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Welcome to Above & Beyond!

18/08/2021 by Kirsten Foster

Welcome to the Nursery! 

Senna and whānau (family), we are thrilled to welcome you into the Nursery here at
Above & Beyond, The Lakes!
Senna we have loved getting to know you and your family over the past couple of
weeks. You only had a few visits with us before starting, these visits supported your
transition into the Nursery room as you became familiar with all the new faces and a
new place.
During your first day with us, you demonstrated a sense of belonging as you took part
in routines, activities and social interactions with the other tamariki (children) and
kaiako (teachers). 
You seemed very settled and calm with us, and you gave us all lovely big smiles. Plenty
of cuddles were also given and this helped you develop your sense of security in the
Nursery quickly.
You amazed us all with how well you did with your routines, you seemed quite
comfortable and happy with any of the kaiako, even when it came to getting your nappy
changed! When it came to kai time, you sat so nicely in the highchair as you ate your
Your first sleep with us went very well, once you went down you had a nice long nap for
us. You must have been tired from all the exploring you were doing. Ka pai (well done)
my friend, you are doing so well already! 
Senna, we can already see that you are a very curious little girl who likes to get stuck in
exploring and discovering new things. We have noticed in particular that you have an
interest in all of our horse related resources, which is no surprise to us as we have
learnt mum works with horses! In your "All about Me" form your mum said you enjoy
playing outdoors and you seemed to also enjoy playing in the sandpit and the ball pit
alongside your new friends. 
Senna, we have all really enjoyed getting to know you and your friendly personality and
can't wait to see how you come out of your shell over the next few weeks.
We all look forward to watching you grow and develop in your time with us in the
Kirsten, Angie, Ronel & Rachel x 

What learning is happening here?

Senna, you are developing a sense of belonging in the Nursery as you familiarise
yourself with the room, teachers and other children and as you become more aware
that you are valued and nurtured.
Your trust and confidence will continue to develop as you are forming stronger
responsive and reciprocal relationships with your teachers, and this will also help you
feel more safe and secure.
Anna, thank you for filling out the "All about ME" form as it gives us more of an insight
on Senna and is something to refer back to. It was lovely and extremely helpful reading
some of the things you said would help Senna if she was upset, and things she was
interested in doing, like playing outside as together we sort to support her on her first
day with us. 

Opportunities and Possibilities? Where to next?

Senna, we will continue to work alongside and observe you in order to find out more
about your interests and create an environment that will support those interests as well
as your physical, cognitive and social development. 
We want to also ensure that we are collaborating with your parents so that we can keep
the connection strong between here and your home environment and your whānau. 

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