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7 ways to keep birds from eating cat food

For most pet parents that feed their cats outside, the situation when wild birds consume their food or
water is quite common. In addition, it is also usual for small birds to use water bowls left out for pets as
bird baths. Whilst it may seem harmless; leaving birds with access to pet food and water can create a
number of problems for cats, their owners and the birds themselves.

A primary concern is the potential spread of diseases, as birds often carry deadly bacteria like
Salmonella and other harmful organisms like parasitic worms. Transmission to cats can occur via food
and water, through droppings and through direct contact when cats hunt and attack birds. Infected cats
are not only at a risk of death, but they can then continue the spread of diseases to humans or other
pets. Additionally, transmission can occur in the opposite direction, with cats spreading diseases they
carry to birds.

To avoid birds banqueting on cat food, some simple measures can be applied, and below is a list of the 7
best ways we found that are easy, practical and animal friendly.

How to keep birds away from cat food

1. Set-up a feeding schedule

The access birds have to cat food can be minimized by providing meals at the same time every day
for a short period (about 20 minutes), then removing feeding bowls from the outside and cleaning
up the feeding area.
It is free and trains cats to eat according to a schedule. Additionally, other wild animals like rodents
will also not be able to eat the cat food.

2. Get an enclosed feeding station

Enclosed feeding stations with swinging doors can be used to keep birds away and provide a
secluded area were cats can feed at any time.
Commercial stations are available and a cheap DIY version can be made easily by taking a household
object like a storage bin, cutting away an entry space on one side and covering the entrance with a
flexible flap.

Drinking water can be made available to cats at any time, and it is suitable for pet owners that do
not have the time to schedule feedings.

3. Play sounds that birds hate

Wind chimes can be installed as a way to chase away birds because they make loud startling sounds
that frighten birds. Alternatively an “inaudible” option can be to place ultrasonic bird repellents
close to feeding areas.
These devices scare off birds by releasing ultrasonic waves that are distressful but harmless to the
birds, and they do not have any effects on cats or people.
Wind Chimes and ultrasonic repellents can be easily installed and removed as desired.
Additionally, ultrasonic repellents also deter other animals such as snakes.
4. Place reflective and bright objects around the garden
Birds are intimidated by intense flickering lights such as those that bounce off reflective objects.
Metallic garden spinners and fans or other reflective objects like pieces of tin foil, reflective tape
and CDs can be placed or hung around property to chase birds away.
Bright balloons and strobe lights can also be used.
It adds sparkle and character to a garden whilst also keeping birds away.

5. Use scarecrows and decoys

Large human or predator shaped objects are often confused for the real thing by birds and they go
away. Traditional scarecrows can be used as well as decoy objects that resemble any natural
predators of birds.
Good options include plastic replicas of owls and snakes, as well as “hawk” kites (which are kites
that resemble hawk silhouettes). Scarecrows and decoys must be placed in vicinities were birds will
see them and they must be moved around regularly so that the birds do not become accustomed to
them and return.
It is creative and uses items that look “at home” in a garden.

6. Get a dog
Certain dog breeds like sheepdogs love to chase around birds and can be an effective means of
keeping birds away, by letting them chase birds during the early mornings and evening when birds
are most active.
Care must be taken to leash and monitor the dogs so that no birds are harmed. Alternatively the
service and experience of a trained dog handler can be acquired.
This is an ideal solution for cat parents that are also dog lovers and already have a dog or are looking
to get one.

7. Maintain the garden area in good state

A well-kept garden can avoid the presence of birds in general. Any possible food and water sources
must be removed, as well as any rubble and anything that can be used for shelter or nesting like
heavy thickets, and dead logs.
It creates a beautiful garden space to enjoy, and keeps away other wild animals in addition to birds.

What is the best method?

For the best results, all 7 methods can be used in different combinations and rotations in order to
maintain an element of surprise against birds. This is because birds are intelligent animals that can be
determined to return to a good nesting spot.

All the ideas we provided are doable and they do not cause harm to birds, many also chase away other
wild animals that may damage gardens or introduce diseases.

Whilst some methods require monetary investment or time, nothing on this list is greatly demanding,
and ultimately providing a safe environment for our pets, ourselves and nature is of greatest

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