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International Food Research Journal 23(2): 464-474 (2016)

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Mini Review
Potential role of nutrients on immunity

Ibrahim, K.S. and 2El-Sayed, E.M.
Environmental and Occupational Medicine Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza,
Nutrition and Food Science Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

Article history Abstract

Received: 27 November 2014 The immune system protects the host against pathogenic organisms and acts to ensure tolerance
Received in revised form: to self, to food and environmental components. Bovine milk, micronutrients and many nutrients
9 May 2015
beneficially affect the host immunity. Bovine milk has many components that improve the
Accepted: 15 August 2015
body immune functions. In addition, a significant mass of research now exists investigating
the role of probiotic and prebiotic in ameliorating immunity during various intestinal diseases.
Keywords Vitamins and minerals boost immunity. Micronutrient deficiency suppresses immune function
by affecting the innate T-cell mediated immune response and adoptive antibody response.
Immunity Moreover essential fatty acids, and some amino acids have numerous important influences
Probiotic on immune responses. Besides, glutathione and nucleotides are important components of
Prebiotic immunonutrient mixes. Also, in this article, an overview of how nutrient-nutrient interaction
Micronutrients may affect host immunity, was discussed.
Fatty acids © All Rights Reserved
Amino acids

Introduction Immunity and immune system

The immune system is made up of a vast and
Immune function protects healthy tissue from highly complex net work of cells, tissues and organs
disease promoting factors. Nutrient availability has that all work in union all of the time to protect the
the potential to affect all aspects of the immune system. body from harm. If an individual has impaired
In general, deficiency of several nutrients will lead to immunity, the body’s natural defenses could quickly
impaired immune responses, and replenishment of be overwhelmed, resulting in serious infection,
those specific components will typically restore the illness, and even death (Fritsche, 2006). Immunity
affected responses (Fernandes et al., 2006). In human may be innate (non specific) or acquired (specific).
beings, nutrient deficiencies impaired the immune Innate immunity is conferred by all elements with
response. Besides, conditions associated with over which an individual is born and which are available
nutrition such as cardiovascular disease (Kang et al., at a very short notice to protect the individual from
2001), diabetes and obesity significantly modulate challenges by foreign invaders. Acquired immunity
immune function (Chandra, 2002). Furthermore, is more specialized than innate immunity and it
nutrients are involved in the stability of the plasma supplements and augments the protection provided
membrane and the differentiation and expression by innate immunity. It is acquired by contact with
of its cell surface characteristics such as antigenic the invader and is specific to it only (Benjamini
determinants. Also, nutritional factors modulate et al., 2000). Two major cell types are involved
metabolic processes which may include the activation in acquired immunity. During ontogeny the bone
or inhibition of key enzymes or immunoregulatory marrow provides stem cells that will develop in situ
mediators that can result in altered cellular immune into lymphocytes of the β lineage and in the prenatal
function particularly in cells of T lymphocytes lineage thymus into lymphocytes of the T lineage. These
(Broome et al., 2004). Deficiency of single nutrient cells mature and leave the bone marrow and thymus
also results in altered immune responses; this is to populate the lymphoid organs and the circulatory
observed even when the deficiency state is relatively system.
mild. Of the micronutrients, zinc, selenium, iron, Beta cells are activated to secrete antibodies after
copper, vitamins A, C, E, and B6, and folic acid have the binding of antigens to Ig. Acquired immunity
important influences on immune responses (Chandra, mediated by β cells and antibodies is called humoral
1997). immunity. Besides, cellular or cell mediated immunity

*Corresponding author.
465 Ibrahim, K.S. and El-Sayed, E.M./IFRJ 23(2): 464-474

is mediated by T cells which synthesize and release and β-casein have been shown to suppress mitogen
various cytokines and interferon-γ (INF- γ) that affect stimulated proliferation of human lymphocytes in
other cells (Benjamini et al., 2000). T cells may exert a vitro (Kayser and Meisel, 1996). Sutas et al. (1996)
helper, suppressor or effectors function. Macrophages have shown that peptides derived from the enzymatic
have antigen physically on their surface and bind cleavage of K-casein can enhance human lymphocyte
directly to T cells. They also produce cytokines as function in vitro. Brosche and Platt (1995) have
interleukin-1 (lL-I), interleukin-12 (lL-12), tumor shown that elderly subjects had enhanced blood cell
necrosis factor -α (TNF-α) that assist in the activation phagocytic function following consumption of milk
of T-cell. Macrophages also produce arachidonic acid based diet.
metabolites such as prostaglandin-E2 which can down Dietary inclusion of the fatty acid conjugated
regulate T-cell functions. Macrophage in turn can be linoleic acid (CLA), a milk fat derived component
activated by T-cell cytokines as lFN- γ to become has been shown to enhance in vitro lymphocyte
more effective in controlling intracellular pathogen. proliferation as well as lymphocytes responses (Chew
Macrophages and polymorphonuclear neutrophil et al., 1997). In addition to affecting lymphocyte
(PMN) can bind and internalize antigen (as bacteria function, dietary milk proteins have been shown
and virus) coated with antibody and/or other proteins to modulate antibody responses (Ambroziak and
and destroy them (Kubena and McMurray, 1996). Cichosz, 2014). Alfa-lactalbumin, α-lactalbumin
The natural killer cell (NK) is an additional cell type hydrolysate and whole whey protein concentrate have
that plays an important accessory role in the immune each been shown to enhance antibody production
response. NK cells produce cytokines such as IFN-γ, to foreign antigen (Bounous et al., 1981). Cloistral
which can regulate macrophages. In turn, NK activity whey derived extract produced lower IgE antibody
can be enhanced by lL-12 and lL-2 produced by other responses to foreign antigen. This is a benefit, where
immune cells. the development of IgE antibody responses can lead
Lymphoid organs are those organs in which to allergic hypersensitivity reactions. Further research
lymphocyte maturation, differentiation and has demonstrated that both K-casein and lactoferrin
proliferation take place. They are divided into can suppress IgE mediated hypersensitivity responses
primary or central lymphoid organs in which T by inhibiting histamine release (Otani and Yamada,
and β cell maturations take place. Mature T and β 1995). Moreover dietary whey protein concentrate
lymphocytes migrate from thymus and bone marrow, can enhance intestinal mucosal antibody responses
respectively, through the blood stream to peripheral against orally administered cholera toxins (Cross
lymphoid tissues, including the lymphnodes, spleen and Gill, 2000). Also, whey proteins can promote
and gut associated lymphoid tissue such as the tonsils. overall weight gain in human immunodeficiency
The secondary lymphoid organs are those organs in virus (HIV) positive men (Bounous et al., 1983), to
which cell proliferation and differentiation take place increase tissue concentrations of glutathione which
(Rich et al., 2001). promotes cellular immune function (Bounous and
Gold 1991) and to inhibit viral binding to cell surface
Milk as unique source of immunomodulatory receptors on T lymphocytes in HIV patients (Neurath
ingredients et al., 1996). In addition, bovine milk contains high
The components of milk contribute to health concentration of immunoglobulins (Goddeeris and
both directly and indirectly. Milk has many Morrison, 1994). Their protective effect is mediated
components that have been shown to influence the by binding to pathogens in gastrointestinal tract.
immune function (Li et al., 2014). The majority of Rump et al. (1992) demonstrated that the incidence
immunomodulatory activity of bovine milk has been of chronic diarrhea among HIV individuals can be
detected in milk proteins (casein and whey) and significantly reduced by diet containing bovine
milk fat. Bounous et al. (1983) have demonstrated colostral immunoglobulin concentrate.
that the whey protein and α-lactalbumin could
dramatically enhance lymphocyte function when Micronutrients and immunity
included in a dietary formulation fed to mice. They
can also enhance the responsivness of spleen derived Vitamins and immunity
lymphocytes to T cell mitogens (Wong and Watson, Vitamins are essential constituents of our diet
1995). Both lactoferrin (LF) and K-casein derived that have long been known to influence the immune
caseinoglycopeptides (CGP) have been shown to system (Mora et al., 2008). There are nine water
enhance lymphocyte function (Sfeir et al., 2004). soluble vitamins including the eight in the vitamin
Peptides derived from the enzymatic cleavage of α B complex and vitamin C. The B complex vitamins
Ibrahim, K.S. and El-Sayed, E.M./IFRJ 23(2): 464-474 466

include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin C deficiencies are found to be associated
B12, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. with decreases in the bactericidal activity and
Humoral and cell mediated immunity are affected locomotion of neutrophils and macrophages and
by vitamin B6 deficiency and supradietary intakes. decreases in resistance to microbial infection
Vitamin B6 is involved in lipid metabolism, nucleic (Chandra, 2004). Several mechanisms of ascorbate
acid and protein biosynthesis. It also helps to maintain mediated immunostimulation have been proposed
normal nerve function and the formation of red blood including:(a) modulation of intracellular cyclic
cells (Heinz et al., 2010). Vitamin B6 deficiency nucleotide levels, (b)modulation of prostaglandin
impairs lymphocyte maturation, growth and (PG) synthesis, (c) protection of 5’- lipoxygenase, (d)
proliferation, and antibody production; it suppresses enhancement of cytokine production. (e) antagonism
the production of Th1 cytokines and, thus, promotes of the immunosuppressive interactions of histamine
Th2 responses (Maggini et al., 2007). Talbott et al. and leukocytes and, (f) neutralization of phagocyte
(1987) examined the effect of a supradietary vitamin derived autoreactive and immunosuppressive
B6 (50 mg/day) supplement in healthy elderly and oxidants (Anderson et al., 1990; Sorice et al., 2014).
noted increases in mitogen stimulated lymphocyte Ziemlanski et al. (1986) noted significant increases
proliferation and helper T cells. Meydani et al. in serum IgG and IgM levels in elderly woman
(1991) showed that IL-2 production and responses receiving 400 mg ascorbic acid /day.
to T and B cell mitogens are adversely affected by The four fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E and
low vitamin B6 status in elderly and that short term K. normally act interactively together. β- Carotene
supplementation with 50 mg/day increased these (provitamin A) can protect phagocytic cells from
indices of immune function. Casciato et al. (1984) autooxidative damage, enhance T and B lymphocyte
have reported that reduced immunocompetence of proliferative responses, stimulate effector T cell
renal dialysis patients is reversed by 210-600 mg/ functions, promote the production of cytokines and
week of pyridoxine. increase macrophage, cytotoxic T cell and natural
Vitamin B12 enhanced T cell proliferative killer cell tumoricidal capacity (Bendich, 1991). The
responses to concanavalin A (Con A) and role of vitamin A in resistance to infection is well
immunoglobulin synthesis of B cells by pokeweed established (Field et al., 2002). The mechanism by
mitogen (PWM) (Sakane et al., 1982). It has been which vitamin A reduces infection may be through
reported that vit.B12 deficiency caused suppression of modification of epithelial integrity and function,
protective immune responses to viruses and bacteria lymphoid mass, and specific and non specific
in an animal model (Vellema et al.,1996). Skacel and immunity of host. Mora et al. (2008) demonstrated
Chanarin (1983) observed reduction in bactericidal that vitamin A deficiencies have an important
activity in patients with megaloblastic anemia and influence on the immune response in human.
low serum vitamin B12. Moreover, Crist et al. (1980) Moreover, HIV infected pregnant woman should
noted neutropenia and leukopenia and related white eat food rich in vitamin A, while maternal vitamin A
blood cells abnormalities in children with low deficiency increases the risk of congenital HIV and
vitamin B 12 AIDS (Cunningham-Rundles et al., 2002). Besides,
Individuals with low folate levels have Vitamin A supplementation significantly reduces all-
impairments in neutrophil function that can be cause of mortality when given between 6–59 months
corrected by improved nutrient status (Youinou et al., (WHO, 2011). 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 has been
1982). Chandra (2004) reported that the impairment recognized as an immunoregulatory hormone serving
in immuncompetence is noticeable as early as 35- as immunomodulatory agent of both non specific and
40 years old in many individuals. A variety of specific immunity (Mora et al., 2008).
nutrients are affected: zinc, iron, beta-carotene, As vitamin D receptor is expressed on immune
Vitamins B6, B12, C, D and E and Folic acid. The cells (B cells, T cells and antigen presenting cells), it
causal interaction between nutritional deficiencies has the capability of acting in an autocrine manner
and impaired immunity has been known in children; in a local immunologic milieu and can modulate the
a similar relationship has been postulated in the innate and adaptive immune responses (Aranow,
elderly. Biotin is a coenzyme for several enzymes 2011). Also, vitamin D plays an important role in
that catalyze carboxylation reaction. Fischer et al. pulmonary resistance and its deficiency has been
(1982) demonstrated that carboxylase deficiency is linked to various respiratory infections (de Tena et al.,
associated with lymphocyte mediated suppressor 2014). It affects both cytokine and immunoglobulin
activity which is corrected by 10 mg/day biotin in production. Besides it has a beneficial effects in
pediatric patients. autoimmune thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis and
467 Ibrahim, K.S. and El-Sayed, E.M./IFRJ 23(2): 464-474

rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D also upregulated Iron salts have been reported to enhance the
the lipopolysaccharide receptor on the surface of T immunity (Chandra, 2004). Iron in metalloenzymes or
lymphocyte and suppressed the vitamin A induced proteins participates directly in immunity such as iron
expression for immunoglobulin E (Zhang et al., catalase and lactoferrin (Ha and Zemel, 2003). Iron
2012). Vitamin D3 may protect against adipose tissue supplementation in population with high incidence of
inflammation by disrupting the deleterious cycle of iron deficiency anemia has been shown to decrease
macrophage recruitment (Gao et al., 2013). the morbidity from infections and diarrheal diseases
Supplementation with antioxidant vitamins (Scrimshaw et al., 1990). The action of iron occurs
especially with vitamin E has been associated with via influencing the innate immune responses.
an enhancement of immune function (Meydani et al., Copper is an important metal in regulating the
2004; Maslovea et al., 2014). Megadose of vitamin E activity of certain metalloenzyme as superoxide
has a stimulatory effect on humoral and cell mediated dismutase and has an important role in immunity.
immunity (Bauersachs et al., 1993). Through its Mice receiving excess copper for eight weeks
antioxidant function, vitamin E could decrease the demonstrated suppressed mitogen induced
production of immunosuppressive factors such as lymphoproliferative responses (Pocino et al., 1990).
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and hydrogen peroxide In addition, T and B lymphocyte response to mitogen
by activated, macrophages the latter depresses stimulation were impaired in subjects with copper
lymphocyte proliferation (Pallast et al., 1999). Pae deficiency and in subject with low copper diet (Kelley
et al. (2012) reported that vitamin E supplementation et al., 1995). Moreover, copper enhances antitumor
may modulate host defense against infectious immune response in a drug resistant tumor model
pathogens. (Chakraborty et al., 2014).
Trivalent chromium (Cr III) is an essential
Minerals and immunity micromineral (trace element). It enhances immunity
Selenium (Se) via its incorporation into cytosolic (Yuan et al., 2014) and its addition to incubated
glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and biomembranes pulmonary macrophages 10-20 µg/L stimulates
has been associated with the expression of specific, directly the cellular activity of macrophages and
non specific and cell mediated immune response phagocytosis (Lee et al., 2000). It also increases
(Spallholz, 1990; Teixeira et al., 2014). Selenium serum IgM, total immunoglobulin and decreases
supplements augmented the cellular immune serum cortisol. Magnesium has a strong relation with
response through an increased production of IFγ and the immune system, in both nonspecific and specific
other cytokines, T cell proliferation, and increase immune response, also it has known effect on innate
in T helper cells. Humoral immune responses were and acquired immune response (Tam et al., 2003).
not affected by Se. Selenium supplemented subjects
showed more rapid clearance of the poliovirus Nutraceuticals and immunity
(Broome et al., 2004). Se protects the cardiac muscle Probiotics are beneficial microbes that confer
from invasion by pathogens. Se deficient mice were a realistic health benefit on the host (Hardy et
more susceptible to infections by coxsackievirus as al., 2013). Probiotics have beneficial effects on
well as influenza virus (Beck, 2001). Moreover Se intestinal immunity, prevention of infection,
decreases the possibilities of AIDS virus infection elimination of toxins and eradication of microbial
(Zagrodzki, 2004). pathogens (Corthésy et al., 2007; Duncan and
Zinc plays a catalytic, structural and regulatory Flint, 2013). Probiotic bacteria have been reported
role for enzymes, proteins and transcription factors to exert immune modulatory effects by increasing
and is thus a key trace element in immune responses. macrophage phagocytosis and increasing natural
Dietary zinc supplementation has been shown to killer cell activity and numbers.Excessive production
enhance immune response in eldery (Chandra, of proinflammatory cytokines may lead to chronic
2004). Moreover, zinc increases the secretion of IL-I inflammation which increase the risk of cancer.
and affects the humoral immune response (Salyer Probiotics have the ability to modulate the immune
et al., 2004). Zinc has been shown to antagonize response and counter the inflammatory process
the detrimental effects of toxic dietary metals, such (Philpott and Ferguson, 2004). Many elderly subjects
as nickel, on the immune response (Schiffer et al., are at increased risk of infectious and noninfectious
1991). Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD), diseases due to an age related decline in lymphoid
metalloenzyme is directly involved in immunity and cell activity. Dietary supplementation with probiotic
antioxidant defenses. In addition, thymulin a key lactic acid bacteria (LAB) enhances natural killer
thymicfactor is zinc dependent (Goldberg, 1994). cell activity and thus improves the immune system
Ibrahim, K.S. and El-Sayed, E.M./IFRJ 23(2): 464-474 468

in elderly (Gill et al., 2001; Duncan and Flint, 2013). old mice significantly enhanced DTH response and
Prebiotics are non digestable food stuffs such lymphocyte proliferation. Moreover, lymphocytes
as fiber and oligosaccharides which enter the colon exposed to sulphhydryl oxidizing agents have a
and are metabolized by probiotics (Fric, 2002). decreased proliferative response to mitogens. (Noelle
Vulevic et al. (2008) observed that administration of and Lawrence, 1981). Adequate intracellular levels
galactooligosaccharides to healthy elderly persons of GSH are necessary for lymphocyte activation. The
results in an increase in the numbers of beneficial depletion of GSH lowers the mitogenic responses
bacteria, especially bifidobacteria, increases in and the in vitro addition of this tripeptide into culture
phagocytosis, NK cell activity, the production of medium reverses it.
antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) The effect of dietary fat on immunity may be
and reduction in the production of proinflammatory mediated, in part by, alteration in cell membrane
cytokines. Bunout et al. (2004) demonstrated that composition, serum lipoproteins, or hormonal status
dietary supplement providing lactobacillus and (Calder and Newsholme, 1993). It’s well established
fructooligosaccharides among other nutrients to that essential fatty acid deficiency results in lymphoid
healthy elderly vaccinated against influenza and atrophy and depressed antibody responses (Garcia et
pneumococcus increased the activity of natural killer al., 2014). Small dietary amounts of linoleic acid, n-6
cells and the production of IL-2. fatty acid, act as a substrate for prostaglandin (PG) and
Dietary sources of preformed purines and leukotrine (LT) synthesis, are required for the normal
pyrimidines seem to be important for optimal propagation and maturation of cell mediated immune
function of the cellular immune response. kulkarni response. High intakes of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty
et al. (1994) demonstrated that a diet free of purine acids (n-6 PUFA) such as linoleic and/or arachidonic
or pyrimidines suppresses both in vitro and in vivo acid, increase synthesis of PGE2 by macrophage,
cell-mediated immune responses and that reversed suppress DTH and lymphocyte proliferation. This
by dietary nucleotide supplementation. immunosuppression associated with fatty acids might
There is evidence of the potential role of exogenous be beneficial in conditions involving an overactive
nucleotides as regulators of the immune function. immune response such as rheumatoid arthritis (Gallin
Studies have shown that dietary nucleotides stimulate et al., 1988). However in healthy elders a diet rich in
the humoral immune response to T-dependent antigens n-6 PUFA produced reduction in the activity of NK
and raise the total antibody level. They also improve cells. Therefore, from an immunological point of
the response to vaccines and decrease the morbidity view, a high intake of n-6 PUFA may be inadvisable
and increase the tolerance to antigens (Maldonado et (Rasmmussen et al., 1994).
al., 2001; Sacks et al., 2003). Grimble (2001) showed Endres et al. (1989) reported that fish oil
that single nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes supplementation in healthy adults suppressed the
controlling proinflammatory cytokine production synthesis of the proinflammatory mediators IL-l and
adversely influence the immune response. He TNF. These actions are consistent with the decreased
added that n-3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), inflammatory responses in patients receiving n-3
glutamine, arginine, S-amino acids and ncucleotides PUFA and with the lower incidence of inflammatory
are important components of immunonutrient mixes. diseases such as asthma and type I diabetes in
Nucleotides enhanced the immune response by population. Also, administration of increasing doses
exerting a direct effect on lymphocyte proliferation. of n-3 fatty acids improves cell mediated immune
Cellular and humoral immunity are both impaired function (Alexander et al., 1986). However there
in patients with nucleotide deficiency. Cells treated is a balance between the immunostimulatory, anti-
with deoxycoformycin, an inhibitor of adenosine inflammatory, and immunosuppressive actions of n-3
deaminase, don’t respond to mitogen stimulation supplementation (Meydani et al., 1991)
because of a block nucleotide level (Thuller et al., Arginine, an amino acids, that improves the
1985). Uracil administration can restore delayed immune parameters during physiological stresses
type hypersensitivity (DTH) and T-cell response to (Liu et al., 2014). Dietary arginine has also been
antigens. Uracil has also been reported to reverse reported to be important for the maintenance of NK
the immunosuppression associated with blood cell activity (Lieberman et al., 1992). Some evidence
transfusion (Kulkarni et al., 1986). suggests that arginine is associated with reduced
Glutathione (GSH) is the most abundant low length of hospital stay after cancer surgery (Shor
molecular weight thiol containing compound in cells et al., 2004). Immune enhancing diets that have
and a strong free radical scavenger. Furukawa et al. arginine were beneficial in moderate to severely
(1987) reported that dietary GSH supplementation in malnourished patients undergoing gastrointestinal
469 Ibrahim, K.S. and El-Sayed, E.M./IFRJ 23(2): 464-474

surgery and traumatic patients (Sacks et al., 2003; An antagonistic effect between vitamin E and
Chermesh and Shamir, 2004). A has been noted. This effect may occur because
Glutamine is the most abundant plasma free amino of the suppression of gastrointestinal absorption
acid and functions in a wide variety of metabolic and of tissue reserves of vitamin E by high levels
reactions. These include its provision as a fuel to of vitamin A (Eicher et al., 1994). However, the
lymphocytes and mucosal cells of the gastrointestinal bactericidal activity of neutrophils was suppressed
tract. It has been identified as a critical nutrient by supplementation of either nutrient, whereas
for maintenance of the intestinal immune system supplements of both enhanced neutrophil activity.
and secretory IgA synthesis. It is also essential for Vitamins A and D are known to have a hormone
the prevention of bacterial translocation from the like effects on the maturation and differentiation of
gut, following stress of burns, surgery or trauma monocytes. There is an apparent antagonism between
(Alverdy, 1990). Grimble (2001) demonstrated that both vitamins. Vitamin A increases the production of
glutamine improves the immune response either by eicosanoids. The addition of vitamin D and vitamin A
direct effect on lymphocyte proliferation or by acting did not induce additional product of arachidonic acid
indirectly on the antioxidant status. Mager and Sloan, cascade (Sellmayer et al., 1994). By contrast, another
(2003) demonstrated that amino acids and peptides study has reported that retinoic acid and vitamin D act
contribute to the innate lung defense. In agreement synergistically to induce macrophage like properties
with them, Grimm and Kraus (2003) proved that in some monocytic cells (Tiami et al., 1991).
glutamine, taurine, cysteine and arginine enhance the Jackson et al. (1994) found that calcium,
immune response in critically ill patients. Glutamine magnesium, and manganese were needed for normal
utilization may provide optimal conditions for the function of leukocytes, but excess calcium ions
synthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides displaced magnesium, thus reducing the adhesion
during the cell cycle. Any decrease in the availability of cells. Copper deficiency resulted in significant
of glutamine to lymphocyte decreases their rate of reductions in phagocytosis which can be reversed
proliferation and their ability for rapid response to by iron (Niederman et al., 1994). Supplementation
immune challenges (Heyland et al., 2001). of chromium alone significantly increased the
lymphocyte proliferation and subsequently the
Nutrient-nutrient interactions and the effect on stimulation index, the combination of chromium and
immunity copper supplementation failed to increase the index.
Availability of one nutrient may impair or Thus, the presence of copper prevented the enhancing
enhance the action of another in the immune effect of chromium on lymphocyte proliferation.
system, as reported for nutrients such as vitamin The combined supplementation of zinc and
E and selenium, vitamin E and vitamin A, zinc vitamin A in children normalized conjunctival
and copper, and dietary fatty acids and vitamin A. epithelium in a synergistic manner and significantly
Nutrient-nutrient interactions may negatively affect increased the proliferative response of lymphocytes
the immune function such as the effect of excess (Kramer et al., 1993; Li and Li, 2007).
calcium which interferes with leukocyte function Immunosuppression associated with
by displacing magnesium, thereby reducing cell polyunsaturated fatty acids was reversed by adding
adhesion (Kubena and McMurray, 1996). vitamin E. Alterations in macrophages from rats fed
Vitamin E and selenium both together protect a diet rich in PUFA were antagonized by vitamin E
the unsaturated membrane phospholipids and protein addition. Similarly, PUFA inhibition of lymphocyte
sulfhydryl groups from oxidants that may impair proliferation in vitro was improved by addition of
cellular function. Humoral immunity was improved vitamin E. The suppression might be attributable
in rats given selenium and vitamin E compared with to oxidative products from fatty acids which was
rats deficient in both nutrients. A pronounced effect removed by the antioxidant action of vitamin E
occurred on immunoglobulin M (Bauersachs et al., (Calder and Newsholme, 1993). Moreover, the
1993). suppressed response of T-lymphocytes to mitogens
A synergistic effect with supplementation that occurred when n-3 PUFA were fed to human
of vitamin E and C on inhibition of release of beings was normalized by increased intakes of
arachidonic acid was observed. Because inhibition vitamin E (Kramer et al., 1991).
of arachidonic acid has been reported to result in Vitamin A deficiency alone enhanced tumor
stimulation of immune cell responses and suppression burden, whereas fatty acid deficiency alone protected
of tumor growth. El Attar and Lin (1992) suggested against tumor formation. In rats consuming the diet
supplementation of both vitamins to cancer patients. deficient in both vitamin A and fat, the fatty acid
Ibrahim, K.S. and El-Sayed, E.M./IFRJ 23(2): 464-474 470

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