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ad WER Wea Rig, ww. afta weela Fara Raghvendra Singh, 1s ag feeett-110001 Secretary GOVERNMENT OF INDIA nents aa MINISTRY OF CULTURE NEW DELHI-110 001 August 3, 2021 Ae deerestan, AS you are aware, commemoration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is being coordinated by the Ministry of Culture. One of the major events relates to the rendering of the National Anthem of India. Cabinet Secretary, in his meeting with the Convenors of the SGoS on 31 July, 2021 had requested that the rendering of the National Anthem should be done on The responses currently received indicate that information has yet not percolated, of if it has, the response has been well below our expectation, The person up-loading the National Anthem is automatically issued a certificate. | May | request that a system be devised whereby the person uploading the Rashtragaan downloads that certificate and ‘Whatsapps’ it to a person of responsibility. This will not only be effective within your Ministry/Department, but shall prove equally useful in the Public Sector Units within your control. This will improve the monitoring system, as also introduce a system of accountability. May | suggest that this method of monitoring be adopted for better accountability. It will greatly help if a response to my request is sent by 5” August, 2021. (Raghvendra Singh) To All Secretaries of Ministries/Departments, Govt. of Indi

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