361. Rubberneckin’ (Paul Oakenfold Remix) (3:58)

(Jones - Warren) – From the Universal picture “Change Of Habit” (1969)
XPA5 1156-02
Originally recorded January 21, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
Remixed by Paul Oakenfold and mastered by Chris Blair at Abbey Road Studios, London,
First released on RCA 82876 54218-2 CD single (2003).
Original master first released on RCA 47-9768 (single B-side), backed with “Don’t Cry,
Daddy” (1969).

362. Bossa Nova Baby (‘Viva Elvis’ Remix) (3:06)

(Leiber - Stoller) – From the Paramount picture “Fun In Acapulco” (1963)
PPA3 4431-SP (Remix is spliced from several takes and inserts from other songs)
Originally recorded on January 22, 1963 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
Remixed by Serban Ghenea and mastered by John Hanes with Tim Roberts at MixStar
Studios, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
First released on “Viva Elvis: The Album” RCA 88697 80883-2 (2010).
Original master first released on RCA 47-8243 (single A-side), backed with “Witchcraft”

363. We’re Coming In Loaded (Spankox Remix) (2:01)

(Blackwell - Scott) – From the Paramount picture “Girls! Girls! Girls!” (1962)
N2PB 3288-06
Originally recorded on March 26, 1962 at Radio Recorders Studio B, Hollywood, California.
Remixed by Agostino Carollo (Spankox) at Everness Recording Studios, Rovereto, Italy.
First released on “Re:Live” Everness 705105498737 (2014).
Original master first released on “Girls! Girls! Girls!” RCA LSP 2621 (1962).

364. And The Grass Won’t Pay No Mind (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Remix) (3:41)
(Neil Diamond)
XPA5 1267-06
Originally recorded on February 18, 1969 at American Sound, Memphis, Tennessee.
Arranged by Robin Smith for The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at Abbey Road Studio 2,
London, England.
First released on “If I Can Dream: Elvis with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra” RCA 88875
14083-2 (2015).
Original master first released on “From Memphis To Vegas / From Vegas To Memphis” RCA
LSP 6020 (1969).

365. I’ve Got A Thing About You, Baby (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Remix) (2:36)
(Tony Joe White)
CPA5 4765-15
Originally recorded on July 22, 1973 at Stax Studio, Memphis, Tennessee.
Arranged by Steve Sidwell and Robin Smith for The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at Abbey
Road Studio 2, London, England.
First released on “The Wonder Of You: Elvis with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra” RCA
88985 36224-2 (2016).
Original master first released on RCA APBO 0196 (single A-side), backed with “Take Good
Care Of Her” (1974).
Overview Of Achievements:

Over the course of Elvis' life, he achieved some of the highest accolades in music and film. It
is estimated that more than one billion Elvis records have been sold worldwide, more than
anyone in record industry history. Elvis starred in 31 feature films as an actor and two
theatrically released concert documentary films, all of which enjoyed financial success. For a
number of years he was one of Hollywood’s top box office draws and one of its highest-paid
actors. In addition to his music and film career, his three network television specials – "Elvis"
(1968), "Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii, via Satellite" (1973), and "Elvis in Concert" (1977) – stand
among the most highly rated specials of their time. See a complete list of Elvis' achievements

Record Sales

It is estimated that more than one billion Elvis Presley records have been sold worldwide.
From his early sessions at Sun Records to the end of his career and beyond, Elvis albums
and singles enjoyed strong sales across every format–vinyl, cassette, CD and digital. In
America alone, Elvis has had 150 different albums and singles that have been certified gold,
platinum or multi-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), with
more certifications expected as research into his past record sales continues and as current
sales go on. It is estimated that 40% of Elvis Presley records have been sold outside the
United States.
International Acclaim

When touring Graceland, you will see gold and platinum Elvis records and awards of all
kinds from around the world. Some of the countries represented are: Norway, Yugoslavia,
Japan, Australia, South Africa, England, Sweden, Germany, France, Canada, Belgium, and
The Netherlands. It is interesting to note that, except for a handful of movie soundtrack
songs, Elvis did not record in other languages, and, except for five shows in three Canadian
cities in 1957, he did not perform concerts outside the United States. That never limited his
success, though–his recordings and films enjoyed, and have continued to enjoy, popularity
all over the globe, and he is known throughout the world by his first name.
Record Chart Statistics

Elvis has had no less than 149 songs to appear on Billboard’s Hot 100 Pop Chart in America.
Of these, 114 were in the top forty, 40 were in the top 10, and 18 went to number one. His
number one singles spent a total of 80 weeks at number one. More than 90 Elvis Presley
records reached the charts, with 10 of them reaching number one. These figures are only
for the pop charts and only in America. He was also a leading artist in the American country,
R&B, and gospel fields, and his chart success in other countries was substantial.
Historic Television Guest Appearances

In 1956, Elvis made his network television debut with the first of his six appearances on
"Stage Show," a weekly variety program hosted by Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. He followed
these with two appearances on "The Milton Berle Show," the second of which included a
classic performance of "Hound Dog" that was so provocative (for that time, anyway) that it
caused a national scandal. Elvis next appeared on "The Steve Allen Show," with Allen
mocking the sensation of the Berle appearance by having Elvis dress in a tuxedo, eliminate
his usual physical gyrations, and sing "Hound Dog" to a basset hound.

Ed Sullivan had once said he would never have the controversial singer on his top-rated
show, but that was before the week that Elvis’ appearance on "Steve Allen" had surpassed
Sullivan’s ratings. Sullivan paid Elvis $50,000 to make three appearances on his show,
which was, at the time, more money than any performer had ever been paid to appear on a
network variety program. When Elvis made his third Sullivan appearance in January of 1957,
Ed Sullivan surprised Elvis by telling him on camera that his show had never had a better
experience with a name act, and said “I wanted to say to Elvis and the country that this is a
real decent, fine boy.” It was on this very same Sullivan appearance that Elvis was shown
on camera from the waist up only, one of early television history’s most memorable
Elvis’ next network television appearance was in 1960, when Frank Sinatra gave his variety
show a “Welcome Home, Elvis” theme to herald Elvis’ return from the Army. Elvis was paid
$125,000 to appear - again, making history

The Silver Screen

Elvis Presley starred in 31 feature films as an actor and two theatrically released concert
documentary films, all of which enjoyed financial success. For a number of years he was
one of Hollywood’s top box office draws and one of its highest-paid actors. His two most
critically acclaimed films, "Jailhouse Rock" (1957) and "King Creole" (1958), have become
classics of their era. His movies and concert films enjoy a healthy life today in television
syndication. Some of his top-selling music came from his movies. Eleven of his motion
picture soundtracks went to the top 10, and of those, four went to number one. The
soundtrack for "G.I. Blues" (1960) was number one on the Billboard Top 100 album chart for
10 weeks and remained on the chart for 111 weeks. The album from "Blue Hawaii" was
number one for 20 weeks and was on the chart for 79 weeks.
Television Specials

The three Elvis specials on network television - "Elvis" (1968), "Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii, via
Satellite" (1973), and "Elvis in Concert" (1977) - stand among the most highly rated specials
of their time. His 1968 special, "Elvis," is one of the greatest and most critically acclaimed
music specials of all time. His 1973 special, "Elvis - Aloha from Hawaii, via Satellite," was
seen in 40 countries by more than 1 billion people and made television history. It was seen
on television in more American homes than man’s first walk on the moon.
The Concert Stage

When Elvis returned to the live stage after the success of his 1968 television special and the
wrap-up of his Hollywood movie contract obligations, he opened at the International Hotel in
Las Vegas in the summer of 1969 for a four-week, 57-show engagement that broke all
existing Las Vegas attendance records.

He returned to the spotlight at the same site a few months later in early 1970, during the
slow winter season in Vegas, and broke his own attendance record. Right after that came a
record-breaking six-show engagement at the Astrodome in Houston, where Elvis played to
a total of 207,494 people. Elvis took his elaborate live show on the road in the latter part of
1970 for his first concert tour since 1957.

Throughout the 1970s, Elvis toured the U.S. where he broke box office records, while
continuing to play an engagement or two per year in Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe. Among
the outstanding highlights of this period was in 1972, when Elvis performed four sold-out
shows at Madison Square Garden. During his “concert years” from 1969 to 1977, Elvis gave
nearly 1,100 concert performances.
Grammy Awards

Elvis received 14 Grammy nominations from the National Academy of Recording Arts and
Sciences (NARAS). His three wins were for gospel recordings - the album "How Great Thou
Art" (1967), the album "He Touched Me" (1972) on the RCA Victor label and his live
Memphis concert recording of the song "How Great Thou Art" (1974).

In 1971, NARAS also recognized him with their Lifetime Achievement Award (known then
as the Bing Crosby Award in honor of its first recipient). Elvis was 36 years old at the time.
Six of Elvis' recordings, all of them his original studio masters, have been inducted into the
NARAS Hall of Fame: "Hound Dog" (1956 recording, inducted 1988); "Heartbreak Hotel"
(1956 recording, inducted 1995); "That's All Right" (1954 recording, inducted 1998);
"Suspicious Minds" (1969 recording, inducted 1999); "Don't Be Cruel" (1956 recording,
inducted 2002); and "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" (1960 recording, inducted 2007).

The Recording Academy's national trustees established the Grammy Hall Of Fame in 1973
to honor audio recordings of lasting qualitative or historical significance that are at least 25
years old. Many inductees are recordings that were created and released before the 1958
inception of NARAS and the Grammy Awards.

One of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation

The United States Junior Chamber of Commerce (the Jaycees) named Elvis One of the Ten
Outstanding Young Men of the Nation for 1970 in a ceremony on January 16, 1971, one of
Elvis’ proudest moments. This award has been given since 1938 and has honored men of
achievement in all areas of endeavor - sports, government, science, medicine,
entertainment, etc. It recognizes outstanding personal achievement and the exemplification
of the opportunities available in the free enterprise system, along with patriotism,
humanitarianism, and community service. (In the 1980s, eligibility was opened to women as
well as men, and the award has since been presented to the year's Ten Outstanding Young
Charitable Endeavors
Elvis Presley was famous for giving away cars, cash and jewelry, often on the spur of the
moment. But, the true depth and breadth of his generosity and community involvement is
not so widely known.

In 1961, Elvis gave a benefit concert at Bloch Arena in Hawaii that raised over $65,000
toward the building of the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. The resulting publicity
gave new life to the fund-raising effort, which had, by then, lost its momentum. The memorial
opened a year later.

Audience tickets for his 1973 "Aloha from Hawaii" television special and its pre-broadcast
rehearsal show carried no price, as each audience member was asked to pay whatever he
or she could. The performances and concert merchandise sales were a benefit raising
$75,000 for the Kui Lee Cancer Fund in Hawaii. Each year, for many years, Elvis gave
$1,000 or more to each of 50 Memphis-area charities, but also continually made many other
charitable donations in Memphis and around the country.

Elvis' legacy of generosity continues through the work of the Elvis Presley Charitable
Foundation, which is the philanthropic branch of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. and the
creator of the Elvis Presley Endowed Scholarship Fund at the University of Memphis. The
tradition of giving also continues through the work of the Elvis fan clubs worldwide, most of
which are heavily involved in charitable endeavors in Elvis' memory.

Graceland Mansion
Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home and refuge for 20 years, is one of the most visited homes
in America today, now attracting over 600,000 visitors annually. In 1991, Graceland Mansion
was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2006, Graceland was designated
a National Historic Landmark.

The Elvis Stamp

In 1993, the U.S. Postal Service announced that Elvis’ image would be used for a
commemorative postage stamp. The Postal Service narrowed the artwork choices down to
two images - 1950’s sizzling young rocker or concert superstar in his 1973 "Aloha from
Hawaii" special. In an unprecedented move, the USPS put the decision to the American
people and distributed ballots coast to coast. Over 1.2 million votes were cast and the image
of the young rocker Elvis stamp won. The stamp was released on January 8, 1993, with
extravagant first day of issue ceremonies at Graceland. The Elvis stamp is the most widely
publicized stamp issue in the history of the U.S. Postal Service and it is the top selling
commemorative postage stamp of all time. The USPS printed 500 million of them, three
times the usual print run for a commemorative stamp. Several countries outside the U.S.
also have issued Elvis stamps over the years and they have become an essential item for
collectors of Elvis Presley memorabilia.
Special Posthumous Honors

The 1984, W.C. Handy Award from the Blues Foundation in Memphis recognized Elvis for
"keeping the blues alive in his music - rock 'n' roll." The Academy of Country Music's first
Golden Hat Award presented in 1984 recognized Elvis' influence on country music. In 1986,
Elvis was among the first group of inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1987,
Elvis was honored with the first posthumous presentation of the Award of Merit by the
American Music Awards. In 1998, Elvis received the Country Music Association's highest
honor, induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame. In 2001, Elvis was inducted into the
Gospel Music Association's Gospel Music Hall of Fame. With that honor, Elvis was the first
artist to become a member of all three of these halls of fame–Rock and Roll, Country and
A New Concert Career

On August 16, 1997, Elvis, via video, starred in an extravagant concert production entitled
Elvis in Concert '97 at the Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis, Tennessee, accompanied live
on stage by over 30 of his former bandmates and the Memphis Symphony Orchestra.

The show played before a capacity crowd of fans who had come to Memphis from around
the world to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Elvis' death. Elvis broke the Mid-South
Coliseum's all-time record dollar figure for box office sales. This concert was the prototype
for the 1998/99 touring production "Elvis - The Concert." By being the first performer ever to
headline a live concert tour while no longer living, Elvis made history again.
The March 1998 tour included a three-show smash engagement at Radio City Music Hall in
New York. The August 1998 tour included the excitement of Elvis' "return" to the Las Vegas
Hilton with an eight-show engagement. The January/ February 1999 European tour opened
with a sell-out at London's Wembley Arena and, in effect, marked Elvis' first-ever concerts
outside of North America. As of 2010, the show continues to tour worldwide–a testament to
the international love of Elvis Presley and his music.
The Original U.S. Complete Discography:

This is the great Elvis Presley discography of Singles, Extended Play (EP) and Long Play
(LP) catalog, organized by original release date.

The discography of Elvis Presley starts on July 19, 1954, with the release of his first
commercial single, and ends in February 1978. Presley’s final album, “Elvis In Concert,” and
final two singles, “My Way” and “Unchained Melody,” although released after his death, are
considered part of the discographical canon as they were projects Presley himself knew
about in the planning stages.
All other releases are included in the posthumous section, and obviously all compact disc
box sets were also released after Presley’s death.

Without including album reissues, during this period of 1954 to 1978 American Presley
releases consisted of 102 singles, 30 extended-play singles, 70 albums on RCA Records, 4
albums on the Pickwick budget label, and 5 singles on the Sun Records label.
Throughout the years, RCA had re-released most catalog numbers with modifications to the
covers, catalog numbers, vinyl and labels.

The very first Compact Disc (CD) of Elvis was released in April 1984, under the “RCA” label.
RCA was then bought in 1986 by the “Bertelsmann Music Group” (BMG). In 2003 BMG
made a joint venture with Sony. From 2004 until 2008, Elvis CDs were released under the
label “Sony-BMG.” In August 2008, BMG sold their music catalog to Sony. From that date
on, we have the new Elvis label “Sony Music Entertainment.”
Original U.S. Complete Discography (1954 – 1977)


That’s All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky

SUN 209 (78/45)
Released: July 19, 1954

Good Rockin’ Tonight / I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine

SUN 210 (78/45)
Released: October 4, 1954

Milkcow Blues Boogie / You’re A Heartbreaker

SUN 215 (78/45)
Released: December 29, 1954

I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone / Baby, Let’s Play House
SUN 217 (78/45)
Released: April 10, 1955

I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Mystery Train

SUN 223 (78/45)
Released: August 1, 1955

I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Mystery Train

RCA 47-6357 (45) / 20-6357 (78)
Released: December 2, 1955

That’s All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky

RCA 47-6380 (45) / 20-6380 (78)
Released: January 23, 1956

I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine / Good Rockin’ Tonight

RCA 47-6381 (45) / 20-6381 (78)
Released: January 23, 1956

Milkcow Blues Boogie / You’re A Heartbreaker

RCA 47-6382 (45) / 20-6382 (78)
Released: January 23, 1956
Baby, Let’s Play House / I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone
RCA 47-6383 (45) / 20-6383 (78)
Released: January 23, 1956

Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One

RCA 47-6420 (45) / 20-6420 (78)
Released: January 27, 1956


Released: March 23, 1956

Side 1: Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti

Side 2: I Got A Woman / Just Because


RCA EPB 1254
Released: March 23, 1956

Side 1: Blue Suede Shoes / I’m Counting on You

Side 2: I Got A Woman / One-Sided Love Affair
Side 3: Tutti Frutti / Trying To Get To You
Side 4: I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry / I’ll Never Let You Go
RCA LPM 1254
Released: March 23, 1956

Side 1: Blue Suede Shoes / I’m Counting On You / I Got A

Woman / One-Sided Love Affair / I Love You Because / Just
Side 2: Tutti Frutti / Trying To Get To You / I’m Gonna Sit Right
Down And Cry / I’ll Never Let You Go / Blue Moon / Money Honey


Released: April 20, 1956

Side 1: Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One

Side 2: Money Honey / I Forgot To Remember To Forget

I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / My Baby Left Me

RCA 47-6540 (45) / 20-6540 (78)
Released: May 4, 1956


Released: June 8, 1956

Side 1: Shake, Rattle & Roll / I Love You Because

Side 2: Blue Moon / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy
Hound Dog / Don’t Be Cruel
RCA 47-6604 (45) / 20-6604 (78)
Released: July 13, 1956


Released: August 17, 1956

Side 1: Don’t Be Cruel / I Want You, I Need You I Love You

Side 2: Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me

Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti

(US) RCA 47-6636 (45) / 20-6636 (78)
Released: August 31, 1956

I’m Counting On You / I Got A Woman

RCA 47-6637 (45) / 20-6637 (78)
Released: August 31, 1956
I’m Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry / I’ll Never Let You Go
RCA 47-6638 (45) / 20-6638 (78)
Released: August 31, 1956

Trying To Get To You / I Love You Because

RCA 47-6639 (45) / 20-6639 (78)
Released: August 31, 1956

Blue Moon / Just Because

RCA 47-6640 (45) / 20-6640 (78)
Released: August 31, 1956

Money Honey / One-Sided Love Affair

RCA 47-6641 (45) / 20-6641 (78)
Released: August 31, 1956
Shake, Rattle & Roll / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy
RCA 47-6642 (45) / 20-6642 (78)
Released: August 31, 1956

TV Guide Presents Elvis Presley (A talking-only EP)

RCA Victor G8MW-8705
Released: September, 1956

Side 1: “Pelvis” nickname / Adult’s reaction / First public

appearance / How “rockin’ motion” started
Side 2: Blank side


Released: September 5, 1956

Side 1: Any Way You Want Me / I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s
Side 2: I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine / Mystery Train

Any Way You Want Me / Love Me Tender

RCA 47-6643 (45) / 20-6643 (78)
Released: September 14, 1956
Elvis Presley (2x EP)
Released: October, 1956
Side 1: Blue Suede Shoes / I’m Counting on You
Side 2: I Got a Woman / One-Sided Love Affair
Side 3: I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry / I’ll Never Let You Go
Side 4: Tutti Frutti / Tryin’ to Get to You

Elvis Presley (3x EP)

Released: October, 1956
Side 1: Blue Suede Shoes / I’m Counting on You
Side 2: I Got a Woman / One-Sided Love Affair
Side 3: I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry / I’ll Never Let You Go
Side 4: Tutti Frutti / Tryin’ to Get to You
Side 5: Don’t Be Cruel / I Want you, I Need You, I Love You
Side 6: Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me

RCA LPM 1382
Released: October 19, 1956

Side 1: Rip It Up / Love Me / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold

Again / Long Tall Sally / First In Line / Paralyzed
Side 2: So Glad You’re Mine / Old Shep / Ready Teddy /
Anyplace Is Paradise / How’s The World Treating You? / How Do
You Think I Feel?

ELVIS, Volume 1 (EP)

Released: October 19, 1956

Side 1: Any Way You Want Me / I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s
Side 2: I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine / Mystery Train
ELVIS, Volume 2 (EP)
Released: October 19, 1956

Side 1: So Glad You’re Mine / Old Shep

Side 2: Ready Teddy / Anyplace Is Paradise


Released: October 19, 1956

Side 1: Long Tall Sally / First In Line

Side 2: How Do You Think I Feel? / How’s The World Treating


RCA EPA 4006
Released: November 1, 1956

Side 1: Love Me Tender / Let Me

Side 2: Poor Boy / We’re Gonna Move

PERFECT FOR PARTIES - Highlight Album (EP)

RCA Victor SPA 7-37
Released: November, 1956

Side 1: Love Me (Elvis Presley) / Anchors Aweigh (Tony Cabot)

/ That’s A Puente (Tito Puente)
Side 2: Rock Me, But Don’t Roll Me (Tony Scott) / Happy Face
Baby (The Three Suns) / Prom To Prom (Dave Pell)

All songs presented by Elvis.

Rainbo Records (No identification number used)(78)
Released: November, 1956

Single-sided 78rpm flexi-disc with a monolog recorded in Hollywood on

August 22, 1956 answering questions about his life and exploding
career, including addressing some of the gossip. This record was
inserted into a specialty magazine called “Elvis Answers Back.”


Too Much / Playing For Keeps

RCA 47-6800 (45) / 20-6800 (78)
Released: January 4, 1957

All Shook Up / That’s When Your Heartaches Begin

RCA 47-6870 (45) / 20-6870 (78)
Released: March 22, 1957
RCA EPA 4054
Released: April 11, 1957

Side 1: Peace In The Valley / It Is No Secret

Side 2: I Believe / Take My Hand, Precious Lord

Teddy Bear / Loving You

RCA 47-7000 (45) / 20-7000 (78)
Released: June 11, 1957


RCA EPA 1 1515
Released: June 20, 1957

Side 1: Loving You / Party

Side 2: Teddy Bear / True Love


RCA EPA 2 1515
Released: June 20, 1957

Side 1: Lonesome Cowboy / Hot Dog

Side 2: Mean Woman Blues / Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do!
RCA LPM 1515
Released: June 20, 1957

Side 1: Mean Woman Blues / Teddy Bear / Loving You / Got A

Lot O’ Livin’ To Do! / Lonesome Cowboy / Hot Dog / Party
Side 2: Blueberry Hill / True Love / Don’t Leave Me Now / Have
I Told You Lately That I Love You? / I Need You So


RCA EPA 4041
Released: August 21, 1957

Side 1: I Need You So / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
Side 2: Blueberry Hill / Is It So Strange?

Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice

RCA 47-7035 (45) / 20-7035 (78)
Released: September 24, 1957


RCA LOC 1035
Released: October 15, 1957

Side 1: Santa Claus Is Back In Town / White Christmas / Here

Comes Santa Claus / I’ll Be Home For Christmas / Blue
Christmas / Santa, Bring My Baby Back
Side 2: O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Peace In The
Valley / I Believe / Take My Hand, Precious Lord / It Is No Secret
RCA EPA 4108
Released: October 16, 1957

Side 1: Santa, Bring My Baby Back / Blue Christmas

Side 2: Santa Claus Is Back In Town / I’ll Be Home for


RCA EPA 4114
Released: October 30, 1957

Side 1: Jailhouse Rock / Young and Beautiful

Side 2: I Want To Be Free / Don’t Leave Me Now (Remake) /
Baby, I Don’t Care


Don’t / I Beg Of You

RCA 47-7150 (45) / 20-7150 (78)
Released: January 7, 1958
RCA LPM 1707
Released: March 21, 1958

Side 1: Hound Dog / Loving You / All Shook Up / Heartbreak

Hotel / Jailhouse Rock / Love Me / Too Much
Side 2: Don’t Be Cruel / That’s When Your Heartaches Begin /
Teddy Bear / Love Me Tender / Treat Me Nice / Any Way You
Want Me / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You

Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha’ Think It’s Time?

RCA 47-7240 (45) / 20-7240 (78)
Released: April 1, 1958

Hard Headed Woman / Don’t Ask Me Why

RCA 47-7280 (45) / 20-7280 (78)
Released: June 10, 1958


RCA EPA 4319
Released: July 15, 1958

Side 1: King Creole / New Orleans

Side 2: As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
RCA EPA 4321
Released: July 29, 1958

Side 1: Trouble / Young Dreams

Side 2: Crawfish / Dixieland Rock


RCA LPM 1884
Released: August 10, 1958

Side 1: King Creole / As Long As I Have You / Hard Headed

Woman / Trouble / Dixieland Rock
Side 2: Don’t Ask Me Why / Lover Doll / Crawfish / Young Dreams
/ Steadfast, Loyal And True / New Orleans

One Night / I Got Stung

RCA 47-7410 (45) / 20-7410 (78)
Released: October 21, 1958

ELVIS SAILS (A talking-only EP) (Recorded September 22)

RCA EPA 4325
Released: November 18, 1958

Side 1: Press Interview with Elvis Presley

Side 2: Elvis Presley’s Newsreel Interview / Pat Hernon
Interviews Elvis in the Library of the U.S.S. Randall at Sailing


RCA LPM 1990
Released: January 23, 1959

Side 1: That’s All Right / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy / Mystery Train /

Playing For Keeps / Poor Boy
Side 2: My Baby Left Me / I Was The One / Shake, Rattle & Roll
/ I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone / You’re A Heartbreaker

A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight

RCA 47-7506
Released: March 10, 1959


RCA EPA 5088
Released: April 21, 1959

Side 1: Hard Headed Woman / Good Rockin’ Tonight

Side 2: Don’t / I Beg Of You

A Big Hunk O’ Love / My Wish Came True

RCA 47-7600
Released: June 23, 1959
RCA LPM 2011
Released: August 21, 1959

Side 1: Blue Moon Of Kentucky / Young And Beautiful / Baby, I

Don’t Care / Milkcow Blues Boogie / Baby, Let’s Play House
Side 2: Good Rockin’ Tonight / Is It So Strange? / We’re Gonna
Move / I Want To Be Free / I Forgot To Remember To Forget


RCA EPA 5101
Released: September 9, 1959

Side 1: Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Treat Me Nice

Side 2: One Night / That’s All Right


RCA LPM 1951 (Re-release of LOC 1035, with a different cover)
Released: September 25, 1959

Side 1: Santa Claus Is Back In Town / White Christmas / Here

Comes Santa Claus / I’ll Be Home For Christmas / Blue
Christmas / Santa, Bring My Baby Back
Side 2: O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night / Peace In The
Valley / I Believe / Take My Hand, Precious Lord / It Is No Secret


RCA EPA 4340
Released: October 13, 1959

Side 1: White Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus

Side 2: O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night
RCA LPM 2075
Released: November 13, 1959

Side 1: I Need Your Love Tonight / Don’t / Wear My Ring Around

Your Neck / My Wish Came True / I Got Stung
Side 2: One Night / A Big Hunk O’ Love / I Beg Of You / A Fool
Such As I / Doncha’ Think It’s Time?


A TOUCH OF GOLD, Volume 3 (EP)

RCA EPA 5141
Released: February 23, 1960

Side 1: Too Much / All Shook Up

Side 2: Don’t Ask Me Why / Blue Moon Of Kentucky

Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune

RCA 47-7740 (Mono) / 61-7740 (Stereo)
Released: March 23, 1960
RCA LSP / LPM 2231
Released: April 6, 1960

Side 1: Make Me Know It / Fever / The Girl Of My Best Friend / I

Will Be Home Again (Duet with Charlie Hodge) / Dirty, Dirty Feeling
/ Thrill Of Your Love
Side 2: Soldier Boy / Such A Night / It Feels So Right / Girl Next
Door Went A’ Walking / Like A Baby / Reconsider Baby

It’s Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues

RCA 47-7777 (Mono) / 61-7777 (Stereo)
Released: July 5, 1960


RCA LSP / LPM 2256
Released: September 23, 1960

Side 1: Tonight Is So Right For Love* / What’s She Really Like? /

Frankfort Special / Wooden Heart / G.I.Blues
Side 2: Pocketful Of Rainbows / Shoppin’ Around / Big Boots / Didja’
Ever? / Blue Suede Shoes / Doin’ The Best I Can
* “Tonight’s All Right For Love” on non-US releases.

Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know

RCA 47-7810 (Mono) / 61-7810 (Stereo)
Released: November 1, 1960
RCA LSP / LPM 2328
Released: November 23, 1960

Side 1: His Hand In Mine / I’m Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs /
In My Father’s House / Milky White Way / Known Only To Him / I
Believe In The Man In The Sky
Side 2: Joshua Fit The Battle / He Knows Just What I Need / Swing
Down, Sweet Chariot / Mansion Over The Hilltop / If We Never Meet
Again / Working On The Building


Surrender / Lonely Man

RCA 47-7850 (Mono) / 61-7850 (Stereo)
Released: February 7, 1961

Also released on Compact 33 single (37/68-7850)


Released: April 21, 1961

Side 1: Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears

Side 2: Are You Lonesome Tonight? / It’s Now Or Never
I Feel So Bad / Wild In The Country
RCA 47-7880
Released: May 2, 1961

Also released on Compact 33 single (37-7880)


RCA LSP / LPM 2370
Released: May 19, 1961

Side 1: There’s Always Me / Give Me The Right / It’s A Sin /

Sentimental Me / Starting Today / Gently
Side 2: I’m Comin’ Home / In Your Arms / Put The Blame On Me /
Judy / I Want You With Me / I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell

His Latest Flame / Little Sister

RCA 47-7908
Released: August 8, 1961

Also released on Compact 33 single (37-7908)


RCA LSP / LPM 2426
Released: October 20, 1961

Side 1: Blue Hawaii / Almost Always True / Aloha Oe / No More /

Can’t Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby / Moonlight Swim
Side 2: Ku-U-I-Po / Ito Eats / Slicin’ Sand / Hawaiian Sunset / Beach
Boy Blues / Island Of Love / Hawaiian Wedding Song
Can’t Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby
RCA 47-7968
Released: November 21, 1961

Also released on Compact 33 single (37-7968)


Good Luck Charm / Anything That’s Part Of You

RCA 47-7992
Released: February 27, 1962

Also released on Compact 33 single (37-7992)


RCA EPA 4368
Released: April 17, 1962

Side 1: Follow That Dream / Angel

Side 2: What A Wonderful Life / I’m Not The Marrying Kind
RCA LSP / LPM 2523
Released: May 18, 1962

Side 1: Kiss Me Quick / Just For Old Times Sake / Gonna Get Back
Home Somehow / Easy Question / Steppin’ Out Of Line / I’m Yours
Side 2: Something Blue / Suspicion / I Feel That I’ve Known You
Forever / Night Rider / Fountain Of Love / That’s Someone You
Never Forget

She’s Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello

RCA 47-8041
Released: July 17, 1962


RCA EPA 4371
Released: August 28, 1962

Side 1: King Of The Whole Wide World / This Is Living / Riding The
Side 2: Home Is Where The Heart Is / I Got Lucky / A Whistling Tune

Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From?

RCA 47-8100
Released: October 2, 1962
RCA LSP / LPM 2621
Released: November 12, 1962
Side 1: Girls! Girls! Girls! / I Don’t Wanna Be Tied / Where Do You
Come From? / I Don’t Want To / We’ll Be Together / A Boy Like Me,
A Girl Like You / Earth Boy
Side 2: Return To Sender / Because Of Love / Thanks To The
Rolling Sea / Song Of The Shrimp / The Walls Have Ears / We’re
Coming In Loaded


One Broken Heart For Sale / They Remind Me Too Much Of You
RCA 47-8134
Released: January 29, 1963


RCA LSP / LPM 2697
Released: April 10, 1963
Side 1: Beyond The Bend / Relax / Take Me To The Fair / They
Remind Me Too Much Of You / One Broken Heart For Sale
Side 2: I’m Falling In Love Tonight / Cotton Candy Land / A World
Of Our Own / How Would You Like To Be? / Happy Ending
Devil In Disguise / Please, Don’t Drag That String Around
RCA 47-8188
Released: June 18, 1963


RCA LSP / LPM 2765
Released: August 12, 1963
Side 1: It’s Now Or Never / Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune / I
Gotta Know / Surrender / I Feel So Bad
Side 2: Are You Lonesome Tonight? / His Latest Flame / Little Sister
/ Good Luck Charm / Anything That’s Part Of You / She’s Not You

Bossa Nova Baby / Witchcraft

RCA 47-8243
Released: October 1, 1963


RCA LSP / LPM 2756
Released: November 15, 1963
Side 1: Fun In Acapulco / Vino, Dinero Y Amor / Mexico / El Toro /
Marguerita / The Bullfighter Was A Lady / No Room To Rhumba In
A Sports Car
Side 2: I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here / Bossa Nova Baby / You
Can’t Say No In Acapulco / Guadalajara / Love Me Tonight / Slowly,
But Surely

Kissin’ Cousins / It Hurts me

RCA 47-8307
Released: February 10, 1964


RCA LSP / LPM 2894
Released: April 2, 1964
Side 1: Kissin’ Cousins (Number 2) / Smokey Mountain Boy /
There’s Gold In The Mountains / One Boy, Two Little Girls / Catchin’
On Fast / Tender Feeling
Side 2: Anyone / Barefoot Ballad / Once Is Enough / Kissin’ Cousins
/ Echoes Of Love / Long, Lonely Highway

Kiss Me Quick / Suspicion

“Gold Standard”
RCA 447-0639
Released: April 14, 1964

What’d I Say? / Viva Las Vegas

RCA 47-8360
Released: April 28, 1964
RCA EPA 4382
Released: May 13, 1964
Side 1: If You Think I Don’t Need You / I Need Somebody To Lean
Side 2: C’mon Everybody / Today, Tomorrow and Forever

Such A Night / Never Ending

RCA 47-8400
Released: July 14, 1964

RCA LSP / LPM 2999
Released: September 21, 1964
Side 1: Roustabout / Little Egypt / Poison Ivy League / Hard Knocks
/ It’s A Wonderful World / Big Love, Big Heartache
Side 2: One Track Heart / It’s Carnival Time / Carny Town / There’s
A Brand New Day On The Horizon / Wheels On My Heels

Ain’t That Loving You, Baby? / Ask Me

RCA 47-8440
Released: September 22, 1964
Blue Christmas / Wooden Heart
“Gold Standard”
RCA 447-0720
Released: November 3, 1964


Do The Clam / You’ll Be Gone

RCA 47-8500
Released: February 9, 1965


RCA LSP / LPM 3338
Released: March 26, 1965
Side 1: Girl Happy / Spring Fever / Fort Lauderdale Chamber Of
Commerce / Startin’ Tonight / Wolf Call / Do Not Disturb
Side 2: Cross My Heart And Hope To Die / The Meanest Girl In
Town / Do The Clam / Puppet On A String / I’ve Got To Find My
Baby / You’ll Be Gone
Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
“Gold Standard”
RCA 447-0643
Released: April 6, 1965

Easy Question / It Feels So Right

RCA 47-8585
Released: June 8, 1965

RCA EPA 4383
Released: June 15, 1965
Side 1: I Feel That I’ve Known You Forever / Slowly, But Surely
Side 2: Night Rider / Put The Blame On Me / Dirty, Dirty Feeling


RCA LSP / LPM 3450
Released: July 19, 1965
Side 1: Your Cheatin’ Heart / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears /
Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers / In My Way / Tomorrow Night
(Overdubbed master) / Memphis, Tennessee
Side 2: For The Millionth And The Last Time / Forget Me Never /
Sound Advice / Santa Lucia / I Met Her Today / When It Rains, It
Really Pours
I’m Yours / Long, Lonely Highway
RCA 47-8657
Released: August 10, 1965

Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town

“Gold Standard”
RCA 447-0647
Released: October 26, 1965

Wooden Heart / Puppet On A String

“Gold Standard”
RCA 447-0650
Released: October 26, 1965


RCA LSP / LPM 3468
Released: November 3, 1965
Side 1: Harem Holiday / My Desert Serenade / Go East, Young Man
/ Mirage / Kismet / Shake That Tambourine
Side 2: Hey, Little Girl / Golden Coins / So Close, Yet So Far /
Animal Instinct / Wisdom Of The Ages
Tell Me Why / Blue River
RCA 47-8740
Released: December 14, 1965


Joshua Fit The Battle / Known Only To Him

“Gold Standard”
RCA 447-0651
Released: February 15, 1966

Milky White Way / Swing Down, Sweet Chariot

“Gold Standard”
RCA 447-0652
Released: February 15, 1966
Frankie And Johnny / Please, Don’t Stop Loving Me
RCA 47-8780
Released: March 1, 1966


RCA LSP / LPM 3553
Released: April, 1966
Side 1: Frankie And Johnny / Come Along / Petunia, The Gardner’s
Daughter (Duet with Eileen Wilson) / Chesay / What Every Woman
Lives For / Look Out, Broadway (Duet with Eileen Wilson and Ray
Side 2: Beginner’s Luck / Medley: Down By The Riverside - When
The Saints Go Marching In / Shout It Out / Hard Luck / Please, Don’t
Stop Loving Me / Everybody Come Aboard

Come What May / Love Letters

RCA 47-8870
Released: June 8, 1966


RCA LSP / LPM 3643
Released: June 10, 1966
Side 1: Paradise, Hawaiian Style / Queenee Wahine’s Papaya /
Scratch My Back / Drums Of The Island / Datin’
Side 2: A Dog’s Life / A House Of Sand / Stop Where You Are / This
Is My Heaven / Sand Castle
Spinout / All That I Am
RCA 47-8941
Released: September 13, 1966

RCA LSP / LPM 3702
Released: October 31, 1966
Side 1: Stop, Look And Listen / Adam And Evil / All That I Am /
Never Say Yes / Am I Ready? / Beach Shack
Side 2: Spinout / Smorgasbord / I’ll Be Back / Tomorrow is A Long
Time / Down In The Alley / I’ll Remember You

If Every Day Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be?
RCA 47-8950
Released: November 15, 1966

Indescribably Blue / Fools Fall In Love

RCA 47-9056
Released: January 10, 1967


RCA LSP / LPM 3758
Released: February, 1967
Side 1: How Great Thou Art / In The Garden / Somebody Bigger
Than You and I / Farther Along / Stand By Me / Without Him
Side 2: So High / Where Could I Go But To The Lord? / By And By
/ If The Lord Wasn’t Walking By My Side / Run On / Where No One
Stands Alone / Crying In The Chapel


RCA EPA 4387
Released: March 10, 1967
Side 1: Easy Come, Easy Go / The Love Machine / Yoga Is As Yoga
Side 2: You Gotta Stop / Sing, You Children / I’ll Take Love

Long Legged Girl / That’s Someone You Never Forget

RCA 47-9115
Released: April 25, 1967
RCA LSP / LPM 3787
Released: June 1, 1967
Side 1: Double Trouble / Baby, If You’ll Give Me All Of Your Love /
Could I Fall In Love? / Long Legged Girl / City By Night / Old
Side 2: I Love Only One Girl / There Is So Much World To See / It
Won’t Be Long / Never Ending / Blue River / What Now, What Next,
Where To?

There’s Always Me / Judy

RCA 47-9287
Released: August 8, 1967

Big Boss Man / You Don’t Know Me

RCA 47-9341
Released: September 26, 1967

RCA LSP / LPM 3893
Released: October 23, 1967
Side 1: Guitar Man / Clambake / Who Needs Money? (Duet with
Ray Walker) / A House That Has Everything / Confidence / Hey,
Hey, Hey
Side 2: You Don’t Know Me (Remake) / The Girl I Never Loved /
How Can You Lose What You Never Had? / Big Boss Man / Singing
Tree / Just Call Me Lonesome

Guitar Man / Hi-Heel Sneakers

RCA 47-9425
Released: January 3, 1968


RCA LSP / LPM 3921
Released: January 22, 1968
Side 1: Love Letters / Witchcraft / It Hurts Me / What’d I Say? /
Please, Don’t Drag That String Around / Indescribably Blue
Side 2: Devil In Disguise / Lonely Man / A Mess Of Blues / Ask Me
/ Ain’t That Loving You, Baby? / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello

Stay Away / U.S. Male

RCA 47-9465
Released: February 27, 1968

We Call On Him / You’ll Never Walk Alone

RCA 47-9600
Released: March 26, 1968
Your Time Hasn’t Come Yet, Baby / Let Yourself Go
RCA 47-9547
Released: May 21, 1968

RCA LSP / LPM 3989
Released: May 26, 1968
Side 1: Speedway / There Ain’t Nothing Like A Song / Your Time
Hasn’t Come Yet, Baby / Who Are You? / He’s Your Uncle, Not Your
Dad / Let Yourself Go
Side 2: Your Groovy Self (Sung by Nancy Sinatra) / Five Sleepy
Heads / Western Union / Mine / Goin’ Home / Suppose

Almost In Love / A Little Less Conversation

RCA 47-9610
Released: September 3, 1968
Released: October, 1968
Side 1: Flaming Star / Wonderful World / Night Life / All I Needed
Was The Rain / Too Much Monkey Business
Side 2: Medley: Yellow Rose Of Texas - The Eyes Of Texas / She’s
A Machine / Do The Vega / Tiger Man (Live)

If I Can Dream / Edge Of Reality

RCA 47-9670
Released: October 29, 1968


RCA LPM 4088
Released: November 22, 1968
Side 1: Medley: Trouble - Guitar Man / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy / Baby, What
You Want Me To Do? / Dialogue / Medley: Heartbreak Hotel - Hound Dog -
All Shook Up / Can’t Help Falling In Love / Jailhouse Rock / Love Me Tender
Side 2: Medley: Where Could I Go But To The Lord? - Up Above My Head
- Saved / Dialogue / Blue Christmas / One Night / Memories / Medley:
Nothingville - Big Boss Man - Guitar Man - Little Egypt -Trouble - Guitar Man
/ If I Can Dream

Charro / Memories
RCA 47-9731
Released: February 25, 1969

His Hand In Mine / How Great Thou Art

RCA 74-0130
Released: March 25, 1969


Camden CAS 2304 (Originally released as RCA PRS 279)
Released: March 28, 1969
Side 1: Flaming Star / Wonderful World / Night Life / All I Needed
Was The Rain / Too Much Monkey Business
Side 2: Medley: Yellow Rose Of Texas - The Eyes Of Texas / She’s
A Machine / Do The Vega / Tiger Man (Live)
In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
RCA 47-9741
Released: April 15, 1969


RCA LSP 4155
Released: June 17, 1969
Side 1: Wearin’ That Loved-On Look / Only The Strong Survive / I’ll
Hold You In My Heart / Long Black Limousine / It Keeps Right On
A-Hurtin’ / I’m Movin’ On
Side 2: Power Of My Love / Gentle On My Mind / After Loving You
/ True Love Travels On A Gravel Road / Any Day Now / In The

Clean Up Your Own Back Yard / The Fair’s Moving On

RCA 47-9747
Released: June 5, 1969

Suspicious Minds / You’ll Think Of Me

RCA 47-9764
Released: August 26, 1969
RCA LSP 6020
Released: October 14, 1969

From Memphis To Vegas (Later released as “Elvis In Person At The

International Hotel” LSP 4428 in 1970)
Side 1: Blue Suede Shoes / Johnny B. Goode / All Shook Up / Are
You Lonesome Tonight? / Hound Dog / I Can’t Stop Loving You /
My Babe
Side 2: Medley: Mystery Train - Tiger Man / Words / In The Ghetto
/ Suspicious Minds / Can’t Help Falling In Love
Recorded live at the Showroom, International Hotel, Las Vegas, August, 1969.

From Vegas To Memphis (Later released as “Back In Memphis” LSP

4429 in 1970)
Side 3: Inherit The Wind / This Is The Story / Stranger In My Own
Home Town / A Little Bit Of Green / And The Grass Won’t Pay No
Side 4: Do You Know Who I Am? / From A Jack To A King / The
Fair’s Moving On / You’ll Think Of Me / Without Love

Don’t Cry, Daddy / Rubberneckin’

RCA 47-9768
Released: November 11, 1969

Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend

RCA 47-9791
Released: January 29, 1970


RCA Camden CAS 2408
Released: April, 1970
Side 1: Stay Away, Joe / If I’m A Fool / Let’s Be Friends / Let’s Forget
About The Stars / Mama (Long version)
Side 2: I’ll Be There / Almost / Change Of Habit / Have A Happy

Mama Liked The Roses / The Wonder Of You (Live)

RCA 47-9835
Released: April 20, 1970

ON STAGE - February, 1970 (LP)

RCA LSP 4362
Released: June 1, 1970
Side 1: See See Rider / Release Me / Sweet Caroline / Runaway* /
The Wonder Of You
Side 2: Polk Salad Annie / Yesterday* / Proud Mary / Walk A Mile
In My Shoes / Let It Be Me

Recorded live at the Showroom, International Hotel, Las Vegas, February, 1970,
except for * (August, 1969.)
I’ve Lost You / The Next Step Is Love
RCA 47-9873
Released: July 14, 1970


RCA LPM 6401
Released: August, 1970
Side 1: Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One / I Want You, I Need You, I Love
You / Don’t Be Cruel / Hound Dog / Love Me Tender
Side 2: Any Way You Want Me / Too Much / Playing For Keeps / All Shook
Up / That’s When Your Heartaches Begin / Loving You
Side 3: Teddy Bear / Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice / I Beg Of You / Don’t
/ Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Hard Headed Woman
Side 4: I Got Stung / A Fool Such As I / A Big Hunk O’ Love / Stuck On You
/ A Mess Of Blues / It’s Now Or Never
Side 5: I Gotta Know / Are You Lonesome Tonight? / Surrender / I Feel So
Bad / Little Sister / Can’t Help Falling In Love
Side 6: Rock-A-Hula Baby / Anything That’s Part Of You / Good Luck
Charm / She’s Not You / Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From? /
One Broken Heart For Sale
Side 7: Devil In Disguise / Bossa Nova Baby / Kissin’ Cousins / Viva Las
Vegas / Ain’t That Loving You, Baby? / Wooden Heart
Side 8: Crying In The Chapel / If I Can Dream / In The Ghetto / Suspicious
Minds / Don’t Cry, Daddy / Kentucky Rain / Excerpts from “Elvis Sails”
Re-released in 1974 as R213690 (a RCA Record Club issue only).
RCA Camden CAL 2428
Released: August, 1970
Side 1: Blue Christmas / Silent Night / White Christmas /Santa
Claus Is Back In Town / I’ll Be Home For Christmas
Side 2: If Every Day Was Like Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus
/ O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Santa, Bring My Baby Back / Mama
Liked The Roses


RCA Camden CAS 2440
Released: October 1, 1970
Side 1: Almost In Love / Long Legged Girl / Edge Of Reality / My
Little Friend / A Little Less Conversation
Side 2: Rubberneckin’ / Clean Up Your Own Back Yard / U.S. Male
/ Charro / Stay Away, Joe
Re-released on March, 1973 with the only difference being the replacement of “Stay
Away, Joe” with “Stay Away”.

You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up

RCA 47-9916
Released: October 6, 1970


RCA LSP 4428
Released: October, 1970
Side 1: Blue Suede Shoes / Johnny B. Goode / All Shook Up / Are
You Lonesome Tonight? / Hound Dog / I Can’t Stop Loving You /
My Babe
Side 2: Medley: Mystery Train - Tiger Man / Words / In The Ghetto
/ Suspicious Minds / Can’t Help Falling In Love
Recorded live at the Showroom, International Hotel, Las Vegas, August, 1969.
RCA LSP 4429
Released: October, 1970
Side 1: Inherit The Wind / This Is The Story / Stranger In My Own
Home Town / A Little Bit Of Green / And The Grass Won’t Pay No
Side 2: Do You Know Who I Am? / From A Jack To A King / The
Fair’s Moving On / You’ll Think Of Me / Without Love


RCA LSP 4445
Released: November 11, 1970
Side 1: I Just Can’t Help Believin’ (Live) / Twenty Days And Twenty
Nights / How The Web Was Woven / Patch It Up (Live) / Mary In
The Morning / You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
Side 2: You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ (Live) / I’ve Lost You (Live)
/ Just Pretend / Stranger In The Crowd / The Next Step Is Love /
Bridge Over Troubled Water

I Really Don’t Want To Know / There Goes My Everything

RCA 47-9960
Released: December 8, 1970


RCA LSP 4460
Released: January 2, 1971
Side 1: Snowbird / Tomorrow Never Comes / Little Cabin Home On The Hill
/ Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On / Funny How Time Slips Away / I Really
Don’t Want To Know
Side 2: There Goes My Everything / It’s Your Baby, You Rock It / The Fool
/ Faded Love / I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water / Make The World Go
(Snippets of “I Was Born About Then Thousand Years Ago” between tracks.)

Rags To Riches / Where Did They Go, Lord?

RCA 47-9980
Released: February 23, 1971


RCA Camden CALX 2472
Released: March 22, 1971
Side 1: You’ll Never Walk Alone / Who Am I? / Let Us Pray / Peace
In The Valley / We Call On Him
Side 2: I Believe / It Is No Secret / Sing, You Children / Take My
Hand, Precious Lord
Re-released in 1974.

Life / Only Believe

RCA 47-9985
Released: April 27, 1971
RCA LSP 4530
Released: June 16, 1971
Side 1: Love Letters (Remake) / When I’m Over You / If I Were You
/ Medley: Got My Mojo Working - Hand Off / Heart Of Rome
Side 2: Only Believe / This Is Our Dance / Cindy, Cindy /I’ll Never
Know / It Ain’t No Big Thing / Life

I’m Leavin’ / Heart Of Rome

RCA 47-9998
Released: June 22, 1971


RCA Camden CAL 2518
Released: July, 1971
Side 1: C’mon Everybody / Angel / Easy Come, Easy Go / A
Whistling Tune / Follow That Dream
Side 2: King Of The Whole Wide World / I’ll Take Love / Today,
Tomorrow And Forever / I’m Not The Marrying Kind / This Is Living


RCA LPM 6402
Released: August, 1971
Side 1: Puppet On A String / Witchcraft / Trouble / Poor Boy / I Want To Be
Free / Doncha’ Think It’s Time? / Young Dreams
Side 2: The Next Step Is Love / You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me /
Paralyzed / My Wish Came True / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
/ Lonesome Cowboy
Side 3: My Baby Left Me / It Hurts Me / I Need Your Love Tonight / Tell Me
Why / Please, Don’t Drag That String Around / Young And Beautiful
Side 4: Hot Dog / New Orleans / We’re Gonna Move / Crawfish / King Creole
/ I Believe In The Man In The Sky / Dixieland Rock
Side 5: The Wonder Of You / They Remind Me Too Much Of You / Mean
Woman Blues / Lonely Man / Any Day Now / Don’t Ask Me Why
Side 6: His Latest Flame / I Really Don’t Want To Know / Baby, I Don’t Care
/ I’ve Lost You / Let Me / Love Me
Side 7: Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do! / Fame And Fortune / Rip It Up / There
Goes My Everything / Lover Doll / One Night
Side 8: Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello / Ask Me / Patch It Up / As Long As I
Have You / You’ll Think Of Me / Wild In The Country


RCA LSP 4579
Released: September, 1971
Side 1: O Come, All Ye Faithful / The First Noel / On A Snowy
Christmas Night / Winter Wonderland / The Wonderful World Of
Christmas / It Won’t Seem Like Christmas
Side 2: I’ll Be Home On Christmas Day / If I Get Home On Christmas
Day / Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees / Merry Christmas, Baby /
Silver Bells

It’s Only Love / The Sound Of Your Cry

RCA 48-1017
Released: September 21, 1971


RCA Camden CAL 2533
Released: October, 1971
Side 1: I Got Lucky / What A Wonderful Life / I Need Somebody To
Lean On / Yoga Is As Yoga Does / Riding The Rainbow
Side 2: Fools Fall In Love / The Love Machine / Home Is Where The
Heart Is / You Gotta Stop / If You Think I Don’t Need You
Merry Christmas, Baby / O Come, All Ye Faithful
RCA 74-0572
Released: November 9, 1971


Until It’s Time For You To Go / We Can Make The Morning

RCA 74-0619
Released: January 4, 1972


RCA LSP 4671
Released: February 20, 1972
Side 1: Help Me Make It Through The Night / Miracle Of The Rosary
/ Hey, Jude / Put Your Hand In The Hand / Until It’s Time For You
To Go
Side 2: We Can Make The Morning / Early Morning Rain / Sylvia /
Fools Rush In / I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago
He Touched Me / Bosom Of Abraham
RCA 74-0651
Released: February 29, 1972

RCA LSP 4690
Released: April 3, 1972
Side 1: He Touched Me / I’ve Got Confidence / Amazing Grace /
Seeing Is Believing / He Is My Everything / Bosom Of Abraham
Side 2: An Evening Prayer / Lead Me, Guide Me / There Is No God
But God / A Thing Called Love / I, John / Reach Out To Jesus

An American Trilogy (Live) / The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
RCA 74-0672
Released: April 4, 1972


RCA Camden CAS 2567
Released: June, 1972
Side 1: Down By The Riverside - When The Saints Go Marching In
/ They Remind Me Too Much Of You / Confidence / Frankie And
Johnny / Guitar Man
Side 2: Long Legged Girl / You Don’t Know Me (Remake) / How
Would You Like To Be? / Big Boss Man / Old MacDonald
RCA LSP 4671
Released: June 18, 1972
Side 1: Also Sprach Zarathustra / That’s All Right / Proud Mary / Never
Been To Spain / You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me / You’ve Lost That
Lovin’ Feelin’ / Polk Salad Annie / Love Me / All Shook Up / Heartbreak
Hotel / Teddy Bear - Don’t Be Cruel / Love Me Tender
Side 2: The Impossible Dream / Introductions by Elvis / Hound Dog /
Suspicious Minds / For The Good Times / An American Trilogy / Funny How
Time Slips Away / I Can’t Stop Loving You / Can’t Help Falling In Love / End
Recorded live at the Madison Square Garden, New York City, June 10, 1972
(Evening show.)

Burning Love / It’s A Matter Of Time

RCA 74-0769
Released: August 1, 1972

Separate Ways / Always On My Mind

RCA 74-0815
Released: October 31, 1972
RCA Camden CAS 2595
Released: November 1, 1972
Side 1: Burning Love / Tender Feeling / Am I Ready? / Tonight Is
So Right For Love / Guadalajara
Side 2: It’s A Matter Of Time / No More / Santa Lucia / We’ll Be
Together / I Love Only One Girl


RCA Camden CAS 2611
Released: December 1, 1972
Side 1: Separate Ways / Sentimental Me / In My Way / I Met Her
Today / What Now, What Next, Where To?
Side 2: Always On My Mind / I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell / Is It So
Strange? / Forget Me Never / Old Shep



RCA Quadradisc VPSX 6089
Released: February 4, 1973
Side 1: Also Sprach Zarathustra / See See Rider / Burning Love / Something
/ You Gave Me A Mountain / Steamroller Blues
Side 2: My Way / Love Me / Johnny B. Goode / It’s Over / Blue Suede Shoes
/ I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry / I Can’t Stop Loving You / Hound Dog
Side 3: What Now, My Love? / Fever / Welcome To My World / Suspicious
Minds / Introductions by Elvis
Side 4: I’ll Remember You / Long Tall Sally - Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin On /
An American Trilogy / A Big Hunk O’ Love / Can’t Help Falling In Love

Recorded live at the Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, Hawaii,

January 14, 1973.
Steamroller Blues (Live) / Fool
RCA 74-0910
Released: March 13, 1973

RCA APL 1 0283
Released: July 16, 1973
Side 1: Fool / Where Do I Go From Here? / Love Me, Love The Life
I Lead / It’s Still Here / It’s Impossible (Live)
Side 2: For Lovin’ Me / Padre / I’ll Take You Home Again, Kathleen
/ I Will Be True / Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right


RCA Special Products DPL2-0056 (e)
Released: August 2, 1973
Side 1: Hound Dog / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / All Shook Up /
Don’t / I Beg Of You
Side 2: A Big Hunk O’ Love / Love Me / Stuck On You / Good Luck Charm
/ Return To Sender
Side 3: Don’t Be Cruel / Loving You / Jailhouse Rock / Can’t Help Falling in
Love / I Got Stung
Side 4: Teddy Bear / Love Me Tender / Hard Headed Woman / It’s Now Or
Never / Surrender

Raised On Rock / For Ol’ Times Sake

Released: September 1, 1973
RCA APL 1 0388
Released: October 1, 1973
Side 1: Raised On Rock / Are You Sincere? / Find Out What’s
Happening / I Miss You / Girl Of Mine
Side 2: For Ol’ Times Sake / If You Don’t Come Back / Just A Little
Bit / Sweet Angeline / Three Corn Patches



RCA CPL 1 0341
Released: January 3, 1974
Side 1: That’s All Right / I Love You Because (Take 2) / Heartbreak
Hotel / Excerpt from interview (Sept. 22, 1958) / Don’t Be Cruel / Love
Me / Trying To Get To You
Side 2: Love Me Tender / Peace In The Valley / Excerpt from
interview (Sept. 22, 1958) / A Fool Such As I / Tonight’s All Right For
Love / Are You Lonesome Tonight? / Can’t Help Falling In Love

I’ve Got A Thing About You, Baby / Take Good Care Of Her
Released: January 11, 1974
RCA CPL 1 0475
Released: March 20, 1974
Side 1: Take Good Care Of Her / Loving Arms / I Got A Feelin’ In My
Body / If That Isn’t Love / She Wears My Ring
Side 2: I’ve Got A Thing About You, Baby / My Boy / Spanish Eyes /
Talk About The Good Times / Good Time Charlie’s Got The Blues

If You Talk In Your Sleep / Help Me

Released: May 10, 1974


RCA CPL 1 0606
Released: July, 1974
Side 1: See See Rider / I Got A Woman / Love Me / Trying To Get
To You / Long Tall Sally - Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On - Mama Don’t
Dance - Flip Flop And Fly - Jailhouse Rock - Hound Dog / Why Me,
Lord? (Duet with JD Sumner) / How Great Thou Art
Side 2: Blueberry Hill - I Can’t Stop Loving You / Help Me / An
American Trilogy / Let Me Be There / My Baby Left Me / Lawdy, Miss
Clawdy / Can’t Help Falling In Love / Closing Vamp
Recorded live at the Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, Tennessee, March 20, 1974.

Promised Land / It’s Midnight

RCA PB 10074
Released: September 27, 1974
RCA CPM 1 0818
Released: October, 1974

Originally released on Boxcar Records (Col. Parker’s record label), with

permission by RCA, as “Having Fun With Elvis On Stage” with no catalog
number, and it was initially sold only at Elvis’ concerts.

My Boy / Loving Arms

RCA 2458-EX
Released: October, 1974

Manufactured in the U.S. for overseas distribution due to strikes in the U.K.


My Boy / Thinking About You

RCA PB 10191
Released: January 3, 1975
RCA APL 1 0873
Released: January 8, 1975
Side 1: Promised Land / There’s A Honky Tonk Angel / Help Me / Mr.
Songman / Love Song Of The Year
Side 2: It’s Midnight / Your Love’s Been A Long Time Coming / If You
Talk In Your Sleep / Thinking About You / You Asked Me To


RCA ANL 1 0971 (e)
Released: March, 1975
Side 1: Kentucky Rain / Fever / It’s Impossible (Live) / Jailhouse Rock
/ Don’t Be Cruel
Side 2: I Got A Woman / All Shook Up / Loving You / In The Ghetto /
Love Me Tender

T-R-O-U-B-L-E / Mr. Songman

RCA PB 10278
Released: April 22, 1975

RCA APL 1 1039
Released: May 7, 1975
Side 1: T-R-O-U-B-L-E / And I Love You So / Susan When She Tried
/ Woman Without Love / Shake A Hand
Side 2: Pieces Of My Life / Fairytale / I Can Help / Bringin’ It Back /
Green, Green Grass Of Home
Bringing It Back / Pieces Of My Life
RCA PB 10401
Released: September 20, 1975


Pickwick Records DL2 5001
Released: December, 1975
Side 1: Burning Love / I’ll Be There / Fools Fall In Love / Follow That Dream
/ You’ll Never Walk Alone
Side 2: Flaming Star / The Yellow Rose Of Texas - The Eyes Of Texas / Old
Shep / Mama
Side 3: Rubberneckin’ / U.S. Male / Frankie And Johnny / If You Think I Don’t
Need You / Easy Come, Easy Go
Side 4: Separate Ways / Peace In The Valley / Big Boss Man / It’s A Matter
Of Time



RCA Special Products DPL 2 0168
Released: January 7, 1976
Side 1: Jailhouse Rock / Rock-A-Hula Baby / G.I. Blues / Kissin’ Cousins /
Wild In The Country
Side 2: King Creole / Blue Hawaii / Fun In Acapulco / Follow That Dream /
Girls! Girls! Girls!
Side 3: Viva Las Vegas / Bossa Nova Baby / Flaming Star / Girl Happy /
Frankie And Johnny
Side 4: Roustabout / Spinout / Double Trouble / Charro / They Remind Me
Too Much Of You
RCA CPL 1 1349
Released: January 8, 1976
Side 1: Harbor Lights / Interview with Elvis (April 10, 1956) / I Want You, I
Need You, I Love You (Take 14) / Blue Suede Shoes (Live) / Blue Christmas
/ Jailhouse Rock / It’s Now Or Never
Side 2: A Cane And A High Starched Collar / Presentation of awards to Elvis
(March 25, 1961) / Blue Hawaii (1973 Remake) / Such A Night / Baby, What
You Want Me To Do? (Live) / How Great Thou Art / If I Can Dream

Hurt / For The Heart

RCA PB 10601
Released: March 12, 1976


RCA APM 1 1675
Released: March 22, 1976
Side 1: That’s All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky / I Don’t Care If The Sun
Don’t Shine / Good Rockin’ Tonight / Milkcow Blues Boogie / You’re A
Heartbreaker / I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone/Baby, Let’s Play House
Side 2: Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget / I’ll Never Let You
Go / I Love You Because / Trying To Get To You / Blue Moon / Just Because
/ I Love You Because (2nd version)


RCA APL 1 1506
Released: April 20, 1976
Side 1: Hurt / Never Again / Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Danny
Boy / The Last Farewell
Side 2: For The Heart / Bitter They Are, Harder They Fall / Solitaire /
Love Coming Down / I’ll Never Fall In Love Again
Moody Blue / She Thinks I Still Care
RCA PB 10857
Released: November 29, 1976



RCA APL 1 2274
Released: March 17, 1977
Side 1: Welcome To My World (Live) / Help Me Make It Through The
Night / Release Me (Live) / I Really Don’t Want To Know / For The
Good Times (Live)
Side 2: Make The World Go Away (Unrepaired master) / Gentle On
My Mind / I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry (Live) / Your Cheatin’ Heart
/ I Can’t Stop Loving You (Live)

Way Down / Pledging My Love

RCA PB 10998
Released: June 6, 1977
RCA AFL 1 2428
Released: July 19, 1977
Side 1: Unchained Melody (Live) / If You Love Me (Live) / Little Darlin’
(Live) / He’ll Have To Go / Let Me Be There (Live)
Side 2: Way Down / Pledging My Love / Moody Blue / She Thinks I
Still Care / It’s Easy For You


RCA APL 2 2587
Released: October 3, 1977
Side 1: Elvis’ fans comments I / Also Sprach Zarathustra / See See Rider /
That’s All Right / Are You Lonesome Tonight? / Teddy Bear - Don’t Be Cruel /
Elvis’ fans comments II / You Gave Me A Mountain / Jailhouse Rock
Side 2: Elvis’ fans comments III / How Great Thou Art / Elvis’ fans comments
IV / I Really Don’t Want To Know / Elvis introduces his father / Hurt / Hound Dog
/ My Way / Can’t Help Falling In Love / Closing Riff / Special message from
Elvis’ father
Side 3: I Got A Woman - Amen / Elvis Talks / Love Me / If You Love Me / O
Sole Mio (Sung by Sherrill Nielsen) - It’s Now Or Never / Trying To Get To You
Side 4: Hawaiian Wedding Song / Fairytale / Little Sister / Early Morning Rain /
What’d I Say? / Johnny B. Goode / And I Love You So

Recorded live at the Civic Auditorium Arena, Omaha, Nebraska, June 19 and the
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, South Dakota, June 21, 1977.

My Way (Live) / America, The Beautiful (Live)

RCA PB 11165
Released: October 3, 1977
ELVIS ARON PRESLEY SMITH (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977)

Every effort has been made to achieve optimum sound quality; however, priority has been
given to historical content. Digitally remastered by JimmyCool ℗ 2020.
Made in Chile.

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