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Learning exercises/activities
Activity I: Identify the Forms of Literature of the following statements:
___________1. This type of literature combines the form of fiction and nonfiction literature
in which the structure is that of nonfiction literature while employing the use of fiction
literature’s style and characteristics.

___________2. This form of literature employs specific or nonspecific meter, rhyme,
rhythm, and figurative devices.

___________3. This form of Literature is a long work of fiction that presents multiple
themes and other elements in chapters.

Chick Lit This contemporary form of literature tackles issues about women’s
status, struggles, and roles.

___________5. This form of literature expresses most usually in direct manner the
author’s purpose and message. This is a powerful form of literature that can critic and
analyzes directly other literary works.

___________6. This form of literature is meant to be performed in front of audience and
this utilizes scripts, staging, props, rehearsals, and the likes.

___________7. This form of literature is the modern version of the essay that enables the
author to express his/her ideas using the internet to reach a wider audience.

Flash Fiction From the term itself, this form of literature is a very short work of fiction
that can be read in one sitting.

___________9. This type of poetry is available online and can be accessed personally
by the readers through hyperlinks mark-ups.

Text Tula
___________10. This is another contemporary literature that can be accessed through
mobile phones messaging application. This form is similar to a “tanaga” which is a Filipino
poem consisting of four lines with seven syllables each with a rhyme scheme of AABB.

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