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 Example of Interpretation Test

a. Teacher plays the tape / audio of an English / Indonesian talk with a pause each time to give
the student a chance to interpret
b. Student interprets into Indonesian / English when the teacher paused the tape/audio
c. Teacher give comments on the student interpreter performance regarding strategies and
language use

 Assessment On Students' Interpretation Performance

No Items Scores

1 Accuracy 1234

2 Clarity 1234

3 Fluency 1234

4 Self-Confidence 1234


 Assessed Items

a. Accuracy :
- pronounce each word correctly using right stress and intonation;

- use good grammatical structures with correct tenses;

- choose appropriate words relevant to the topic;

b. Clarity :
- talk loudly with a clear voice;

- convey a meaning in a clear and natural way;

- use appropriate communicative body language to make a meaning clear and understandable;

- improvise a message correctly

c. Fluency :
- express the meaning easily with a normal speed, no hesitation and no excessively long pauses;

- convey the message smoothly using familiar concepts, examples, and other matters relevant to
the topic;

d. Self-Confidence :
- convey the correct meaning with full confidence and no hesitation;

- talk confidently even when a mistake was made regarding the meaning, the grammatical
structures and tenses, and word choices.

 Grading Systems

Excellent (4) A 80 - 100

Good (3) B 70 - 79

Fair (2) C 60 - 69

Poor (1) D 50 - 59

Fail (0) E < 50

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