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Naik is more deserving of the V.P. position if we look at the company’s current requirements (to help
the company grow in the business computing market). The company has already shown decent
growth in the home computing market with the help of Alice.

His interpersonal skills are good, as we can see how he maintained a good relationship with all his
peers except for Alice. Though he wasn’t supposed to report to Alice after the familiarization
program, he kept doing it. It shows he has respect for her or her position. Also, when Alice snapped
at him, he remained silent. He was getting promoted to V.P. marketing, which shows he had the
potential to do his job or at least he can give the company what it wanted currently.


Mr Sen did what matches the company's future goals. He made sure that Alice gets the promotion
she deserves. He also made sure the Naik gets as much freedom as he wants, to help the company
grow in the business computing market. Alice protested when the company recruited Naik. It
showed that she might not be cooperating with him in future. Hence will be a hindrance to the
company's growth. The V.P. Public Relations was something that Alice could help the company with
as she had those skills of maintaining a good relationship with customers and dealers.

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