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Before reading the research, Netiquette in Electronic Communication I didn’t know that there
were etiquette rules that people follow when using the digital world. When writing a simple post
in social media platforms or simply writing an email to someone, I have always been careful of
what I write in the internet or when I am emailing someone to assure no miscommunication will
Having respect for someone your talking to or to others should be a given and not something you
only give because it’s a rule.

Reflecting on what I’ve read netiquette is like a set of unwritten guidelines or rules that people
should follow when going on the internet, using digital media and posting and uploading
information about themselves or writing an email to friends or professionally. If you follow
netiquette rules, you will learn to convey properly in a friendly way that does not hurt others or
even yourself. You should always be mindful of what you say if its appropriate because once you
send an email you can never unsend it. In communication it is very imperative to know how to
express thoughts clearly and successfully in written and verbal forms to avoid ambiguity or any

So, having netiquette properly taught in communication and being part of education is going to
benefit many students specially now that many social media platforms exist, they can freely post
anything that they could regret in the future because of the rise of social media , employers
nowadays often look at profiles before choosing who they hire. Gaining these skills would give
an advantage to students or once they start job seeking or sending emails in their jobs because
they can construct proper emails with concise information that will be properly be conveyed to
the receiver and never have a problem with miscommunication and avoid any unintentional
disrespect to the receiver. I think the teaching of netiquette should start early and not just in
higher education because when they start early the more skillful they will be in the future.

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