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OPINION Endpoints in resuscitation
Christopher R. Connelly and Martin A. Schreiber

Purpose of review
Shock occurs because of a failure to deliver adequate oxygen to meet the metabolic demands of the body
resulting in metabolic acidosis, inflammation, and coagulopathy. Resuscitation is the process of treating
shock in an attempt to restore normal physiology. Various hemodynamic, metabolic, and regional
endpoints have been described to evaluate the degree of shock and guide resuscitation efforts. We will
briefly describe these endpoints, and propose damage control resuscitation as an additional endpoint.
Recent findings
Serum lactate, base deficit, and pH are well established endpoints of resuscitation that provide valuable
information when trended over time; however, a single value is inadequate to determine adequacy of
resuscitation. Rapid normalization of central venous oxygen concentration has been associated with
improved survival, and bedside transthoracic echocardiography can be a reliable assessment of volume
status. In hypovolemic/hemorrhagic shock, early hypotensive, or controlled resuscitation strategies have
been associated with improved survival, and hemostatic strategies guided by thrombelastography using a
balanced transfusion approach result in improved hemostasis.
Numerous endpoints are available; however, no single endpoint is universally applicable. Damage control
resuscitation strategies have demonstrated improved survival, hemostasis, and less early death from
exsanguination, suggesting that hemorrhage control should be an additional endpoint in resuscitation.
damage control resuscitation, endpoints in resuscitation, hemostatic resuscitation

INTRODUCTION divided into three groups – metabolic, hemody-

Our current understanding of shock stems from the namic, and regional perfusion endpoints. The
work of Alfred Blalock, who concisely defined shock review will discuss each of these endpoints and
in 1936 as ‘The work of recent years has shown that the effectiveness of various resuscitation strategies.
it is dependent on an inadequate supply of blood to We also propose a fourth endpoint, damage control
the tissues, which may be brought about by the most resuscitation, and hemostasis, in light of recent
diverse causes’ [1]. Our fundamental understanding evidence.
has not changed. The shock state can result from
numerous insults – hypovolemic, hemorrhagic, car-
Compensated versus uncompensated shock
diogenic, septic, and neurogenic; however, regard-
less of its cause, the final common pathway of shock To appreciate the need for well defined endpoints in
is defined by failure to meet the metabolic demands resuscitation, a distinction between compensated
of the body because of inadequate oxygen delivery and uncompensated shock is needed. We are typi-
(DO2) or utilization [2]. cally confronted with hypovolemic/hemorrhagic
Shock occurs because of inadequate tissue per-
fusion, and therefore, inadequate DO2. The goal of
Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma, Critical Care, and Acute Care
resuscitation is to normalize physiology through the
Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA
restoration of DO2, most typically accomplished
Correspondence to Martin A. Schreiber, MD, Department of Surgery,
through volume loading to improve preload and Division of Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery, Oregon Health
cardiac output (CO), but also with medications and Science University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Mail Code:
and optimization of hemoglobin. There are numer- L611, Portland, OR 97239, USA. Tel: +1 503 494 5300; fax: +1 503
ous methods to help guide resuscitation efforts in 494 6519; e-mail:
the treatment of shock, known collectively as resus- Curr Opin Crit Care 2015, 21:512–519
citation endpoints. Resuscitation endpoints can be DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000248 Volume 21  Number 6  December 2015

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Endpoints in resuscitation Connelly and Schreiber

Mean arterial pressure

KEY POINTS Mean arterial pressure, defined as: [MAP ¼ diastolic
 There are numerous hemodynamic, metabolic, and pressure þ 1/3 (systolic pressure – diastolic pres-
regional resuscitation endpoints available to clinicians; sure)], is a common endpoint used to guide resusci-
however, no single method is superior and a tation. However, the interaction between individual
combination of approaches should be used. patient characteristics and preexisting disease states
with injury is complex. Therefore, despite its wide-
 Damage control resuscitation and hemostasis should be
considered a fourth endpoint in resuscitation. spread use, no uniform MAP goal exists. In trau-
matic shock, considerable evidence suggests that a
 Additional serum protein markers have been proposed delayed, or controlled resuscitation strategy with
to assess shock. permissive hypotension may improve mortality.
 Bedside transthoracic echocardiography is a The benefits of hyporesuscitation are thought to
noninvasive adjunct in the assessment of shock be because of prevention of clot disruption of an
and resuscitation. effective thrombus leading to increased blood loss
and fatal secondary hemorrhage. Further, room
temperature crystalloid resuscitation leads to wor-
sening hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy
shock in trauma surgery. The American College of [5–12]. Delayed resuscitation was described by Bick-
Surgeon Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) ell et al. [13] who demonstrated a survival advantage
manual classifies shock into four stages based on in hypotensive penetrating torso trauma patients in
straightforward physiologic parameters, including whom resuscitation was delayed until hemorrhage,
heart rate, blood pressure, mental status, and urine was controlled. In a follow-up, prospective random-
output [3]. However, their utility in the initial assess- ized trial, this group demonstrated a reduction in
ment of shock has been questioned [4 ], and these early mortality and trend toward decreased overall
parameters alone are insufficient to define adequate mortality in hypotensive patients requiring emer-
resuscitation. Shock should be considered as a spec- gency surgery for hemorrhage control [14]. Medics
trum of physiologic derangements, from initial in the US military use a hypotensive resuscitation
compensated shock to uncompensated shock. Con- strategy for patients without traumatic brain injury.
ventional measures of shock, like those assessed in They are trained to administer a fluid bolus only
ATLS, are obviously deranged during uncompen- when the radial pulse is absent or mental status is
sated shock, providing easy targets to measure diminished [15]. Two recent studies have supported
during the resuscitation process. However, in com- this approach to resuscitation. In a secondary
pensated shock, the cardiovascular system can analysis of the Prospective Observational Multicen-
maintain perfusion adequate to normalize these ter Massive Transfusion study, Hampton et al. [16 ]
physiologic parameters. Despite normalization, showed that an out-of-hospital crystalloid resusci-
ongoing tissue hypoxia may occur, leading to per- tation of 700 ml was associated with improved
sistent acidosis and worsening shock. It is during survival compared with no resuscitation. In a
this phase that improved endpoints must be estab- prospective randomized trial of civilian trauma
lished to help guide appropriate resuscitation and to patients treated with crystalloid fluid in the preho-
prevent over-resuscitation, which is associated with spital setting, Schreiber et al. [17 ] demonstrated an
increased mortality and acute lung injury. early survival advantage among blunt trauma
patients who received 250 ml fluid boluses to main-
tain a radial pulse or systolic blood pressure
HEMODYNAMIC ENDPOINTS (SBP) > 70 mmHg compared with those patients
The balance between DO2 and oxygen consumption who received an initial 2l fluid bolus with additional
(VO2) dictates tissue oxygenation. The Fick equation boluses to maintain a SBP > 110 mmHg.
defines these physiologic parameters as a function of
hemoglobin concentration, cardiac function, arte-
rial (SaO2), and venous (SvO2) oxygen concen- Central venous pressure, pulmonary artery
trations: catheters, and pulse contour wave analysis
DO2 ¼ CI  1:34  Hb  SaO2 The goal of resuscitation is to restore DO2. Hemo-
globin and oxygen concentrations are relatively
VO2 ¼ CI  1:34  Hb  ðSaO2  Sv O2 Þ straightforward to manipulate and monitor; how-
ever, CO requires more attention. CO is largely
Hemodynamic endpoints in resuscitation are determined by preload, which can be assessed using
based upon this understanding. central venous pressure (CVP). CVP has been used

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widely as a resuscitation target, with the 2012 that rapid normalization of ScvO2 was associated
Surviving Sepsis Guidelines recommending a goal with survival, further validating the utility of this
CVP of 8–12 mmHg in the first 6 h of resuscitation measure as an endpoint in resuscitation.
for septic shock. Despite strong recommendations,
CVP does not necessarily correlate well with
actual intravascular volume or right ventricular Echocardiography
volume, and can be altered in the presence of Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) has gained
mechanical ventilation and pulmonary hyper- popularity as a bedside tool to assess volume status
tension. Furthermore, recent randomized trials and CO. Gunst et al. [32] have demonstrated that
have not demonstrated a mortality benefit of early trauma surgeons with a moderate amount of train-
goal directed therapy in sepsis using specific CVP ing can reliably obtain estimates of cardiac index
&& &&
goals [18 –20 ]. In addition, aggressive pursuit that correlate well with PAC measurements. Ferrada
of specific CVP goals may actually lead to over- et al. [33] used TTE to define the inferior vena cava
resuscitation and worsened patient outcomes. (IVC) as flat (<2 cm) in hypotensive surgical
Therefore, CVP alone cannot be advocated as a patients, which increased to fat (>2 cm) after a fluid
global endpoint in resuscitation. bolus. Hypotension resolved in 97% of patients after
Pulmonary artery catheters (PACs), and the this bolus. In a retrospective review of 148 bedside
newer volumetric and oximetric PACs were devel- TTEs, this group demonstrated that a flat IVC on
oped to provide dynamic measures of intravascular initial bedside TTE is associated with higher rates of
volume status, cardiac performance, and to diag- ICU admission, transfusion requirements, and
nose shock. Although these devices provide import- mortality among trauma and acute care surgery
ant data on cardiovascular status, they are associated patients [34]. Finally, in a prospective randomized
with significant complications and do not improve trial, they demonstrated that TTE could be used to
survival [21–23]. Consequently, their use has successfully guide therapy in hypotensive trauma
decreased significantly, and it is felt that PACs patients [35 ]. These data suggest that bedside TTE
should not be used routinely [24,25]. is a useful endpoint in resuscitation.
Less invasive techniques using the arterial pres-
sure waveform have been developed to monitor CO.
Pulse contour wave analysis requires arterial and METABOLIC ENDPOINTS
central venous catheters placed on opposite sides Shock causes regional hypoxia because of impair-
of the diaphragm, and uses the thermodilution ment in DO2. Anaerobic metabolism results in pro-
technique to measure hemodynamic values. ducing only two ATP molecules and pyruvate, rather
Although these devices avoid the complications of than the 36 ATP molecules that are produced under
PACs, and may better assess preload than CVP [26], aerobic conditions. Pyruvate is converted to lactic
their accuracy in measuring CO among critically ill acid, causing worsening lactic acidosis as the shock
medical patients has been questioned, and no state and prolonged severe tissue hypoperfusion
randomized data exist [27 ]. persist (Fig. 1) [36]. Based on this physiology, meta-
bolic endpoints can be measured to assess global
tissue hypoxia and the systemic extent of shock.
Mixed and central venous oxygen saturation
Mixed venous oxygenation saturation (SvO2) and
central venous oxygenation saturation (ScvO2) are Lactate
representative of oxygenation extraction by tissue. Lactate is the direct byproduct of systemic hypo-
SvO2 is measured using a PAC, and most accurately perfusion. It is well established that initial lactate
gives total body oxygenation extraction because it is correlates with clinical outcome [37], further
a true mixed venous sample. ScvO2 is measured with reinforced by a recent study in trauma patients that
a central line catheter, avoiding the need for a PAC; demonstrated a lactate level of 3.4 mmol/l or greater
however, it is often higher than SvO2, since it is only was predictive of inhospital mortality [38 ]. In
measuring regional oxygen extraction. Although multiple studies in trauma and surgical patients,
absolute values differ, trends between the two prolonged time to lactate clearance (defined as
measurements generally correlate [28]. Based on lactate level < 2 mmol/l) has been associated with
the work of Rivers et al., a goal ScvO2 of greater than increased mortality, ranging from 42.5 to 86%, if
70% has become a part of the early goal-directed not cleared within 48 h [39–41]. Lactate levels
therapy recommendations in the Surviving Sepsis have been used to guide resuscitation. In a recent
Campaign guidelines [29,30]. In a prospective obser- randomized trial, patients randomized to a lactate-
vational trial, Hernandez et al. [31 ] demonstrated guided resuscitation (10% or greater lactate

514 Volume 21  Number 6  December 2015

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Endpoints in resuscitation Connelly and Schreiber

and bicarbonate values, which may be affected by

ventilatory status, is predictive of transfusion
Glycolysis requirements and stratifies mortality among trauma
(2 ATP)
patients [44,46,47]. Increased base deficit has been
associated with numerous shock related compli-
Pyruvate Lactate cations, including renal failure, acute respiratory
O2 distress syndrome, multiorgan failure, and acute
lung injury [46,48]. Base deficit values are influ-
(36 ATP) enced by hyperchloremic acidosis after isotonic
CO2 + H2O saline administration, renal failure, diabetic ketoa-
cidosis, and chronic carbon dioxide (CO2) retention.
FIGURE 1. Glycolysis. Glucose is converted into pyruvate In summary, base deficit is rapidly obtainable, has
with the generation of two ATP. In the presence of oxygen, been well studied, and is superior to pH as a resus-
36 ATP are produced during oxidative phosphorylation citation end point; however, a single value alone
along with carbon dioxide and water. Under anaerobic cannot be used as an endpoint.
conditions, oxidative phosphorylation cannot be performed,
and pyruvate is converted into lactate [36].
New metabolic markers
In addition to conventional metabolic measures
clearance) versus ScvO2 guided strategy of resuscitation, stress-related protein candidate
(ScvO2 > 10%) in the emergency department dem- measures have been proposed. In a recent double-
onstrated a 6% lower inhospital mortality [42]. In a blind prospective trial, arrival serum concentrations
randomized trial of patients with hyperlactemia in of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a throm-
the medical ICU, a lactate-guided resuscitation bospondin type 1 motif, member 13 (ADAMTS13),
(decrease lactate by 20% or more per 2 h for the heat shock protein 27 (HSP27), and soluble P-selec-
initial 8 h of ICU stay) resulted in lower inhospital tin (sP-selectin) were compared to SBP, base deficit,
mortality, shorter ICU admission, and faster wean heart rate, shock index, and oxygen saturation
from mechanical ventilation versus the nonlactate- (StO2) in their ability to predict multiorgan dysfunc-
guided resuscitation group [43]. In sum, isolated tion and death after injury from trauma. Each
serum lactate levels provide some prognostic infor- marker was comparable or better than currently
mation; however, lactate levels trended over time used tests [49 ]. Although this study suggests that
are more valuable. Data suggest that lactate may additional markers are on the horizon to assess the
provide a useful resuscitation endpoint; however, response to shock, these assays are not widely avail-
specific lactate goals have not been defined. able and take time to perform.

Base deficit, pH Regional endpoints

Base deficit (BD) provides a useful adjunct measure Many techniques to evaluate global tissue micro-
of tissue hypoperfusion and acidosis. It is defined as circulation have been developed. Gastric tonometry
the amount of base required to raise 1 l of whole and sublingual capnography have been evaluated as
blood to a normal pH. a means to estimate systemic acidosis and hypoper-
BD ¼  ½ðHCO3 Þ  24:8 þ ð16:2  ðpH  7:4ÞÞ fusion by measuring pCO2 concentrations in the
gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, gastric tonom-
Base deficit has been well defined by Davis et al. etry does not correlate well with lactate or base
[44] according to severity: mild (2–5 mmol/l), deficit [50,51], and there are limited data to support
moderate (6–14 mmol/l), or severe (>15 mmol/l). the use of sublingual capnography relative to other
Worsening deficits directly correlated with the resuscitation endpoints that have been discussed
volume of crystalloid and blood replaced within [52]. Near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) is another
the first 24 h. In a more recent retrospective review technique, which can be used to measure peripheral
of more than 16 000 trauma patients, base deficit StO2 using a spectrometer placed on the thenar
was classified into four categories, from <2 mmol/l eminence of the hand. NIRS values have been shown
to >10 mmol/l, with increasing classification line- to be significantly decreased among trauma patients
arly correlated to mortality, transfusion, and coagul- with severe shock and have correlated well with base
opathy [45 ]. Base deficit is a superior measure of deficit (Fig. 2) [53,54]. However, other studies have
metabolic acidosis than pH, because of compensa- failed to show a relationship between StO2 and heart
tory measures in place to maintain a normal pH rate, MAP, and ScvO2 [55]. In light of these findings,

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crystalloid fluids [56]. In hemorrhagic shock,

ongoing bleeding perpetuates the shock state, so
the rapid correction of coagulopathy and prompt
resuscitation with blood products to replenish intra-
vascular volume is essential. Studies to examine the
optimal ratio of red blood cells, plasma, and plate-
lets have been conducted. In 2013, the Prospective,
Observational, Multicenter, Major Trauma Transfu-
sion study group prospectively studied the timing
and quantity of blood product transfusion in crit-
ically injured trauma patients [57 ]. They demon-
strated that higher ratios plasma and platelets were
associated with lower mortality in patients who
received at least three units of blood products in
the first 24 h after admission. In the Pragmatic,
Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios
FIGURE 2. Near-infrared spectroscopy. Picture of near-
study, severely injured trauma patients were pro-
infrared spectroscopy instrument with spectrometer placed on
spectively randomized to receive plasma, platelets,
the thenar eminence of the hand used to measure StO2.
and red blood cells in a 1 : 1 : 1 ratio compared with a
[InSpectra StO2 Tissue Oxygenation Monitor (model 650), &&
1 : 1 : 2 ratio [58 ]. The study demonstrated that
Hutchinson Technology, Inc, Hutchinson, Minnesota, USA].
patients randomized to the 1 : 1 : 1 group were less
likely to die from exsanguination by 24 h; however,
these regional endpoints should not be used alone as there was no significant difference in mortality
measures of resuscitation. between groups. The results of these studies suggest
damage control resuscitation with early adminis-
tration of a balanced ratio of blood products and
HEMOSTATIC RESUSCITATION AND hemorrhage control should be considered an end-
HEMORRHAGE CONTROL: A FOURTH point of resuscitation.
ENDPOINT? Further focus on interventions to achieve hemo-
Recent efforts have focused on the concept of dam- stasis have been investigated, primarily using throm-
age control resuscitation, defined as rapid hemor- belastogram (TEG) measurement. TEG was developed
rhage control through early administration of blood as a real time evaluation of clotting by measuring
products in a balanced ratio, prevention and cor- the viscoelastic properties of whole blood (Fig. 3)
rection of coagulopathy, and minimization of [59 ,60]. It has been used to guide resuscitation efforts

10 millimeters


R K Ande MA PMA G BPL A α LY30

min min deg mm d/c % mm –8.7 %
17.0 5.3 35.9 77.0 0.0 16.7k 1.0
6.0k—13.2k 60.4 –3 —3 1.0 0 — 8
4—8 1—4 47—74 55—73 0—15

FIGURE 3. Thrombelastogram tracing. Representative thrombelastogram tracing (image used from original article by Van
et al. [60]). R is the time (minutes) to initial fibrin formation and represents clotting factor activity. K is the elapsed time until the
amplitude of the tracing reaches 20 mm (minutes) and represents a combination of soluble factor activity and fibrin cross-
linking. Alpha angle (degrees), is the rate of clot strengthening, and primarily assesses fibrin cross-linking. Maximum
amplitude, or MA (millimeters), of the tracing is the overall clot strength and primarily reflects platelet function. LY30 represents
the degree of clot lysis at 30 min and assesses fibrinolysis. Coagulation index (CI) is a composite score representing a global
assessment of coagulation, and can be calculated from the variables R, K, alpha angle, and MA.

516 Volume 21  Number 6  December 2015

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Endpoints in resuscitation Connelly and Schreiber

in surgical patients in hemorrhagic shock, primarily Conflicts of interest

in trauma, transplant, and cardiothoracic surgery. There are no conflicts of interest.
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focused on trauma-induced coagulopathy [61 ,62].
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Protocolised Management in Sepsis (ProMISe) trial is a pragmatic, prospective,
MS for her assistance with this manuscript. and randomized multicenter trial of early goal-directed therapy using harmonized
methods with the Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock (ProCESS) trial in the
United States and Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation (ARISE) trial in
Financial support and sponsorship Australasia to allow for meta-analysis of data from all patients. These trials failed to
demonstrate a survival benefit in patients with septic shock who received early
None. goal-directed therapy compared to standard of care.

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