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-Basic Information-
Name: Drackus
Alias/Nickname: N/A

Family Members:
Social Class:
Race: Devil

Birthday: ???
Age: 200 years old

-Extra Information-
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'7
Weight: 64.4 kg
Width: 15.5

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Grey
Skin Tone: White

Constellation: N/A

Blood Type: ???


Country: Underworld


-Character Development-
Personality: He is violent and loves killing humans.
Motives/Plans: To see that he makes Humans suffer.
Alignment: Underworld.

Likes:Hearing the despair of suffering.

Dislikes:Annoying people, people who get in the way of him killing.
Habits: Playing Mind games on others.
Fears: ???


-Magic Knight Information-

Magic Knight Squad: N\A
Magic Knight Rank:N\A
Backstory/Information: Drackus was born in the underworld and as a high devil he was treated with
respect and blessed with powerful magic which he used to defeat lower ranks who dare to go against him
and as his power grew so did his greed he wanted to have a host that would enact his will to kill and make
others feel despair and sadness he always had a disgust for humans so he want to eradicate this pathetic
excuse of a race when he least expected it he was summoned by a pathetic excuse of a human but sensed
potential so he agreed to make them his host for the time being.


-Power Information-
Grimoire Appearance: N/A
Affinity(ies): Devil Mercury
Magic: Devil Mercury
Magic Description: Devil Mercury is basically like Mercury except it is dark and a bit more powerful.

Equipment/Items: N/A
Character Bonuses:N/A

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