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Summary Report

Nama: Yusuf
NPK: 8930
Tipe learning ☐ Self learning
☐ On the job training
☐ External Training
☐ Seminar
☒ Conference
☐ Persiapan sertifikasi
Penyelenggara Alibaba
Judul Explore How Alibaba Cloud Product will drive your digital
learning: transformation
Tanggal 05-Mach-2020
Durasi 510
seminar (jika


The digital world is moving to the cloud at an increasingly dramatic rate. More and more enterprises are
eager to deploy their services on the cloud and take advantage of cloud technologies to compete in the
digital age. Alibaba Cloud's Academy Day (Online Conference) is designed to help you get familiar with
our core cloud products through step-by-step demos by some of our leading experts.

Session 1: Alibaba Cloud Product Overview

An high-level introduction and overview of Alibaba Cloud, including the foundation of Alibaba Cloud, our
unique characteristics, and some tips &

Session 2: Secure and Fast - Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS)
Be a master in ECS through this comprehensive webinar, where we'll talk about everything from backup
policy to automatic scaling and health checks.

Session 4: Stable and Robust - Network and Security

This session provides a comprehensive introduction to our Networking and Cybersecurity solutions,
helping you build secure cross-border networks with

Session 5: Building A Cloud-Native Application on Alibaba Cloud

Cloud-Native Computing is reshaping enterprise IT. Through this webinar, we will learn how to deploy a
Cloud-Native application using Alibaba Cloud DevOps solution

Session 6: How to Use Alibaba Cloud Data Warehouse--DataWorks & MaxCompute

This course will guide you the basic operation of Data Acquisition, Data Processing by using DataWorks
and MaxCompute.

Session 7: Alibaba Cloud Pricing, Support, and Getting Started

In this session, we'll take a closer look into our Pricing concepts and introduce our Support channels to
guide you through your journey on Alibaba Cloud.


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