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Why is an autonomous project organization sometimes considered to be cost inefficient?


An autonomous organizational structure project refers to a structure that has an independent

entity. Resources are dedicated to a single project only. Members of the project team must
work on a single project until it is complete. In an autonomous project organization, both the
parent company and individual projects can be cost inefficient.

Which organizational structure is considered to be a hybrid? Explain.


A matrix or hybrid structure is an organizational model that combines two or more report
structures. The hybrid structure is suitable for dynamic work environments because it allows
you to switch between projects. Most commonly, a hybrid structure is a combination of a
functional and product organizational structure.

Examples of hybrid types of organizations include: An organization in the public sector that
behaves like a business, such as a state-owned company competing in a marketplace. Private
organizations, including franchises, joint ventures and business groups. microfinance

How does a matrix organization provide for career development?


The matrix-type organization provides career development by assigning individuals to

different types of projects. As you expand your experience, the individual becomes more
valuable for future missions.

What are the responsibilities of the project manager in a matrix organization?


A project manager is an intermediary between a company and a customer. She leads the
development of project plans, develops project schedules and budgets, and is responsible for
allocating various functional components of the company's organization, specific tasks and

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