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Supplier Relationships
Emerging Issues and Challenges

Jagdish N. Sheth
Arun Sharma

There is evidence that relationships are very important in ef- INTRODUCTION

fective marketing strategies. This article focuses on the rela-
tionship that firms need to develop with their suppliers. We With increasing turbulence in the marketplace, it is
propose that effective relationship with suppliers will provide clear that firms have to move away from transaction ori-
firms with next-generational competitive advantage. Toward ented marketing strategies and move toward relationship
this purpose, the article discusses the reasons for the emer- oriented marketing strategies for enhanced performance
gence of relationship marketing and the future academic research [1]. General Motors, Xerox, Black & Decker, and Nie-
needed in this area. The article concludes that organizational buy- man Marcus, for example, are looking at relationships
ing is dramatically shifting from the transaction oriented to the re- with their suppliers in order to achieve stronger competi-
lational oriented philosophy, and will shift from a buying process tive positions [2]. In concert with practice, the past de-
to a supplier relationship process. This shift toward supplier cade has seen a fundamental change in the theory and
relationships will change the role, processes, and strategies of practice of marketing [3]. The shift has been from re-
firms and, therefore, new areas of inquiry will emerge. These search addressing transaction oriented marketing to re-
include understanding suppliers as customers; cross-func- search addressing relationship marketing. This is because
tional supplier teaming; economic value of supplier equity; of an increased recognition of the importance of satisfac-
supply experience curves; hub and spoke organization; bond- tion, retention strategies, and relationships to the perfor-
ing with suppliers; global sourcing processes; cross-cultural mance of a firm [4].
values in purchasing; cross-national rules and regulations; We believe that the source of next-generational com-
and service procurement. © Elsevier Science, Inc., 1997 petitive advantage will be the type of relationships that
firms have with their suppliers [5]. There are four reasons
for this phenomena. First, marketers or sellers are driving
this change as firms have started identifying and catering
Address correspondenceto Jagdish N. Sheth, YoizuetaBusiness School, to the needs of specific customers. Thus, having a rela-
EmoryUniversity,Atlanta, GA 30322 tionship with suppliers will enable firms to receive better

IndustrialMarketingManagement26, 91-100 (1997)

© ElsevierScienceInc., 1997 0019-8501/97/$17.00
655 Avenueof the Americas,NewYork,NY 10010 PII S0019-8501(96)00153-8
The research in the past will b e c o m e

service and therefore be more efficient in procurement. ied the organizational buying process differently. Sheth
Second, firms will recognize that supplier relationships [10] highlighted the effect of individuals in the buying
will allow them to be more effective. It is easier to imple- process whereas Webster and Wind [9] emphasized the
ment strategies such as quality platforms, if firms have organization and its environment. After these compre-
relationships with their suppliers. Third, there are en- hensive models, the research shifted toward attempts to
abling technologies that allow firms to select their best model the buying process while studying specific prob-
customers and suppliers. Computer programs allow firms lems in industrial and business marketing.
to calculate profitability associated with each customer The industrial marketing discipline is increasingly in-
or supplier. Finally, competition and the growth of alli- fluenced by the disciplines of organizational behavior,
ances will force firms to develop better supplier relation- industrial organizations, and transaction cost theories in
ships to maintain a competitive edge. economics [11]. As an example, research on buyer-seller
The purpose of this article is to assess the reasons for interaction and buyer-seller relationships, especially in
the rise in the practice of supplier relationships. We be- the area of channels as customers, is heavily influenced
lieve that a strategic focus of firms will be the develop- by Stern and his colleagues [12] classic work on power,
ment of relationships with firms' suppliers. This focus dependence, and conflict, and later by Williamson's [ 13]
will change organizational buying behaviors and create a transaction cost theory. Similarly, research and clinical
need for understanding the process of developing rela- case studies of supplier partnering relationships carried
tionships with suppliers. This article identifies new and out by the IMP group in Scandinavia, and subsequent use
exciting research opportunities and challenges in inter- of networks theory and methodology to quantitatively
organization buyer behavior due to the focus on supplier measure the strength of the customer-supplier relation-
relationships. ships over time [14]. Also, research on quick response,
just-in-time (JIT), and the use of electronic data inter-
RESEARCH IN ORGANIZATIONAL change (EDI) for maximizing efficiency through economies
BUYING BEHAVIOR of time (reduced cycle times) and mass customization is
in sharp contrast to the older theories of economies of
The earliest comprehensive models of buyer behavior scale and scope [15].
were consumer behavior models. These major models While the last 25 years of research has continued the
were by Andreasen [6], Nicosia [7], and Howard and Sheth tradition of earlier research we see some challenges and
[8]. The earliest comprehensive models of organizational opportunities in business-to-business marketing. We sug-
buying behavior had their origins in the consumer behav- gest that much of the research in the past will become ob-
ior literature and were developed by Webster and Wind solete as firms move away from transaction oriented pol-
[9], and Sheth [10]. Sheth, and Webster and Wind, stud- icies to relationship oriented policies [5].

JAGDISH N. SHETH is Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of
Marketing at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Organizational Buying Behavior has been dramati-
ARUN SHARMA is Associate Professor of Marketing at the cally changing since the 1970s for at least four reasons
University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. (see Figure 1). First, global competitiveness, especially
in the manufacturing sector, such as process machinery,

Customers realize that suppliers
create value.

automobiles, and heavy engineering, have pointed out facturing or flexible manufacturing and operations have
the competitive advantages of creating and managing been instituted to serve the diversity of demand with re-
supply chain relationships. Second, emergence of the to- spect to form, place, and time value to customers over the
tal quality management (TQM) philosophy has encour- long term. Third, industry restructuring through mergers,
aged "reverse marketing" starting with external custom- acquisitions, and alliances on a global basis has reorga-
ers and moving backward into procurement processes nized the procurement function from a decentralized ad-
and practices, especially as they relate to reduced cycle ministrative function to a centralized strategic function.
times and zero inventory management. Also, the TQM This is further intensified by outsourcing (buy versus make)
philosophy highlights long-term perspective (e.g., rela- many support functions such as data processing and hu-
tionships) rather than short-term perspective (e.g., trans- man resources. Finally, use of information technologies
action orientation). For example, demand driven manu- including networked computing, quick response, elec-

I Global

Paradigms of

Changing paradigm of organizational buying behavior.

Global Sourcing

I 1
Paradigms o f

Transaction Relationship Oriented


[ Industry

Domestic Sourcing
FIGURE 2. Shift in organizational buying behavior.

tronic data interchange, and other computer programmed The primary reason is that customers realize that sup-
procurement methods have restructured the buying phi- pliers create value [15]. Thus, value creation by suppliers
losophy, processes, and platforms. has become an area of interest to firms. Value creation
Fundamentally, the consequence of changing para- can manifest itself into access to technology, access to
digms of organizational buying behavior is likely to re- markets, and access to information. Business customers
sult in a two-dimensional shift as shown in Figure 2. As will realize that suppliers provide access to value cre-
organizational buying behavior shifts from a transaction ation that will provide them with sustainable competitive
oriented to a relational oriented philosophy, and as it advantage. We believe that relationships, specifically in
shifts from a decentralized domestic sourcing to a cen- the context of customers as well as suppliers, will emerge
tralized global sourcing process, most of the academic re- as an area of increased attention.
search and theory related to organizational decision mak-
ing including the buying center concept, make versus buy
decisions, sources of interdepartmental conflict and its Research on Suppliers
resolution, and buyer-supplier negotiations will become Research has focussed on two issues regarding suppli-
obsolete. As Eric Hoffer [16], the philosopher historian ers-supply chain management, and commitment and
has eloquently stated: "In times of drastic change, it is trust. Supply chain management and value creation as-
the learners who inherit the future. The learned find pects of supplier research are critical to our understand-
themselves equipped with a world that no longer exists." ing of supplier behaviors. Research in supply chain man-
We believe our older knowledge in organizational buy- agement has modeled the supply process to reduce the
ing behavior is likely to be less and less valuable. inefficiencies associated with suppliers. The problem is

Buyers have traditionally been quite willing
to change suppliers.

more acute when a variety of manufacturing locations are RELATIONSHIP WITH SUPPLIERS:
supplied by both internal and external suppliers. Re- THE NEXT FRONTIER
searchers have proposed models that allow manufactur-
ers to examine the problems associated with suppliers [ 17, As stated earlier, we suggest that developing relationship
18]. The applications of the new data interchange tech- with suppliers will be critical for the functioning of f'Lrms.
niques should lead to better management of the suppliers. There are four underlying reasons for supplier relationships.
Commitment and trust on the part of the supplier have These are increased cost efficiency, increased effectiveness,
been acknowledged as being critical by buyers [2, 3]. enabling technologies, and increased competitiveness.
However, the aspects of trust and commitment from the Supplier relationships will reduce some of the costs as-
buyer's perspective have not been examined except in sociated with transactions. The transaction cost theory
the channel area. We suggest that it will not be easy for can be used to explain the increase in efficiencies associ-
buyers to demonstrate commitment and trust as buyers ated with supplier relationships. Transaction cost theory
have traditionally been quite willing to change suppliers. suggests that properties of transactions (i.e., asset speci-
The reasons for customers often engaging in opportunis- ficity, uncertainty, and infrequency) determine governance
tic behavior even though they are happy with existing structure [13]. In situations of multiple suppliers, both
suppliers by exercising their market power are simple. buyers and suppliers feel a high level of uncertainty, and
Business customers do not like to reduce the supplier therefore there are multiple controls to ensure successful
choices because of the fear that they will be dependent on transaction. Controls increase cost and decrease the effi-
a smaller set of suppliers. This results in lack of a trusting ciency of relationships. In contrast, supplier relationships
relationship. Most suppliers, therefore, do not trust their reduce uncertainty, and therefore controls, increasing the
customers. This trend has been changing. As an example, efficiency of transactions. An additional reason for sup-
Xerox reduced the number of suppliers and found that plier relationship will be the easy determination of cus-
they obtained better services and prices. This reduction in tomer profitability. Recent research has examined the
suppliers is widespread as can be seen in Table 1. The costs of doing business with each individual customer
primary reason is the reduction in transaction costs asso- [19, 20]. Because of better information technology, firms
ciated with maintaining a large number of suppliers [13]. can track the actual cost of every transaction. Suppliers
will be able to determine that it is not cost effective to
provide their services to all of their customers. This will
TABLE 1. lead to a decrease in the number of customers for suppli-
Reduction in the Number of Suppliers [26] ers. Recall that relationships increase efficiency, and
firms are less likely to be dropped if they have a relation-
Number of Suppliers
Percentage ship with the supplier.
Company Current Previous Change Supplier relationships can also enhance the effective-
Xerox 500 5,000 90.00 ness of organizations. Firms may want the suppliers to
Motorola 3,000 10,000 70.00 invest in technology that will allow the firm to provide a
Digital Equipment 3,000 9,000 66.66 quality platform, high level of customer service, avail-
General Motors 5,500 10,000 45.00
Ford Motor 1,000 1,800 44.44
ability of spare parts, and information exchange. Suppli-
Texas Instruments 14,000 22,000 36.36 ers would be more willing to invest in assets if they feel
Rainbird 380 520 26.92 that they have a relationship with the firm. As suggested
Allied-Signal Aerospace 6,000 7,500 20.00
earlier, a decrease in uncertainty (through supplier rela-

Supplier relationships can also enhance the
effectiveness of organizations.
tionships) will encourage suppliers to invest more money Relationship with Suppliers as a
into assets that will enhance the value provided by the Strategic Differentiator
buying firm.
As supply function becomes more a strategic differen-
Third, there are enabling technologies that allow firms
tiator and a core competency, it will encourage treating
to better connect with firms (e.g., JIT, EDI), and deter- suppliers less as vendors and more like partners. In the
mine the outcome of relationships. Linkages such as EDI
future, we expect business customers will reduce the
will reduce costs for both customers and suppliers and
number of suppliers and invest in a handful of suppliers
dramatically reduce cycle times. Also, with improved
with respect to training, capital, and know how. In other
technology, firms can customize their offerings to indi-
words, firms will form relationships with suppliers and
vidual customers. In fact, researchers suggest that there
issues such as customer selectivity, key account manage-
should be multi-tiered offerings for customers with cus-
ment processes, and practices will become critical for
tomers self-selecting a level of service based on their
managing relationships with their supplier community.
purchase behavior [21]. This trend toward differential of-
Therefore to maintain strategic advantage in the sup-
ferings is expected to increase because of three reasons.
ply function, firms need to prove to the supplier the value
First, there are information systems available that allow
of a relationship with them. Based on the research on al-
marketers to determine the profitability of each customer
liances, some antecedents to successful supplier relation-
of a firm. Second, information technology also allows
ships are presented [22]. First, those relationships with
marketers to cater to the need of individual customers
suppliers will be sustained that are valuable to attaining a
(i.e., each customer can receive a customized offering).
sustainable competitive advantage. Sustainable sources
Finally, in an environment of ever increasing competi-
of competitive advantage are based on superior value,
tion, firms would like to retain the more profitable cus-
durability, competition not being aware of the source of
tomers at a cost of losing the less profitable customers.
advantage, and on being hard to duplicate [22]. Second,
The consequence of better customer information and
relationships with suppliers that are of mutual benefit
ability to customize offerings will lead to a higher level
will sustain. Third, relationships that are durable through
of customer selectivity. The consequence of customer se-
mutual commitment such as common investments (i.e.,
lectivity will manifest itself into better customers getting
exit barriers are high) will also persist. Fourth, organiza-
better offerings than marginal customers. The trend to-
tions need to develop a culture where relationships with
ward determining and catering to the needs of profitable
suppliers is valued. Finally, successful supplier relation-
customers has major implications for marginal customers
ships will provide firms with a first mover advantage, sup-
or customers that are average. If business marketers pro-
pliers will come to the firm first to form relationships. Fail-
vide differential offerings to different customers, some
ures of alliances are due to a conflict in goals, lack of clear
businesses may have a resource based advantage over
interaction partners, and shifting strategic requirements.
their competitors. Thus, it may be in a firm's interest to
be a better customer and receive additional services.
Finally, supplier relationships increase competitiveness AVENUES FOR FUTURE INQUIRY
by locking in good suppliers. Today, intense competition
is coming from existing rivals, new entrants, and the threat As stated earlier, as we traverse from a transaction and
of substitutes. Relationship with suppliers can be an effec- domestic orientation to a relationship and global orienta-
tive method of reducing competition's negative impact on tion, there will be an emphasis on developing relation-
an industry. This trend is reflected in Table 1, which sug- ships with suppliers. This emphasis of a relationship ori-
gests that some suppliers would be exclusive to firms. entation toward suppliers will lead to an exploration of

Relationship orientation toward suppliers
will lead to an exploration of many aspects
of b u s i n e s s buying.

many aspects of business buying. These areas are high- Cross-Functional Supplier Teams
lighted in Figure 3.
Marketers have used interdisciplinary teams to contact
and maintain relationships with their customers. As indi-
Supplier as a Customer vidual suppliers' relationships become more important
As discussed earlier, there will be a thrust toward de- we expect a similar thrust toward cross-functional teams
veloping and maintaining relationships with customers. that are dedicated or focused on their key suppliers. The
However, our understanding in this area is very limited. importance of individual suppliers is expected to increase
Some initial conceptual work in this area has been done because of the emergence of sourcing on a global and re-
by Wilson [15], which can be the basis of future investi- lational basis with a few key suppliers. Researchers have
gations. He has identified areas of commitment, trust, co- examined and understood the interdisciplinary team pro-
operation, mutual goals, interdependence, performance cess [23]. However, as these cross-functional supplier
satisfaction, structural bonds, adaptation, nonretrievable teams replace the buying center structure and process,
investments, shared technology, and social bonds as an- there will be a need for applying existing knowledge,
tecedents to successful relationships. In addition, some of frameworks, concepts, and methods to enhance perfor-
the aspects of relationship that he identifies as needing mance of cross-functional supplier teams. Some of the is-
further examinations concerning relationship success are sues and problems with not having proper teams have
breadth of purpose, boundary determination, value cre- been highlighted by Day [22]. In addition, Hutt [24] has
ation, and stability mechanisms. identified factors that affect the performance of cross-
functional teams. He identified the structural, social, and
individual factors that affect cross-functional teams.
Structural factors include attributes such as type of goals,

~ement~ ~ reward structure, etc. Social factors include aspects such

as group norms, social information, etc. Individual fac-
tors are self-monitoring, self-efficacy, etc. Clearly, this is
a fertile area for future research.

Does Partnering Pay?

nce A major issue in relationship marketing is the return
on investment in establishing relationships with custom-
ers. Similar concerns will also be expressed about part-
nering with suppliers. Therefore, there is a need to de-
gaU.U y velop a performance metric that analytically quantifies
supplier relationship equity. Our a priori hypothesis is
that supplier partnering with smaller share suppliers will
not be economical. The primary reason is that research
FIGURE3. Emerging research area in supplier rela- has demonstrated that the cost of maintenance of smaller
tionships. market share brand names is more that its value. The

Companies will focus on creating core
competency in supply side management.

cost-benefit analysis of supplier relationships should re- creasing trend toward creating, managing, and enhancing
sult in increased supplier selectivity. ongoing relationships with suppliers on a global basis,
organizations will have to learn about and invest in bond-
Supply Experience Curves ing processes and philosophies. These policies will be
similar to what organizations are learning and practicing
Managing supplier relationships is not an easy task. The
with their customers. Some of the questions that will
task of managing relationships on a global basis is more
need to be answered are: what are the governance con-
complex and not analogous to domestic supplier manage-
cepts and processes for bonding with suppliers? Simi-
ment as most business customers have realized. There-
larly, are they different from the governance processes
fore, in industries where supply function is a key strategic
appropriate for bonding with customers? Among the first
advantage, companies will focus on creating core compe-
steps in the bonding process will be the introductions of
tency in supply-side management and develop sharper
technology such as EDI.
experience curves. Therefore, we need to learn how to
apply experience curve concepts and methods to supply-
side management similar to what is applied in manufac- Global Sourcing
turing. We expect global sourcing to be a strategic advantage.
While several global enterprises, especially in the auto-
Hub and Spokes Organization motive, high technology, and aerospace industries are es-
We expect organizations to reduce the number of suppli- tablishing processes and platforms, it is still at an infancy
ers in each product or service category. In addition, re- stage of practice in other industries. This area is expected
engineering has forced firms to outsource internal activi- to be a key driver for future academic research. An initial
ties. We expect the results of the culmination of these two framework to examine global sourcing strategies has
trends to be very interesting. There will be multiple suppli- been provided by Kotabe [25]. Similarly, the area of lo-
ers, which will provide critical products and services to a gistics has been publishing research in this area. How-
central organization. This will lead to a hub and spoke ever, in the following years we expect an explosion in the
organization in which one or two suppliers in each product research done in this area.
or service category are the spokes and the procurement
organization becomes the hub on a global basis. This hub Cross-Culture Values
and spokes organizational architecture has analog in local
Both the buying and selling practices and value sys-
area networks (LANS) and in computer assisted logistics
tems vary significantly across cultural boundaries. As an
systems (CALS). It would be fascinating to use networks
example, firms in the United States are concerned about
methodology to study the hub and spokes organizational short-term profitability whereas firms in Japan are con-
cerned about long-term positioning. Similarly, in some
cultures, reciprocity is declared illegal and unethical
Bonding with Suppliers whereas in other cultures it is the preferred way of doing
Marketers, specifically those that practice relationship business. What is considered as an agency fee in one
marketing have learned to bond with their customers. country is recognized as a bribe, subject to prosecution
Bonding relates to the empathy that the marketing orga- under the anti-corruption laws in another. Similarly, do-
nizations feel toward their customer groups. With an in- ing business with family members and politically con-

nected individuals is presumed to provide a sense of trust ing relationships with suppliers. This will change the
and commitment in some cultures whereas it is consid- role, processes, and strategies of firms that will lead to an
ered as nepotism and unethical behavior in others. Al- emergence of new research. The research areas include
though academic researchers have devoted considerable understanding suppliers as customers; cross-functional
effort toward this area, our understanding is very limited. supplier teams; ROI of supplier partnerships; supply ex-
We regard this as another area of academic research of perience curves; hub and spoke organization; bonding
enormous potential. with suppliers; global sourcing processes; cross-cultural
values in purchasing; cross-national rules and regula-
Cross-National Rules tions; and services procurement.
Similar to cross-cultural differences, there are also
cross-national rules that regulate economic behaviors of
enterprises. Specifically, the two-tier regulations (one for REFERENCES
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