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1 Match the words with the pictures.

a acoustic guitar f percussion

b drums g saxophone
c piano
d flute
e violin

2 LIFE EVENTS VERBS. - Circle the correct words.

a I want to leave / get school when I’m 18.
b I want to have / go to university when I’m 19.
c I want to be born / learn to drive when I’m 20.
d I want to train / get married to be an architect when I’m 22.
e I want to get / go a job when I’m 23.
f I want to leave / get home when I’m 25.
g I want to start / buy a house when I’m 28.
h I want to go / get married when I’m 30.
i I want my first child to be / go born when I’m 32.
j I want to learn to drive / have two children when I’m 35.

3 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the life event verbs.
a Q: When ____________________ you born?

A: In 1998. I’m just over 20 years old now.

b Q: When did you ____________________ school?

A: Two years ago. I was 18.

c Q: Are you ___________________ to university?

A: Yes, I am. Next year.

d Q: Are you __________________ to drive?

A: Yes, I am. I am taking classes this month.

e Q: Are you __________ to be a lifeguard?

A: Yes, I am. It’s a difficult course.

f Q: Did you _______________ a job in the summer?

A: Yes, I did. I worked at a restaurant.

g Q: When did you __________________ home?

A: Last year. I didn’t want to live with my parents anymore.

h Q: Are you going to _________________ married?

A: One day. But not this year!

i Q: Do you want to ___________________ a house?

A: Yes, when I have some money.

j Q: How many children do you want to _________________ ?

A: Two or three, I think.

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