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It is a small city with growing and sustainable economic development, a temperate climate,
friendly and charismatic people. Tacna has a great commercial movement due to the visit of
our neighboring country of Chile. First they come for health and then they buy the basic
necessities, they become cheaper due to the type of change that favors them.

Its cuisine is the delight of the palates of all those who have tasted a tacneño dish where we
have the spicy tacneña, the Tacna flag dish, the tacneño marinade, the tacneña casserole,
the Candaraveño lamb and the corn with cheese.

A land full of history and patriotism where we see embodied in our monuments and
museums such as the Plaza de Armas, Cathedral, Parabolic Arch, Historical Museum of
Tacna, Railway Museum, monument of Alto de la Alianza.

Our beaches are very popular in summer, due to its calm waves, the busiest is Boca del Rio
or as an alternative is the hot springs.

In the agro-industrial part we have the oregano, olive tree, wines and piscos for export.
Tacna is the national pride.

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