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Nama : M.

Isro Mubarok

NIM : 40118011

Short Story

"The Boy With Glasses"

A student was in the middle of the field and was surrounded by several other students.
Really can't bear to see this sight. The student is being pelted with cherry fruit.

He was helpless, he could only remain silent without fighting back. It was evening time and
all the students and teachers had gone home. There was no one else there, except for the three
students who surrounded that one student, and me.

I can only watch it myself, the three of them and I are just alone. Plus the three bad boys are
my classmates. It could be my soccer ball if I dare to be with them.

The child is a junior student. He just entered this year, whereas we have been from two years

He was wearing thick glasses, in a white shirt and blue pants, with his hair combed straight to
the left, carrying the bag that had been holding in his two hands while squatting down.

Bad boys really enjoy bullying new students. Incidentally our school is surrounded by many
cherry trees. So it's enough to torture students in school.

The white shirt he wore had an imprint of yellowish red because of the fruit. Many of the
cherry fruit stuck to his clothes, hair and bag.

I'm sorry to see it. But what can I do, no one dared to fight them. Whoever challenges one of
them, whoever it is, will be beaten up.

I keep watching from a distance, even though they know that as long as I keep my mouth shut
and don't tell anyone, my fate will be safe.

Once satisfied they left. The boy also cleaned his dirty clothes. Stroke his hair, pack his
clothes and pants, after that he walked home.

As far as I know, this child also has no friends, except for a few. He is more often found in
learning places, such as libraries, classes, and laboratories. Even though there were no class
hours, nor a tutor, he still went there, even if he was just reading a book.

It's rare for an upperclassman like us to talk to him, even his friends might not know him.
He's too quiet.

Until one day, one of the three children of my friend who had hurt him fell ill. I, who is still
more worthy of being considered his friend, came to visit.
But the incident was so brief, I couldn't really pay attention to it. There was a child with
glasses came over to my friend who was lying in the hospital.

There was no mistaking it, this was the kid who was bullied a few weeks ago by a friend of
mine. Why is he here? what he wanted to do, after all the person lying down was someone
who had hurt him before. Why also my friends get sympathy from him.

Or maybe he wants to do evil, by saying 'give up!' in front of his face. That way he would be
very satisfied, because the person who was lying down was weak and helpless.

But it seems impossible for him to do, does he dare? Yes, it's true that right now he's sick and
can't do anything about it, but if he's healed, my friend will definitely repay him.

I looked at the child. There was a small basket brought by him. I saw several fruits like apples
in the basket. Then he gave it himself right in front of my friend. My friend saw it and
accepted it limply.

Very ironic indeed, evil is rewarded with good.

Two weeks after the incident, my friend was actively back in school. We live school life as it
should be. Until there is a unique incident that amazes those who see it.

The child with glasses is still being bullied by my other friends. But at that time there was
someone who dared to defend him and disperse those who insulted him.

Instead, he challenged all the students who dared insult the boy with glasses. With a little
loud voice he protected the boy with glasses.

Since then, there are no more students who dare to bully the boy with glasses. And every day
I find my friends and bespectacled boy often come home together, in the cafeteria together,
sometimes even coming to school together.

They are now good friends. My friend has become good and not naughty anymore, the boy
with glasses is no longer quiet. Looks like they are suitable to be friends.

That is if someone who does something bad to us then we instead reward him with kindness,
the result will be beautiful.

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