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When we discuss strengths, we’re referring to a company’s competitive advantages and distinctive

competencies—that is, what the company does really well. Some examples of strengths include:

Strong employee attitudes

Excellent customer service

Large market share

Personal relationships with customers

Leadership in product innovation

Highly efficient, low-cost manufacturing

High integrity

Weaknesses are the constraints that impede a company’s success in a certain strategic direction—in
other words, what the company does not do well. Typical company weaknesses might be:

Inadequate definition of customer for product/market development

Confusing service policies

Too many levels of reporting in the organizational structure

Limited product availability

Lack of involvement from top management in developing a new service

Lack of quantitative goals

Strategic marketing firms like FrogDog consider a variety of factors when studying the strengths and
weaknesses of their clients. We consider questions such as:


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