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The Chronicles of b0b

30 April 1996, 65 years after Hitler's death, it was a cold morning, when I was born.
My parents were Roberto Pavón Burkle and Ydania Irmina Balán Leyva. 12 years I
lived with my mom, in Morelia, place where I had many friends in and out of my
neighborhood. I went to CENDI 66 and studied in the Ebenezer school, where I
acquired very good values such as honesty and the most important of all loyalty. I
lived in the city of Morelia with my mom, until there was an earthquake that
destroyed the whole city. Some friends and I managed to escape before the earth
opened and swallowed the city. When that happened I was 13 years. After the
earthquake I moved with my dad in Mexico City to my grandparents home where I
spent most of my life studying and learning things like hunting, physics and
chemistry which gave me an idea of what to study. I discovered that the business
was to invent and discover things. I also founded a Christian congregation at my
twenties. I became one of the best doctors in Mexico and worldwide, I traveled
around the world picking up the best doctors, creating the world health union for all
mankind. We discovered the cure to cancer, AIDS and diabetes. At the age of 26, I
enroll in the water war that Mexico fought against USA, China (the king of the
world) and Canada. In the war I experienced many things like the death of my best
friends who died in my hands, I killed many people in the war with weapons that I
create such as the knife / sword and kalashnibob, which is like a Kalashnikov
Machinegun but with a better sight which I patented and became rich, not like the
Russian soldier named Kalashnikov, whom invent the famous weapon in 1947. In
the war I received two bullets, that costs me a leg. Mexico managed to win the war
because the drug dealers joined his country, they may not be very good but they
are still Mexicans. When the war ended I returned home. I was ready to settle
down. One day the rock band Kiss was in town, I went to hear them and while they
where playing the son I was made for loving you, I met the love of my life Yulissa.
After the concert we started dating and a year later we got married at the age of 32
we had our first daughter Beth.
Years passed, it was my 45 th birthday when I see through the window of our
kitchen and Beth was playing in the street with her pink ball, then I see a car going
toward her, I quickly run out, at the moment the door opened I ran with all my
heart, trying to save her, I got lucky to get her out of the way in time. I wasn´t that

I am Roberto Pavón Balán and these are my last words: Beth sorry I won´t be able
to see you grown up, beautiful as your mother and I will not meet my
grandchildren, but always remember the advice I taught you. Remember this: I will
always be in your heart. Your father loves you
-Time after Robert died, the Country made a statue in his honor at the Chapultepec Park
and three schools which are still opened today to continue his teachings-
Topic: Auto biography

Teacher: Miss Olivia

Subject: English

Student: Roberto Pavón Balán

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