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What is the best way to define a phrase that is more akin to an idea than a definition? Many

books and articles have been written about what a leader is and what leadership is, all pointing to

the characteristics that make a good leader. We frequently combine attributes that we admire in

those we perceive to be great leaders, combining them together to create a picture of what we

aspire to be a great leader, but are these traits sufficient? Is there a distinction between

management and leadership? The contrasts between leadership and management will be

discussed in this paper, as well as a definition for each.


Leadership is a simple term with a complicated meaning. The Merriam-Webster dictionary

defines leadership as "the power or aptitude to lead other people," whereas the Business

Dictionary defines it as "the individuals who are the leaders in a company. “Seen as a whole.

Leadership, in my opinion, is defined as people or those who inspire others to achieve better, be

better, and work toward a common objective. “A leader's first task is to define reality.

Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude. The leader is a servant in between.” (1990, Depree) It is

natural for people to desire to grasp a notion and know exactly how it is expressed.As a result,

copying it is simple.
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This is not leadership; leadership cannot be summed up in simple terms that can be

replicated. According to many articles, leaders are born, not made. This statement is false;

leadership can be learnt and taught. There are good leaders and terrible leaders in any thought or

notion. Anyone may be a leader if they want to well as capability. A leader can easily

motivate others to achieve better by listening, comprehending, and considering the other person.

Pay attention to both the words and the body language of the other person. Understand the

message the individual is attempting to express; it's not always about the words uttered, but

rather the meaning behind the words. Taking into account the message's origins. It's difficult to

define inspiration; some leaders act on intuition, while others learn via trial and error. Personally,

I trust my intuition; but, understanding how the other person communicates and reading body

language is critical in this area. It’s easier to define and follow what it means to be better. It's

simply doing one percent more than the day before.

Showing a little kindness to a visibly irritated employee, letting someone know they are

doing their best and it is appreciated, offering to listen to an issue without passing judgment, or

simply smiling and saying good morning in the hallway are all examples of small acts of

kindness. This aspect of leadership entails demonstrating to the rest of the world that you are a

better person. When things are difficult or irritating, instead of venting your frustrations on

others, attempt to work through the problem in a calm and productive manner. Mother Theresa is

someone who inspires me to be a better person. Doing the right thing because it is the right thing

to do, not to gain ahead. “Don’t wait for leaders; do it yourself, one-on-one.” — Mother Theresa

of Calcutta.
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The overall purpose of most businesses is to achieve the organization's goal, with each

department responsible for its own role. A good leader can see both the forest and the trees

(organizational and departmental goals) and work to achieve both. Leadership is defined as

communicating a unified objective and assisting others in achieving that goal. Depending on the

aim and the employee, a leader will notice when there is an imminent threat and intervene to

motivate, discipline, encourage, or assist as needed. This is a natural reaction. Good leaders will

recognize little flaws before they become major problems, and they will notice when employees

are dissatisfied.

A good leader is the team's coach, as well as the cheerleader and proprietor of the refreshment

stand, but most importantly, the coach. Good leadership wants to win the game, but will be

content with a team that puts out its best effort.

Management to subordinates

Management differs from leadership in that it is a more defined notion. Management is defined

by the company, which provides it with specified goals and directs it to achieve them.

Management does not strive to inspire; it is merely a component of the system of checks and

balances for the organization. This is not to say that a manager cannot be a leader; I believe that

good managers make excellent leaders, but not every leader must be a manager. Managers are

more likely to solve problems after they have been presented, but leaders notice the problem

before it develops and motivate change to prevent it. (2006) (Kotterman).

Leading subordinates and knowing how to create a conducive environment for them is a

significant difficulty that all leaders face. The problem is that, if we're being honest, most leaders

suffer with self-doubt. And the more successful you become, the more you'll struggle with the

notion that you're not who people think you are. Imposter syndrome is what it's called, and it's a
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particularly hard challenge for many leaders because it causes so much self-doubt. It can make it

difficult for you to motivate, inspire, and serve your team.

Furthermore, remaining humble as a leader might be difficult, but it is an important leadership

attribute worth pursuing.

Time of Pandemic

It's tempting to believe that as a leader and manager, you must always be in the spotlight during

this pandemic. Being the first one online in the morning and the last one to log off may show that

you are dedicated and enthusiastic, but at what cost? You should also be approachable, patient,

and level-headed, which are attributes that can be lacking when you are physically,

psychologically, or emotionally exhausted.

If your employees see this deterioration (and they will!), they may feel that all employees

must labor themselves to exhaustion in the same way. Of course, amid unusual circumstances,

we operate at a higher level, and there are higher expectations for availability. During a long-

term catastrophe, like as the COVID-19 epidemic, however, organizational leadership must



Leadership aims to inspire, allowing those with whom they work to grow and learn.

Leaders recognize that growing the organization requires developing people, teaching them, and

infusing ideas and passions in them. A motivated, resourceful, problem-solving, and productive

workforce is more valuable. Long-term objectives are more significant than short-term

objectives. Leaders understand the big picture, not just the details, and they take calculated risks

to achieve their long-term goals. Managers work toward short-term specified goals, with a

greater emphasis on organizational goals than employee goals. “Success is all about growing
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yourself before you become a leader. When you're a leader, it's all about progressing. Other

people. —Jack Welch


M. DePree, M. DePree, M. DePree, M (1990). What is the definition of leadership? Planning

Review, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 14. retrieved

from (2006).

What is the difference between leadership and management? 13-17 in The Journal for Quality

and Participation, Volume 29, Number 2. 

What is the definition of leadership? Meaning and definition (n.d.). was retrieved


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