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The Goldilocks principle is named by analogy to the children's story The Three Bears, in which a
little girl named Goldilocks tastes three different bowls of porridge, and she finds that she prefers porridge
which is neither too hot nor too cold, but has just the right temperature. Since the children's story is well known
across cultures, the concept of "just the right amount" is easily understood and is easily applied to a wide
range of disciplines, including developmental psychology, biology, astronomy, economics and engineering.


The Universe is a simple place. Vast stretches of space filled with nothingness. Yet as it developed
over billions of years, it grew increasingly complex. This is a central concept Big History will emphasize — the
ever-increasing complexity of the Universe.

Another central theme in Big History is "Goldilocks Conditions." Big History uses this concept to
describe when the right conditions occur at precisely the right time to trigger a form of fundamental change.

Taking a look at these changes through the widest possible lens, Big History offers an understanding
of where we came from, where we're going, and the complexity and fragility of our world.

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