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NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology

Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University

Name: Palabay, Azh Yomard G. Section: SEC34 Date Submitted: 07/19/21

The human body consists of different organs that work together to carry out human
activities and sustain life. An understanding of its anatomy and physiology is important to
have an understanding of how it carries out the important processes needed for survival
and reproduction.
Table 1. Understanding the human organism.
1.01A. Define anatomy and -Anatomy is a branch of biological science in which we
describe the levels at which tackle the bodily structure of human. The body, organs
anatomy can be studied. and the organ system is the level in which anatomy is
1.01B. Explain the -Their relationship important in which the Structure is
importance of the how body is put together while Function on the other
relationship between hand is how that ‘structure of body’ works.
structure and function
1.02A. Define physiology. -Physiology refers to how anatomical structure of the
body is being process or how it works and how to
1.02B. State two major goals -To describe or explain how the body responds to stimuli.
of physiology. - How the body will be able to maintain itself in different
1.03A. Describe the six levels -It is the molecules>cells>tissues>organs>organ
of organization of the body systems>organism
and describe the major -Molecule refers to the smallest level of organization
characteristics of each level. -Cell the basic unit of life composed of organelles for
example: mitochondria
-Tissues are group of cells that has similar function and
-Organs are group of tissues working to function for
example: stomach
-Organ systems are group of organs working to perform
function for example: digestive system

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University
-Organism refers to all the organ systems working
1.03B. List the eleven organ -The eleven organ systems are as follow: Skeletal system,
systems, identify their Nervous system, Digestive system, Muscular system,
components, and describe the Cardiovascular system, Endocrine system, Respiratory
major functions of each system, Lymphatic system, Urinary system, Male and
system. Female Reproductive system, Integumentary system.

• Skeletal system composed majorly of bones like

skull, backbone, ribs its major function is to give
support to the body and protect organs such as
ribs that protect the heart and lungs.
• Nervous system it is composed of the nerves,
brain, and spinal cord its major function is
sensation, controls the movement over the body
and how the body processes.
• Digestive system is composed of oral cavity,
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, the small and large
intestines, appendix, rectum, pancreas, liver and
anus it perform things like digestion of the foods,
nutrient absorptions, and waste eliminations.
• Muscular system is composed of muscles like
temporalis, pectoralis major, biceps brachil, rectus
abdominis, rectus, sartorious, quadriceps femoris,
and gastrocnemius. Its major functions are
producing movement, acts as a posture, and gives
body heat.
• Cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood
vessels and blood. It is responsible for nutrients
transport , wastes product and gases all
throughout the body. Plays and important role in
regulating body temperature
• Endocrine system composed of endocrine glands
such as the pituitary, the pancreas and
hypothalamus. It is responsible for the many
functions like metabolism and growth of the body.
• Respiratory system is responsible for the
respiration of the body where exchanges or
oxygen and carbon dioxide of the blood takes
place and also the blood pH consists of the nose,
nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and
the lungs.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University
• Lymphatic system consists of tonsils , thymus,
lymph nodes, mammary plexus, thoracic duct,
spleen, vessel. It functions as a remover of alien
substances from lymph and blood, It is also the
one that combats pathogen and various infections.
• Urinary system composed of the kidney, ureter,
urinary bladder, and urethra. Its main function is
to remove waste products like filtered substances
from the blood, It also regulates blood pH and
water maintenance.
• Male and Female Reproductive system
composed of testes, ducts, penis for male and
uterus, ovary, vagina, and mammary glands for
female. The function of reproductive system for
Male is it produces sperm, regulates sperms that
influences sexual factors and behaviors. For
Female it serves as a site for fertilization and
development, produces hormones that could
influence sexual factors and behaviors.
• Intergumentary system composed of hair, skin,
nails and glands such as sebaceous and sweat. It
function as a protection and regulation of body
temperature as well as the main site for vitamin D.
1.04A. List and define six • Organization – livings things are organized and
characteristics of life. function between coordinated parts
• Metabolism – the total of all energy and its ability
to use the energy and sustain the life
• Responsiveness – ability to adapt and detect to
changes that’s happening in surroundings.
• Growth – being able to grow and shift in size
• Development – the changes that took place in
growth, being able to adjust in form.
• Reproduction - to reproduce offspring to new
generation, to repair and reproduce
1.05A. Define homeostasis • Homeostasis is the conservation of the body in
and explain why it is stable internal environment despite the changes, it
important for proper body is important for the regulation of set points such
function. as body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure,
glucose level and respiratory rate
1.05B. Describe a negative- • A negative feedback is the departure from the set
feedback mechanism and points for example the control of blood sugar,
give an example. after a meal glucose level rises.

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University

1.05C. Describe a positive- • A positive feedback is moving farther from the set
feedback mechanism and points to occur quickly, the best example for this is
give an example ripening of the fruit and child birth because of the
contraction of uterine.
1.06A. Describe a person in • An anatomical person is standing erect, and palm
anatomical position. facing forward

1.06B. Define the directional • Superior= above(head) Inferior= below (limbs)

terms for the human body • Anterior= front (face) Posterior = back (butt
and use them to locate cheeks)
specific body structures.

1.06D. Name and describe • Sagittal plane- Separates the left and right parts of
the three major planes of the the body
body and the body organs. • Transverse plane- Horizontal plane that divides
the body part in upper(superior) and lower(
• Frontal plane- Is the division of front and back
part of the body
1.06E. Describe the major • Thoracic cavity- divides the chest wall and
trunk cavities and their diaphragm.
divisions. • Mediastinum- the space between lungs and the
organs like heart and lungs.
• Abdominal cavity- divides diaphragm and pelvis.
• Pelvic cavity- space within the pelvis and organs
below such as urinary bladder.
1.06F. Describe the serous - Serous membranes are line trunk cavities
membranes, their locations, • The peritoneum surrounding the intestines to
and their functions. reduce the friction and lines inner wall of
abdominopelvic cavity.
• The pleura surrounding the lungs adheres lungs
to thoracic wall and lines inner wall of thora.
• The pericardium covers the heart that reduces the
friction, thick fibrous

NUR11O1 Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
Department of Biology
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Far Eastern University

III. CONCLUSION: Make general statement (Maximum of three sentences on what you have
learned on this activity.

- The one thing I learned about this activity is that it freshened my knowledge about the
lessons tackled from last school year, It was fun to get to review the discussions and being
able to study the lessons again about the different anatomical structures of the body and


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