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EVALUATIVE TASK: Changes / written composition

Thalía Marisol Moreno Espitia Cod: 201911356 course: English IV Group: 29

 EVALUATIVE TASK: Changes / written composition

For this activity you will write a text in order to talk about meaningful changes in your life,
think about the places you have visited, people you have met, activities you have done,
etcetera (you can choose the topic(s) of your preference).
 Use the structures of present perfect in order to talk about meaningful changes in
 Don’t forget to include punctuation marks .
 The text must have 4 paragraphs, 5 lines in each one of them.
 DO NOT FORGET to include your personal information (Name, Code, Course and English
 Due date: July 09, 2021.
 Write the text in the following space. (Mantenga el tipo y tamaño de letra

Changes in my life

Hello, my name is Thalía, I haven´t lived with my parents for a long time. I have been in
Tunja city for seven years. I have been study business administration for two years and
six months. My mother has worked of teacher in rural area all the live. My father has
worked how councilor in the municipality of Umbita for more than twelve years. My
sister has been in the Tunja city for three years working how teacher.

My sister has left of the house recently and I´m been very sad. I haven´t forgotten the
way of how she has left of the house. She has taught me different things of the life. She
has been in difficult stages of my adolescence. She has grown with me and this is difficult
of accept. I am determined to go letting and leave that she be calmer. She has lit an
awesome impressionant my life and deserves it.

My dads have been watching for me although don´t live with them. They have fought to
get ahead because they have been sacrificed many things for your daughters I have put
of my part for get ahead for me and for them. My dads have been happy in how my
sister and me have gotten ahead without being with them. We are have understood that
we should being united in all difficult.

I am found a purpose that makes me very happy. I have been read and informing about
functional nutrition it´s a topic that passionate me. I have discovered in the university
my true passion. I have been thinking in how linking my current university program with
my passion. I have thought in fly outside the country to have the experience of be with
people of other countries. I have dreamed fulfilling my dreams with my family.

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