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International Seminar of Widyaiswara, Pandeglang - Banten, February, 25 th – 28th, 2019

Study of Innovations for Fulfillment of Professional

Development Credit Point on Widyaiswara Functional
Rini Septowati, Ak., C.A., MM., ERMCP

Widyaiswara Madya, Pusdiklatwas BPKP, Jl Beringin II, Ciawi Bogor,

For widyaiswara to get promoted, they have to fulfill a number of credit point,
one of them is sub-content professional development credit point i. Survey of 30
widyaiswara from 12 government agencies has shown that ever since Regulations
of Head of National Administration Institution –commonly referred to as Perkalan–
no. 26 year 2015 was imposed, or for about 4 years: the most carried out activity is
paper writing by percentage of 80%, whereas creating innovation is the least one
by the percentage of 0%. The least desirable activity is creating an innovation
(70%), this happens because of the long duration of the process (33.3%),
complicated process (16.7%), inability to innovate (16.7%), lack of data and
information (13.3%), and the high cost (10%). Survey results showed that no one
created innovation for their professional development activity, while supposedly,
innovations are needed for continuous improvement ii. A good strategy is needed to
encourage widyaiswara to create more innovations. Based on those data, a
research has been done on alternative forms for the recognition of an innovation
which could affect in the increase of motivation to create an innovation, but the
alternative forms still need to be formal. Hopefully this study will give inputs for the
recognition of credit point on creating innovation for professional development, as
it is regulated in Perkalan no. 26 year 2015.
The purpose of this study is to identify the validity of using patent certificate
as the one and only approved form of recognition for innovations from
widyaiswara, and to establish other alternative forms for that recognition so that
widyaiswara will be motivated to create more innovations. Practically, the results of
this research would give benefits such as:
1.1. For National Administration Institution to review the regulation for the
recognition of an innovation on the calculation of professional development
credit point.
1.2. For widyaiswara to be motivated to create an innovation.
1.3. For widyaiswara’s stakeholders to get advantages from the innovations by

This study was done by collecting data of implementation fulfillment of
professional development credit point on widyaiswara, and study of regulations
related to intellectual property rights which includes patent, copyright, brand,
industrial design, geographic indication, integrated circuit layout, trade secret, and
interview with experts.

International Seminar of Widyaiswara, Pandeglang - Banten, February, 25 th – 28th, 2019

Important Findings and Discussion

Innovation is an intentional introduction and application about new ideas,
process, products and procedures, which is designed to give benefits for
individual, group, organization, and community (West and Farr, 1990). Innovation
is more than finding new things and ideas, but it’s about applying those findings to
give real benefits.iii For an invention to be an innovation, it must be introduced into
the marketplace and become generally accepted. iv Meeus & Edquist (2001)
divided innovations into “product innovations” and “process innovations” v.
Patent is protection for Intellectual Property Rights for intellectual creation in
the form of technology, also known as invention, and contains technical solutions
for problems from previous It can be product or process, or an
improvement of previous product or process. Motivating factor of patent is the cost
of only around Rp2.000.000,00. Demotivating factor for widyaiswara to create a
patented innovation are:
a. Some inventions can’t get patented, so a number of innovations by
widyaiswara will not get a patent certificate, and that causes their credit point
not to be approved. An example of innovation that will not be patented is a
widyaiswara created a new learning method through games.

b. The submission process for a patent is complicated, to write a patent

specification one needs the competence to integrate technical terms and legal
c. The process takes a long time, it takes around 3-5 years from submitting the
innovation until receiving the certificate.
Other thing about patent is it can be bought and sold. So someone with a
patent certificate is not always the one creating the invention.
Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in protecting an
innovation, besides managing patent, is also managing other kinds of protection
such as trade mark vii, industrial designviii, copyrightix, and integrated circuit layout
(IC layout) x. The management of that IPR has a demotivating factor which is
complicated management, but it also has a motivating factor which are the low
cost of Rp2.000.000,00 and it takes 2-year time; moreover for copyright, it only
costs Rp200.000,00 with process duration of 1-2 days. Copyright explicitly
recognized activity that is closely related with education, a creation of props for
science and education.


a) There will be some shortcomings if patent is the only thing used for recognizing
an innovation. Those shortcomings are long duration of the process,
complicated process, not all innovations get patented, and patent can be
bought and sold.
b) Innovation can be protected by other intellectual property rights, the easiest
one to get is copyright. It only takes 1-2 weeks, costs Rp200.000,00.

International Seminar of Widyaiswara, Pandeglang - Banten, February, 25 th – 28th, 2019

Recommendation (Optional)

Recommended to:
a. National Administration Institution – commonly referred to as LAN – to review
the requirements for patent certificate as the only way to approve credit point
for creating innovation on professional development;
b. LAN implements validation steps to test the renewability and benefits of
its stakeholders. the validation process is not too long and complicated
c. LAN uses several alternatives to validate innovation.
for example:
1) validation of property rights (not only patent) from the Director General of
Intellectual Property Rights,
2) validation from the LAN or the relevant widyaiswara institution
d. LAN apply different credit point to recognize an innovation, according to the
level of difficulty of validation


Peraturan Kepala Lembaga Administrasi Negara Nomor 26 tahun 2015 tentang
Pedoman Penilaian Angka Kredit Jabatan Fungsional Widyaiswara
Workplace Innovation; Frameworks for Assessment. Innovation at work (pp. 3-8).
ASTD Press.
Tim PPM manajemen, 2012. Inovasi Perusahaaan Indonesia. PPM, Jakarta.
Harper, Gavin D. J., MSc., 2017. Innovation. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Meeus, M. T., & Edgust, W., 2001. Firm clustering and innovation: Determinants and
effects. Papers in regional science, 80(3), 337-356.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 tentang Paten
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Merek dan
Indikasi Geografis
UU Nomor 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Desain Industri
UU Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta
UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2000 tentang Desain Tata Letak Sirkuit Terpadu

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