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Notes for the APCM 2011 on the composition of the PCC

According to the rules of the Church of England as they apply to this parish, the PCC shall
consist of:

• All clerks in Holy Orders licensed to the parish; i.e. our Rector/Rector Designate once
licensed, Rev John Edwards as our associate priest and our expected non
stipendiary associate curate once ordained. (3)

• The churchwardens; (2)

• Such, if any, of the lay ministers (readers) who are licensed to the parish and whose
names are on the roll of the parish, as the annual meeting may determine; (0)
(A previous APCM determined that licensed lay ministers here were not required to be
on PCC, in line with Dr Keith Attonʼs wishes. If the APCM wish to change that it would
require a resolution at this APCM effective from the next APCM.)

• All persons on the roll of the parish who are lay members of Deanery, Diocesan or
General Synod. (Julia Arscott, Paul Arscott, Carolyn Fox and Julie Morley are the
present representatives on Deanery Synod until 31st May 2011. New
representatives will be elected at APCM 2011 to serve from 1st June 2011)

• Such number of representatives of the laity as prescribed. From 2005, the prescribed
formula is to be based on Electoral Roll numbers (6 for Rolls of up to 50, 9 for 51-100, 12
for 101-200 and 15 for 201 and above) unless the 2004 APCM made some other
arrangement (which it did, by determining that this number should not exceed 12, as a
PCC of 20 people in total was felt to be quite big enough.) (12)

Under Synodical Government (Amendment) Measure 2003 which came into effect on 1
January 2004, the ʻdefaultʼ tenure of office for elected lay members of the PCC is three
years, with one third retiring by rotation each year.

The present representatives are:; Mary Dewhurst, Kate Meads, Jonathan Marshall and
Richard Owen elected to 2011; Maurice Driver, John Brain, Rebecca Head and
Richard Peat elected until 2012; Sarah Booth, Gill Myall, Ian Woolston and Barbara
Brice elected to 2013.

[If anyone else stands down out of turn, it is our custom to fill the total number of places and
then, after they are elected, to choose by lot who of this total will fill the shorter term
vacancy(ies) and who will be for three years.]

Under the Synodical Government Measure a person must also now have been on the
Electoral Roll for 6 months to qualify for election to the PCC or Deanery Synod and
must be an actual communicant.

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