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The quadratus lumborum (QL) is the deepest abdominal muscle.

It’s located in your lower back on either

side of the lumbar spine. It starts at your lowest rib and ends at the top of your pelvis. It’s common to
have pain here because you use this muscle to sit, stand, and walk.

The QL is one of the prime sources of lower back pain and can have an effect on your physical well-being.

What causes quadratus lumborum pain?

Pain in the quadratus lumborum can be due to overuse, stress, and strain. Sometimes muscles cause
pain and stiffness when they’re weak or too tight.

Activities such as sitting for long periods of time can reduce blood flow to an area, especially in the QL
and surrounding areas. Pain can also result from repetitive motions and weak back muscles, which lead
to poor posture.

All of these factors can make you twist, bend, or lift improperly, which creates more tension. It can also
lead to your QL becoming too tight if it has to overcompensate to stabilize your spine and pelvis. Pain in
this area can also be due to accidents and unequal leg lengths.

Trigger points and pain

A trigger point is an area of your body that may produce pain when it’s stimulated. Trigger points are
made up of stressed or injured muscles that cause pain and tightness. Quadratus lumborum trigger
points may be to blame for a deep ache in your lower back or a stabbing pain in your hips or pelvis. They
can also be the reason you might feel sharp pain when the QL contracts while you’re coughing or

How is quadratus lumborum pain diagnosed?

Consult your doctor if you think you’re experiencing quadratus lumborum pain. They can help you get to
the root of your pain. They can also determine if it’s related to any underlying health issues.

You may have to perform certain physical activities and describe the nature of your pain. They can work
with you to come up with a treatment plan involving some type of bodywork. They will also recommend
that you do self-care and home treatment.

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