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MB 08

II Semester M.B.A. (Dual) Examination, January 2013


Time: 3 Hours Max. Mark: 75

Answer all sub-questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
1. a) Define Societal Marketing Philosophy.
b) What is Niche Marketing?
c) Define Core Product.
d) What is Penetration Price?
e) What is Hybrid Channel?


Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks (10X2=20)

2. Explain the scope of modern marketing with suitable examples.

3. Discuss the importance of Environmental S canning in Marketing Decisions.
4. Explain the consumer decision making process for a high involvement product.
5. Briefly explain the phases of marketing research process.


Answer any three questions. Each question carries 15 Marks (3X15=45)

6. Explain the bases of segmentation for FMCG’s in Indian Market.

7. Explain the marketing mix strategy of a company of y9our choice.
8. How distribution strategy for consumer goods is different form industrial goods?
9. Discuss the role played by various elements of promotion mix across the buyer readiness

10. Explain the pricing policy decision of a marketer. Also explain the methods of


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