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“Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring Fundamentals”

Course: Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System

Lesson: Fundamental Lessons 1-21
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Topic: Multiple topics covering the system’s foundation.
Environment: Stable - solo practice; as well as
Moderate Challange - partner drills.

Curriculum: See Below

Recommended Viewing Order:

Currently the videos are broken down into four bundles: “Ring Sets”, “Chi Sao”, “Applications and Jongs”,
and “Footwork and Theory”. You must purchase all four bundles (or the complete foudations bundle) to
learn the system in the recommended order. If you watch the videos in the order they are played in the ap-
plication it is completely okay. If you want to watch them in the order that Sifu Rea teaches them, then watch
them in the order listed below. Color indicates which bundle the video is contained within:

Lesson 1 - Introduction and History

Lesson 2 - Jook Wan Seated Ring set (Polarized)
Lesson 3 - Jook Wan Seated Ring set (Un-polarized)
Lesson 4 - Jook Wan Details – Polarized Position sets
Lesson 5 - Jook Wan Details – Un-polarized Position sets
Lesson 6 - Jook Wan Chi Sao sets 1- 6 (An overview)
Lesson 7 - Jook Wan Chi Sao sets 7- 12 (An overview)
Lesson 8 - Jook Wan Applications 1
Lesson 9 - Jook Wan Applications 2

(From this point on the numerical arrangement of videos is not important).

Lesson 10 - Loy Moon Kwan Sao Chi Sao details

Lesson 11 - Seung Look Sao Chi Sao details
Lesson 12 - Kwan Sao Chi Sao details
Lesson 13 - Po Pai Jeung Chi Sao details
Lesson 14 - Seung Fak Sao Chi Sao details
Lesson 15 - Ma Gung and Bo Fot details
Lesson 16 - Basic Lop Sao progressions
Lesson 17 - Jook Jong demonstration
Lesson 18 - Tan Jong demonstration
Lesson 19 - Jook Wan Application 3 demonstration
Lesson 20 - Jook Wan Martial Maxims
Lesson 21 - Jook Wan Ng Cheun Dim: “The 5 Fundamental Pivots”

This is a supplement to Sifu Tyler Rea’s course: The Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System. (c) 2012 WCU/Tyler Rea
“Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring Fundamentals”

Overview of Lessons:

Lesson 1
Introduction and History

This video presents the student with an introduction to the Wing Chun Bamboo ring training method. This
instructional series is drawn from the training curriculum of 5 instructors including the presenter Mr. Rea. 
The fundamental training progression of the Sup Yat Wan or 11 link/ring sets are divided into the Polarized
and Un-polarized delineating the two primary modes of Jook Wan practice. (TRT 6:19)
Lesson 2
Jook Wan Seated Ring set (Polarized)

This video introduces a student to the Jook Wan fundamental ring sets of the Sup Yat Wan designated as

This level of practice is presented from the classical seated position to isolate the muscular lever interactions
of the upper body while at the same time familiarizing a practitioner with the special boundaries to the right
and left of the center line. There is no explanation in this lesson, just the drills. (TRT 8:46)

The ring sets presented are:

- Noy Kwan Sao - Outward Deflecting Hands
- Loy Kwan Sao - Inward Deflecting Hands (Aka Seung Gahn Sao)
- Sot Jeung - Killing Palm
- Gum Fan Jeung - Overturning Palm
- Wan Bong Sao
- Wan Jeet Sao (with Wu sao and Man sao)
- Tan Da - Dispersing Strike
- Jum Gwat Da

This is a supplement to Sifu Tyler Rea’s course: The Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System. (c) 2012 WCU/Tyler Rea
“Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring Fundamentals”

Overview of Lessons:

Lesson 3
Jook Wan Seated Ring set (Un-polarized)

This video continues the presentation of the Sup Yat Wan (11 link sets) focusing on the ring sets designated
as Un-Polarized. This level of practice is presented from the classical seated position to isolate the muscu-
lar lever interactions of the upper body while at the same time familiarizing a practitioner with the special
boundaries to the right and left of the center line. There is no explanation in this lesson, just the drills.
(TRT 8:33)

The ring sets presented are:

- Po Pai Jeung (Butterfly Palms)
- Seung Biu Kiu (Double Thrusting Bridge)
- Wan Sao: - (Wan Wong Sao – Horizontal Method)
- (Wan Tai Sao – Lift/Rise Method)
- (Wan Tun Sao – Swallow Method)
- (Wan Toe Sao – Spit Method)
- Fong An Wan (Phoenix Eye Cycle)
- Bo Sim Sao (Searching insect hands)
- Seung Look Sao (Double rolling hands)
Lesson 4
Jook Wan Details – Polarized Position sets

This video presents the training details and caveats necessary to cultivate the structural mechanics crucial
for power, effective tactical application and indirect counter attack protocols. (TRT 19:18)
Lesson 5a and 5b
Jook Wan Details – Un-polarized Position sets

This video continues to presents the training details and caveats necessary to cultivate the structural me-
chanics crucial for power, effective tactical application and indirect counter attack protocols. (TRT 36:39)

This is a supplement to Sifu Tyler Rea’s course: The Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System. (c) 2012 WCU/Tyler Rea
“Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring Fundamentals”

Overview of Lessons:

Lesson 6
Jook Wan Chi Sao sets 1- 6  (An overview)

In this video segment the first of the Jook Wan sticking hands progressions are demonstrated to give a stu-
dent a frame of structural reference when transitioning from solo ring practice to partnered.
(TRT 14:30 m)
Lesson 7
Jook Wan Chi Sao sets 7- 12  (An overview)

In this video segment the first of the Jook Wan sticking hands progressions are demonstrated to give a stu-
dent a frame of structural reference when transitioning from solo ring practice to partnered.
(TRT 11:03 m)
Lesson 8
Jook Wan Applications 1

In this video segment the application of Jook Wan Ring practice is related to self defense addressing several
lesser known attacking hand methods not taught by most main steam branches of the art of Wing Chun
today. Attacking hand methods such as Gok Choi, Dai Bik Bong da, Second beat attacks using the Wu Sao, roll
over attacks of Fan Jeung and more are presented. (TRT 16:24)

Lesson 9
Jook Wan Applications 2

This video segment dovetails with the information presented in lesson 6 touching upon the tactile surfaces
of the bridge arm not generally discussed or trained in some main steam branches of the art of Wing Chun
today.  These particular hand and bridging methods are very important when dealing with and surviving an
edged weapon attack. (TRT 23:56)

This is a supplement to Sifu Tyler Rea’s course: The Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System. (c) 2012 WCU/Tyler Rea
“Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring Fundamentals”

Overview of Lessons:

Lesson 10
Loy Moon Kwan Sao Chi Sao details

Sticking hand practice and Application details for Loy Moon Kwan Sao are presented highlighting the similari-
ties to the Filipino drills of Hubud Lubud.

Attention to correct points of rotation and pivot are covered with an eye toward the principle of “No retrac-
tion of the bridge” and the necessity to limit grasping as much as possible. (TRT 6:59 m)
Lesson 11
Seung Look Sao Chi Sao details

Featured are basic attacks from within chi sao of the Double rolling hands reference position. This first of
many videos showcasing the Seung Look sao mechanic of movement is meant to teach the many fantastic
applications of this under appreciated training movement as within Jook Wan practice. (TRT 5:50 m)
Lesson 12
Kwan Sao Chi Sao details

This oldest of the Jook Wan Chi Sao sets cultivates the inherent 2-way independence of the bridge arms and
importance of turning power (Cheun Ging).  The sticking hands structural similarities of several southern fist
methods such as Southern Mantis and White eyebrow are found here as well. (TRT 9:14 m)

Lesson 13
Po Pai Jeung Chi Sao details

Considered the most tactically adaptive Sticking hands method, the Po Pai Jeung permits the Wing Chun
practitioner to apply no less than four fundamental pivots to neutralize any attackers power.  This crucial
movement deemed Superior by many systems cultivates the highest levels of bridge arm cohesion, articu-
lated internal palm strike power and advanced trapping tactics. (TRT 13:53 m)

This is a supplement to Sifu Tyler Rea’s course: The Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System. (c) 2012 WCU/Tyler Rea
“Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring Fundamentals”

Overview of Lessons:

Lesson 14
Seung Fak Sao Chi Sao details

This rarely known Sticking hands method highlights the cornerstone principle of “Thrusting forward when
the hands is freed.”  Initially presented as a seemingly linear sticking progression it is over time meant to
morph into a dynamic spherical bridge arm method to neutralize and discharge power from several direc-
tions. (TRT 2:05 m)

Lesson 15
Ma Gung and Bo Fot

This video segment presents Jook Wan Bo Fot or footwork demonstrated on the Som Kwok Ping Kup or
“Triangle Platform”.  This stage introduces the importance of cutting the attackers combat line in 30 degree
increments to vice and wedge the opponent.  Traditional stepping patterns such as Seep Ma, Toe Ma, Ching
Cheong Ma, Cheun Ma and many others are also demonstrated. There is no explanation in this lesson, just
the drills. (TRT 13:45)
Lesson 16
Basic Lop Sao progressions

This video presents a series of standard Lop sao or deflecting hands switch drills.  These particular drill are
very useful when dealing with an armed attacker. (TRT 3:26 m)

Lesson 17
Jook Jong demonstration

In this video The training drills of the Jook Jong or Bamboo post are demonstrated.  This lesser known type
of up right post highlights the original use of growing Bamboo to develop a practitioners plyametic bridge
arm spring and rotational force. Sao fot methods demonstrated include: Jeet Wan, Fan Jeung, Bik Bong,
Kwai Jarn Biu jee, Tan Da, Sot Jeung, Ghan Gwat da, Som da, Biu Bong, Bik Bong Gwa Choi, Heun Biu and Dai
Bong Cao. There is no explanation in this lesson, just the drills. (TRT 10:35)

This is a supplement to Sifu Tyler Rea’s course: The Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System. (c) 2012 WCU/Tyler Rea
“Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring Fundamentals”

Overview of Lessons:

Lesson 18
Tan Jong demonstration

In this video the training drills of the Tan Jong or Spring Arm post are demonstrated.  This lesser known
training devise is most often associated with systems like Choy Lee Fut but has played a vital role in Martial
cultivation of many Kung Fu systems.  Sao Fot methods demonstrated include: Jut Biu sao, Seung Ghan sao,
Kwan sao, Bik Jeung, Gum sao Fan Cup choi, Seung Wong Jeung and a demonstration of Lei Som sao loose
hands are presented as well. There is no explanation in this lesson, just the drills. (TRT 4:24)
Lesson 19
Jook Wan Application 3 Demonstration

This video features Applications with a partner applying the previous levels of Jook Wan training in a free
flow manner. There is no explanation; just a demo of the application free-flow drills. (TRT 6:11)

Lesson 20
Jook Wan Martial Maxims

This video presents the first 130 of 289 Martial Maxims used in Jook Wan training.  These vital Ethics Poems,
Maxims and guidelines help to teach the fundamental principles that are the hallmark of sound Martial vir-
tue and Jook Wan training. There is no explanation in this lesson, just a list of the maxims. (TRT 5:13)

Lesson 21
Jook Wan Ng Cheun dim “The 5 Fundamental Pivots”

This video presents what is perhaps the most important detail of Wing Chun ring training. Without question
the structural details necessary for both power and tactical deployment have to do with rotation and pivot
points.   The structural details of Jook Wan training (1) Central Pivot, (2) Circumference Pivot (3) Extended
Pivot, (4) Expansive Pivot and (5) Root Pivot are covered here. (TRT 24:30)

This is a supplement to Sifu Tyler Rea’s course: The Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System. (c) 2012 WCU/Tyler Rea

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