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Name : Gerald

Class : X IIS 2


Hi my name is Gerald, I come from Tenggarong Seberang to be exact in

Loa Ulung village. In 2020, I happen to be one of the new students at SMA N 1
Tenggarong. I was declared to have graduated to enter SMA N 1 Tenggarong at
this worrying time, because of the impact of the transmission of the Covid-19
Virus. The first days of entering school are not like previous years, this year all
schools and even all schools in Indonesia carry out school activities with an online
system due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak this year. It is very sad because what
we should be able to greet each other or chat with each other directly with new
friends or even with teachers, but we can't do it in the present situation.

After a few days of doing online learning activities at home to break the
chain of transmission of Covid-19, I felt very bored. There is no laughter from
new friends at the new school. In fact, on weekdays there must be new stories
from new friends at school.

Today I start my morning activities by getting up at 05.00 in the morning

preparing to help do homework, and I continue to study the material before online
learning activities are carried out as usual.

When I opened my cellphone, there were lots of chats from friends, all of
them were expressing their longing for school. All miss the activities carried out
at school. Starting from Teaching and Learning Activities, empty hours (teacher
absent), rest hours, snacks to the canteen, until. I really feel like I really want to go
to school. I really miss school especially my new friends. This is where new
experiences and stories add insight.
I miss school, miss studying with friends. So far, learning has been done
by distance. Teachers tended to provide learning materials and assignments via
our cellphones which we then worked on. This condition makes it very difficult
for us if there are some materials that we want to ask and are not easy to
understand. "When studying at school, you can ask directly to your teacher or
friends if you don't understand. But if you study at home, when your parents don't
know, I have to ask the teacher via WhatsApp messages," and sometimes that's
difficult for me to understand.

I hope that Covid-19 can be ended soon. And for the medics who are
struggling to deal with this virus problem, keep the enthusiasm and appreciation
for everything that has been done. "Thank you and the highest appreciation to the
doctors, nurses, paramedics and all levels of the hospital, who are working hard
with dedication in serving and caring for patients infected with Covid-19".

Boredom and boredom due to the impact of the Covid-19 Virus made me
feel more uncomfortable at home, wanting to do other activities that are more
useful than just sitting at home waiting for things to get better. There are several
activities that I can do to reduce my boredom while keeping my distance due to
the corona virus. Because I live in a village, I prefer to do gardening around the
house to fill the void and feeling bored due to an emergency. Gardening seems
more suitable to be carried out in this pandemic era than to leave far from home
which endangers one's own condition.

Therefore, we all must be aware of the importance of social distancing or

social restrictions with fellow humans in order to break the chain of transmission
of Covid-19. Nearly six months, learning activities have been shifted at home. It's
not just adults, kids are also feeling the impact.

Now we miss school. Learn with the teacher face-to-face and play with
friends. However, amid the uncertainty over the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, it
is feared that school reopening will further spread the corona. "Miss my friend,
miss the blackboard".

The spirit of learning at friends' houses. Hopefully all of us will be protected and
always be given health by God Almighty.

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