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Nama: Muhammad Isro Mubarok

NIM: 40118011
Prodi: PBI/6
Matkul: CCU
Dosen: Sri Murtiningsih, M.Pd

1. Why is it important for you as the student of English Education Program to learn the
course of CCU?


When interacting with people from various countries, cross-cultural understanding is

important. Culture and language are inextricably linked. As a result, when students study
a language, they should also learn about the culture of the country from which the
language originates to prevent misunderstanding and miscommunication.

2. Why does stereotype appear in society possessing different culture? What are the effects
of stereotype to cultural communication?


Stereotype appear because people tend to generalize other groups of people based on past
experiences, which are deep-rooted in the psyche of the people.
The effects of stereotype to cultural communication are, positive stereotypes can create
illusionary expectations toward communication effectiveness, whereas negative
stereotypes will reduce the motivation and confidence of the communicators. Stereotypes
may also cause prejudicial attitudes toward others.

3. In line with human culture, which one is more important, Visible (Seen) Culture or
Invisible (unseen) Culture? Why is this so?


Invisible culture is more important because we are more closely connected to the
invisible culture than to the visible culture in our daily lives.
4. Which one is better, western culture or eastern (Indonesian) culture? Explain your


In my opinion, eastern (Indonesian) culture is better because eastern culture is

emphasized on religion and social norm whereas western culture are more liberals. One
of the examples, people from eastern culture prefer to approach by using good manners
and wisdom, not by aggression. Modesty and collectivism are highly valued in eastern
cultures, where people from the west are more individualistic.

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