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BOARD RESPONSE Ju'Coby Pittman From: _ WvCoby Pitman Sent: rsday, August 12, 2021 2:32 PM To: Mattson, Kris fe Joe whitaker, ‘Dee Paez’ Fields, Stephanie A; [] Michelle Paul Subject: RE Steve Gilbert Michele and kris, thank ‘Youll for forwarding your opinions and recommendations, but unfortunately, ! was not ‘comfortable just interviewing one candidate for the COO position. ‘The next time we meet asa board and committee, | will be happy to clarify my content of discussion with the committee from our last meeting. Michelle and Kris, | think you'll took my words out of context. | was speaking about relating with the clients, staffs, and culture of the mission’s and outreach of 118 years. ‘Thanks, Ju’Coby From: Mattson, Kris Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:18 AM To: Ju'Coby Pittman ; Ju'Coby Pittman ce: Joe whitaker ; ‘Dee Paez’ ; Fields, Stephanie A ; [] Michelle Paul ‘Subject: RE: Steve Gilbert Ju'Coby - like Michelle indicated in her note, we (Raven, Michelle & ), have interviewed 8 candidates for the COO position and the top candidates were all offered other positions so this is something that we really don’t have the luxury of waiting on. Steve has made it known that he would love to work with you and for the Mission but has also been offered another position and promised to let them know today. | know you'd like to interview other candidates but I’m ‘not sure what we have out there to look at and, as evidenced recently, we need someone asap. | also need to address your comment from last week when you said you want someone “who looks lke you”. In the environment we are in, comments like this can, and often are, taken at face value. Citi prides itself on supporting diversity and has pledged their support to several organizations that help support diversity and ifit got out that comments like this were/are being made by someone in authority, 'm not sure how it would be taken and whether or ‘not Citi would continue to support an organization that doesn’t support diversity for all. & ms nt, Sales Practices Oversight 14000 Citi Cards Way Jacksonville, FL 32258 (904) 954-7039 tt From: [] Michelle Paul Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 8:49 PM To: Su'Coby Pittman; Ju'Coby Pittman’ Fro Jpittmant927@gmailcom Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:02 PM To: Ju'Coby Pittman Subject: FW: Steve Gilbert MI From: Mattson, kris Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:18 AM To: Ju'Coby Pittman ; Ju'Coby Pittman’ Cc: Joe whitaker ; ‘Dee Paez’ ; Fields, Stephanie A ; [] Michelle Paul ‘Subject: RE: Steve Gilbert Ju‘Coby - like Michelle indicated in her note, we (Raven, Michelle & I), have interviewed & candidates for the COO Position and the top candidates were all offered other positions so this is something that we really don’t have the luxury of waiting on. Steve has made it known that he would love to work with you and for the Mission but has also been offered another position and promised to let them know today. ! know you'd like to interview other candidates but I'm ot sure what we have out there to look at and, as evidenced recently, we need someone asap. | also need to address your comment from last week when you said you want someone “who looks like you”. In the environment we are in, comments like this can, and often are, taken at face value. Citi prides itself on supporting diversity and has pledged their support to several organizations that help support diversity and if it got out that Comments like this were/are being made by someone in authority, I'm not sure how it would be taken and whether or Not Citi would continue to support an organization that doesn’t support diversity for all. Kris Mattson, CSSBB Vice President, Sales Practices Oversight 140600 Citi Cards Way Jacksonville, FL 32258 (904) 954-7039 ‘fae From: [] Michelle Paul Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 8:49 PM To: Ju'Coby Pittman; 'Ju'Coby Pittman’ Cc: Joe whitaker; ‘Dee Paez’; Fields, Stephanie A; Mattson, Kris [NAM-CBORC] Subject: Steve Gilbert This Message is From an External Sender This message came from outside of your organization. Ju’Coby, | am in Maine right now, but | understand you interviewed Steve Gilbert today. | also understand he now has another offer on the table and must make a decision by tomorrow, 8/12 at noon. 4u’Coby, before you went in the hospital, you and Raven had looked at resumes. There was only one candidate that was remotely as strong as Steve Gilbert. After interviewing all of the candidates, without success, that Raven said you and her had identified, Steve's name was recommended by two individuals. One of those individuals is someone that you hhave said you respected a great deal, and is intimately familiar with the operations of the Mission, Kevin Carrico. Kevin ‘worked for the Mission for some time and is still connected in heart. He told me that the only person he could recommend for the job was Steve Gilbert, and that he would be a great fit for what we need. After Kris and | interviewed him, he had an interview with Joe, Dee and Stephanie. All of us were very impressed with his skill set, but also felt good that it was someone who respected you a great deal as well as what we are doing at the Mission. You have mentioned a few concerns, so let’s address them. First, you mentioned for the first time the other day that you felt we needed someone you could groom for the CEO position. This is not something you have ever mentioned before, nor is it something we feel needs to be considered at this time. At the retreat in April you said you needed help. After a lengthy discussion, we all agreed what we needed was a COO to handle the day to day operations. That has not changed. Our greatest need stil, 4 months later, is for a COO. That position does not need to be someone who can easily move into the CEO role. While | believe Steve could do that, that is not something that isa priority right ow. Often, the skill set that a COO has is very different than that of a CEO. The skill set we are lacking is the role of a COO and that is what we, as a Board, approved. Secondly, and 2 litle surprisingly, you said you needed someone who “looked like you". Ju’Coby, we are troubled by this for a few reasons. First, what is most important is not “that they look like you’, but that they are qualified for the position. | believe in today’s culture of sensitivity, if some of our large donors found out those words were uttered as the main factor in choosing someone at the COO position, we could very easily lose some support. What should matter is that the individual is qualified for the job, end of story. Especially given the fact that the Mission currently only has ‘one white employee, this statement was very unnecessary. If you look at individuals at the Executive Leadership level for the other 3 largest and successful homeless non-profits in Jacksonville, you will see this statement is not valid. Paul ‘Stasi, Executive Director for City Rescue Mission, Cindy Funkhouser, Ceo of Sulzbacher, and Gary Judd, Executi Director of Trinity Rescue do not “look like you” and are very successful in their roles. Again, we are not looking for @ CEO and what should matter most is that they are the most qualified person for the job. Also, ofthe three second in ‘commands for these three organizations, only one “looks like you’. ‘Something else you brought up is that they should have “experience with the homeless community". Not only is that not a necessary requirement, that would limit every candidate we have seen so far. In fact, none of your job descriptions that you have written have even mentioned this as a requirement. The job description that you sent Steve today did not mention that either, so that should not even remotely be a factor. Again, the skill set that is needed is that of operations. What is needed is someone who is strong in policies and procedures and can bring organization to the Mission. Someone who can equip the staff to work efficiently, and who can observe current and future staff to ensure individuals have the skill set needed for their positions. When we put people in positions they are not equipped for, we not only set them up for failure, we also waste donor resources that could be used for those we serve. We are tasked with stewarding our resources well, this position is vital to that end. Ona final note, while you were out, Mari Kuraishi with the Jesse Ball Dupont Foundation reached out to Joe andl. They were quite concerned given the fact we did not have a COO and the Mission was going through a difficult crisis. They Were very supportive and expressed to us their support. Mari expressed that she had spoken with you previously about the need for a COO. Joe and | were able to confirm with her that we were in fact looking for a COO and expressed hope that we had found a very good qualified candidate. Mari then reached out to Joe and I last week with an offer of a restricted funds grant to pay for the position of COO. They believe this role is key to the future success of the Clara White Mission. Joe and | both agreed and expressed our gratitude for such a generous offer. These funds would only be approved if it was a candidate that the Executive Board approved of. Ju'Coby, Steve Gilbert is an excellent candidate for the COO position. He is qualified, well respected, caring, and thinks very highly of you. He has expressed how honored he would be to work alongside of you to help take the Clara White Mission to the next level. With the generous offer from the Dupont Foundation, this qualified choice could possibly cost us nothing from our budget. The Executive Board is imploring you to reach out to Steve Gilbert and invite him to serve along with you as the new COO of the Clara White Mission. As you know, time is of the essence as there are others who see his potential. Please let Joe and Kris know of your decision. Sincerely, The Executive Board, Michelle Paul, Joe Whitaker, Dee Paez, Stephanie Fields & Kris Mattson. Paul, CPFA Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Cornerstone Wealth Management 814 ALA North Suite 100 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. 32082 Tel. (904) 43-8943 Cell (904) 705-4442 Fax (904) 273-2676 Email: Website: pie? Investing involves risk, and investors may incur a profit or a loss. 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With everything else that has been going on, our focus has been elsewhere. > We have a lot of other things that have been going on with the COO > position, Dupont and Ju'Coby that the rest of the board is not yet > aware of but will be made aware of shortly should a resolution not be > reached. We are in the process of loosing funding from Dupont as well > as other donors due to the actions of our CEO. Once this information > gets out and hits the media, it wil be detrimental to the mission > Kris Mattson, CSS8B > Global Consumer Business Operational Risk & Control Vice President — > Sales Practices > T: 904-954-7039 > > >—01 > > Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 4:07 PM > To: Mattson, kris [NAM-CBORC]; Michelle Paul; Ju’Coby Pittman; dinah >mason > Subject: Clara White Mission > This Message is From an External Sender This message came from outside of your organization. > > Michelle and Kris | tried to reach you by phone first. Could the > remaining Officer's of the Clara White Executive Board of Directors > including the First Chairperson who has been excluded from the > Executive Committee’s decision making meetings. Either meet via Zoom > or in person to discuss the recent emails from both of you to the > Board of Directors and others. Michelle you are the current > Chairperson and leader and Kris you are the immediate past > Chairperson. You both are doing what you criticized Regina and Sharon > of, by excluding Diane Mason as Vice Chairperson. Let's see if > reasonable leaders of the Clara White Mission can come together to > resolve these differences before the Board and the Clara White > Mission's Legacy is tarnished. | realize that the Executive Committee > was disappointed that Ju’Coby didn’t agree with the Executive > Committee at this time, with hiring your choice for COO, but that this > is not the way to resolve it. | trust you will do what is in the best > interest of the Clara White Mission. Prayerfully, Pastor Carlton >Jones > Pastor Carlton Jones > Sent from my iPhone Ju'Coby Pittman From: Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:43 AM To: Ju'Coby Pittman Subject: Fwd: Clara White Mission Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: "From: dinahsty777@gmeiticom Date: August 17, 2021 at 9:38:55 PM EDT To: kris Mattson Cc: Michelle Paul , Ju'Coby Pittman , Carlton Subject: Re: Clara White Mission Kris, In reference to your implication of Michelle and | having an altercation at the retreat is a completely false statement. It is very disappointing that as a member of this board you would make such an accusation without fraving any information outside of what was provided by Michelle. itis also disappointing to be accused of something at a time 1 was dealing with my dad being rushed to the hospital in critical condition because of COVID. | left the retreat because | had to prepare to go to Louisiana. With respect to you and the executive shadow board calling me to request a meeting | explained the situations | was dealing with and | was not going to stup to Michelle's level by bringing personal issues to an unauthorized committee (an may | remind you again Past Chair the Board is not a place to discuss personal issues) | lost my oldest brother and it’s obvious you all thought litle of the matter in. accordance to your statement. | don’t know what is going on here and what you all are trying to accomplish, but you all should be ashamed, You have attacked a human being coming out of an ordeal that people are dying from everyday and for what. Keith died and instead of us coming together and figuring how we could bless his family you all are trying to tear down a legacy for personal gain and vendettas. ‘My charge on this board is to help raise money for the cause of Clara White Mission and just imagine if ‘you all put this same effort in fund raising how much money could have been brought in while JuCoby ‘was fighting for her life. All of this is unprofessional and utterly disgusting, ‘You all give the appearance that you are trying to destroy a mission that have been around for 118 years. Eartha White dedicated her life to this mission and its ministry of helping her people during a period when there was no one else to help the African American community, 118 years think about that. If that doesn’t matter why we're you all ever on the board? You all have conducted yourselves outside of the governance and bylaws of the mission, and it doesn’t 1 ‘matter what Michelle said and how she said it, | am the Vice Chairman of the Clara White Mission and that still stands. The choice to not send me invites to meetings (after I sent request) doesn’t change that fact, and if anyone thought it did, doesn’t understand governance of a board. ‘The board chair does not have the authorization and or the consent to use their posit insert personal vendettas. ion of the Chair to This must end! Sent from my iPhone (On Aug 17, 2021, at 4:07 PM, Pastor Carlton Jones wrote: Michelle and Kris | tried to reach you by phone first. Could the remaining Officer's of the Clara White Executive Board of Directors including the First Chairperson who has been ‘excluded from the Executive Committee's decision making meetings. Either meet via Zoom or in person to discuss the recent emails from both of you to the Board of Directors and others. Michelle you are the current Chairperson and leader and kris you are the immediate past Chairperson. You both are doing what you criticized Regina and Sharon of, by excluding Diane Mason as Vice Chairperson. Let's see if reasonable leaders of the Clara White Mission can come together to resolve these differences before the Board and the Clara White Mission’s Legacy is tarnished. | realize that the Executive Committee was disappointed that Ju'Coby didn't agree with the Executive Committee at this time, with hiring your choice for COO, but that this is not the way to resolve it. | trust you will do what isin the best interest of the Clara White Mission. Prayerfully, Pastor Carlton Jones Pastor Carlton Jones Sent from my iPhone STAFF TIMELINE MEETING W/ EXECUTIVE TEAM STAFF STATEMENT BA WHITE MSSION Food for today. Sis for life. ‘Vocational Training Programs Cente bythe Se of Flrda ‘Conmisin fo Incepedent "Béveaion Clin Arts Talis Santor Training Indosial Tring cv rech a Riverside Noth Transional Housing Progam ‘Dropin Dey Center (Clara's At the Cathode Training Cult ‘ite Haves Farms ‘cw Historia Maun Board of Directors Michelle Pau! Board President ‘Tasha Cathey Sabrina Edwards Robert Davis Philip Elson Stephanie Fields Jef Tvan Caron ones Cindy Loquidara ‘Kris Maison Dinah Mason Jason Mitchell ‘Dee Paez Ephraim Riggins ‘Kenny Santos Bracy Tuylor ‘Thomas Waters James E. Wesley Joe Whitaker ‘Travis Willoms Horrresident Ju'Coby Pitman ‘August 18, 2021 At the beginning of July, 2021, nine of the Clara White Mission's staff were infected with COVID-19. All of the affected staff were employed at the Ashley Street site, including the CEO, and were absent for the entire month as a consequence. Two of the staff were hospitalized in serious condition; one of them died. During the same month, a cascading infection of a less virulent form of the virus occurred in the Veterans dormitory. With those persons unable to work, the Mission was operating with a 40% reduction in professional staff, in addition to a total loss of all NCBA volunteers (7 volunteer staff that provide adjunct support to feeding, residential, drop-in center and administrative programs). At that juncture, the executive committee of the board of directors (excluding Dinah Mason, but with the addition of Kris Mattson) determined to ban the majority of staff working at the Mission from the facility. This determination was communicated to the Mission’s executive staff at a 7 pm 200m conference on July 12. Executive staff were told that operable programs were being kept shut down, and that nearly all staff were banned from the building, in spite of the fact that all staff present had tested negative for COVID- 19, and that the building had been fumigated. Executive staff were further advised that they would report to the board, and that all reporting would go through Regina Edwards. Staff were told that under no circumstance were they allowed to communicate with the CEO, and that any staff person doing so would be placed on administrative probation and/or replaced, This left only the Vice President, a desk staff position comprised of four rotating ‘employees, a kitchen employee, and the residents in the building at one time. Although the feeding and drop-in center program spaces had been rendered safe by cleaning and fumigation, and although there was sufficient staff with negative OVID status to operate the programs, the executive committee refused to allow the programs to restart as had been scheduled. This not only resulted in an ‘extended interruption of services to people in need, but cost the Mission ‘thousands of dollars in lost per diem income from the drop-in center. The individuals most capable and experienced in conducting the dally business of the Clara White Mission, the Vice President, the Vice President of Operations and the Director of Finance, were demeaned, threatened and excluded, but each of those staff, to the fullest extent possible, continued to show up for the Clara White Mission every day. 18 years ago, the current Vice President stepped in to manage not only the day to day operations of Clara White, but a multi-million dollar re-development project ‘that had just begun when the CEO was forced to take an unexpected 4-month ‘medical leave. The project moved smoothly to completion, and services to clients 613 West Ashley St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-354-4162 Fax 904-791-4360 www.theclarawhitemission.or; noy ‘were never interrupted. The then board of directors remained updated and stood ready to help should ‘thelr assistance be required; they never intervened in the project or in program delivery. During July 2021, the Vice President worked with only telephone and email support to coordinate all regular residential services and to manage the institution of isolation facilities, protocols and ongoing. testing during a period of COVID contagion in the dormitory. She oversaw staff and building security, also coordinating residential and security issues during evening hours and on weekends. The Vice President of Operations, required to work remotely, planned in detail with her staff for the reopening of the feeding program, and for the address of multiple other facility issues that she was Unable to complete offsite. Her efforts continued to be subverted by board interference, including having the board president schedule a virtual meeting with her staff and not advising her of the meeting. The Director of Finance also worked remotely, coordinating with the Vice President and the Vice President of Operations to prepare a proposal to the City of Jacksonville, and to complete payroll, These processes were significantly complicated by not having access to needed software and internet capacity. ‘Vendor checks for the month of July were all late, as she was not allowed to enter the building to print and mail checks. July was a devastating month for the Clara White Mission. We saw our coworkers and friends felled by this devastating virus, and we lost someone we truly loved. We worked under immense stress, both from the effects of what was happening to the staff, the clients, and of how we were being treated, We saw our agency brought down and our clients go without services by an incompetent group of self- serving individuals who have no interest in or understanding of board responsibilty, or of how the Programs of the Mission work. We are each still here because Clara White matters. Anyone who does ‘not put the Clara White Mission first should have no affiliation with this organization. Itis not about Power, itis not about control, itis about service. uous orto Verosica Chambers, Director of Finance 7 evi Meg Fisyie/, Vice President Shaton Wright, Vice President of Operations 613 West Ashley St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-354-4162 Fax - 904-791-4360 www.theclarawhitemission.or, noy RESIGNATIONS LETTERS August 18, 2021 Clara White Mission, Inc. 613 Ashley Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 To the board of directors: It is with great sadness that I must give my notice resigning from the board effective immediately. Recent events made me realize that I am unable to effect any changes in the organization. After the retreat in April, I felt really positive that we were headed in a good direction. We were going to hire a COO and Marketing Di- rector. This would free up Jw'Coby to be the face of the CWM and do what she does best; interact with the public and spread the word about the work being done at the Mission. So far, this hiring hasn’t happened. It’s difficult to stand by and see the Mission at a standstill professionally. It needs fresh eyes. I just don’t see that the current staff can see beyond doing things the way they've always been done. A new COO and DOM can really make some changes for the better and I think the staff could see how that would com- pliment JwCoby. Since becoming secretary of the board, I've been going down to CWM every week to sign checks. On one such day in early July, I received the message that the checks were ready but not to come into the building. They'd be brought down to my car for me to sign. On my way downtown, I received a phone call from Michelle not to go down there, that there was a covid out- break at the Mission. This was the first time the board was hearing about the outbreak and it had already been going on for a week. This is a huge lia- bility and I am not willing to take that on. One thing that I feel is a very important thing is how we're perceived by others. One way to do this is to make sure to be professional. When corre- spondence is sent with grammatical and punctuation errors, it sends the wrong message. I have been offering for years to proof what goes out to the public. The only person who does this is Mallory Schott. She sends me the farm newsletter every month for proofing. Since the website has reverted back to the old platform, I see typos again. It is unprofessional and I am tired of saying it. Until the management and staff are ready to change their collective mental- ities, nothing will change. Right now it seems like everyone is happy chug- ging along, thinking it’s a charity and not a business. But it is a business. The work is outreach and training but the CWM is a business. I think we all tried to make improvements but we were stopped at every turn. I am not happy just chugging along when I see how much more the Mission can be. In the spirit of needing new eyes and new ideas, I will make way for the next generation. Since the hope I had at the retreat has slowly faded, ’'ve come to realize that all of the worry, sleepless nights and trying my hardest isn’t advancing the vision I had and hoped to be part of. I will sincerely miss everyone as I feel I’ve made some friends there. Sincerely, Dee Paez AUGUST 13, 2021 Ms. Ju’CoBY PITTMAN, CEO CLARA WHITE MISSION, INC. 613 ASHLEY STREET JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202 DEAR MS. PITTMAN: | AM RESIGNING MY POSITION AS TREASURER AND BOARD MEMBER OF THE CLARA WHITE MISSION EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. RESPECTFULLY, JOSEPH E. WHITAKER cc: MICHELLE PAUL, CHAIRMAN DEE PAEZ, SECRETARY CAROLYN SIMPSON HAROLD, CFO Ju’Coby Pi From: ‘Stephanie Fields Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:30 PM To:;; cindy;; dinahsty777@gmail com; jawesleyO@gmail com; jeffrey;; lleighmpaul@gmailcom;;; sfergus8@comcast net; thomasbwaters@att net;; Ju'Coby Pittman; Dee Paez Subject: Clara White Board seat resignation August 18, 2021 Clara White Mission Board Chair, Board and CEO, This is to inform you that | am resigning my board seat, effective immediately. While | have a passion for the Mission and the positive community impact it and all it's initiatives could continue to have, the amount of opposition | have witnessed in the last year between the Board and CEO is too great for me to continue my tenure on the board. The continuing cycle of the Board, as a whole, presenting actionable resolutions to remedy identified risk gaps and having those resolutions met with such opposition has become a cycle | do not want to be a part of any longer. These resolutions are either, not taken into consideration at all or discussed for several months, in circular conversations, that end with no real pathway to implementing any resolution. | encountered one of these risks this summer when an application we use for marketing had been used for a City Council item. | brought this to the staff's attention to make sure we were not misappropriating the use of the system. | wanted to be sure if audited that we didn’t get in trouble by utilizing a system for CWM and also City Council, to me this seemed like a risk to CWM. This was also an application | chose to personally pay for, annually. | received a voicemail clarifying that the staff person that used it had been spoken to, it would not be used for that again, and the staff member had not been asked to use the application to make that item. | was also told the Mission would be paying for the application from here on out and to not make it a big issue. While this particular issue was resolved it left me wondering about other areas we have not closed. The unresolved gaps have left a level of risk and liability that | do not wish to shoulder any longer. I've appreciated the opportunity in serving on the board the past few years and | am sad to have to exit my seat. All my best, Stephanie Fields Ju’Coby Pittman —EeeS From: Mattson, Kris. Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:45 PM To: ‘Stephanie Fields;; brytig2@comcast net; Cindy;; dinahsty777@gmailcom; Mitchell, Jason W ;; jeffrey_d_ivan@homedepot.comn; jwmitch33 @gmail. com;,; pelson007 ‘;;;; Ju'Coby Pittman; Dee Paez; Michelle Paul ce Subject: Clara White Board seat resignation ‘TO THE CWM BOARD OF DIRECTORS & JU’COBY PITTMAN: IT IS WITH HEAVY HEART THAT | AM RESIGNING MY POSITION AS BOARD MEMBER OF THE CLARA WHITE MISSION EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, | HAVE BEEN ON THE BOARD OFF AND ON FOR 10+ YEARS AND WAS EVEN THE MOST RECENT BOARD PRESIDENT. | HAVE ALSO VOLUNTEERED AT THE MISSION FOR OVER 20 YEARS. I FULLY SUPPORTED AND BELIEVED IN WHAT THE MISSION WAS DOING IN THE COMMUNITY. HOWEVER, | HAVE WITNESSED THINGS LATELY AND | CANNOT CONTINUE TO SUPPORT AN ORGANIZATION WHERE THE ACTIONS AND EFFORTS OF BOARD MEMBERS ARE, TREATED AND VIEWED WITH DISRESPECT BY CWM STAFF AND OTHER MEMBERS, OF THE BOARD. SOME RECENT EMAIL CONVERSATIONS HAVE HELPED ME, SOLIDIFY MY DECISION TO RESIGN. THE REST OF THE EXECUTIVE TEAM AND | TRIED OUR BEST TO PROVIDE DIRECTION AND LEADERSHIP DURING THIS RECENT CRISIS AND WERE CONSISTENTLY MET WITH RESISTANCE. PRIOR TO THIS LATEST CRISIS, WE AS A BOARD HAVE ASKED FOR SEVERAL THINGS AND NEVER RECEIVED THEM. SOME OF THESE ARE JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR ALL, STAFF, AN ORG CHART WITH NAMES, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, AND MANY MORE. WE ARE TOLD THAT THE MISSION HAS THEM BUT, WE NEVER RECEIVED THEM. WHEN | WAS NO LONGER THE BOARD PRESIDENT, I WAS ASKED TO REACH OUT TO MY PREDECESSORS TO SEE | THEY WOULD BE WILLING TO SERVE ON AN ADVISORY BOARD. IN TALKING WITH TWO OF THEM, THEY WERE NOT WILLING TO DO THIS WITH THE CURRENT LEADERSHIP TEAM AT THE MISSION. WHEN AN EXTREMELY QUALIFIED CANDIDATE, WHO WAS REFERRED TO US BY A FORMER EMPLOYEE OF THE MISSION, WAS INTERVIEWED FOR THE COO POSITION AND WAS FULLY ENDORSED BY THE EXECUTIVE TEAM, THE CEO WAS RELUCTANT TO OFFER THEM THE JOB SO THE CANDIDATE TOOK ANOTHER POSITION. JU’COBY THEN SHARED ON A CALL WHEN WE WERE DISCUSSING HIRING A COO THAT SHE, 1 WANTED SOMEONE “THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE HER”. A LOT OF US ON THE CALL TOOK OFFENSE TO THIS REMARK. THIS WAS SAID MULTIPLE TIMES AND SEVERAL, OF US ON THE CALL WERE LATER ADVISED THAT WE “TOOK IT QUT OF CONTEXT” AND SHE WAS NOT REFERRING TO SOMEONE BLACK. I WAS RAISED AND TAUGHT THAT IF SOMEONE COULD TAKE SOMETHING INCORRECTLY OR TAKE OFFENSE TO IT, [T SHOULD NOT BE SAID. IF YOU LOOK UP THE MAKEUP OF THE LEADERSHIP STAFF AT OUR LOCAL HOMELESS CENTERS, YOU WILL SEE THEY ARE ALL. DIVERSE WHICH IS CURRENTLY SOMETHING WE LACK AND WE EVEN DISCUSSED IN A MEETING ABOUT THE NEED TO HAVE DIVERSITY TRAINING FOR OUR STAFF AND BOARD. RECENTLY, WE WERE ON A CALL. WITH THE REST OF YOU AND AS A RESULT OF THAT CALL AND THE COMMENTS MADE, I SHARED WITH YOU NOTES FROM MEETINGS AS WELL AS A TIMELINE OF EVENTS FROM THIS RECENT CRISIS. SOME, OF YOU QUESTIONED WHAT | HAD SHARED, HOWEVER; IT WAS ALL FACT. AS AN OFFICER IN COMPLIANCE AT A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, | AM METICULOUS IN MY NOTE TAKING AND DOCUMENTATION OF THINGS. WE TRIED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO NO AVAIL. AS A BOARD MEMBER, WE ARE LIABLE FOR ACTIONS TAKEN BY OTHER BOARD MEMBERS AND THE STAFF. | WILL NO LONGER BE LIABLE FOR THESE ACTIONS. RESPECTFULLY, Kris Mattson ~ Vice President ‘Compliance Senior Manager, Shared Risk Management Capabilities Citi Retail Services Sales Practices Surveillance (904) 954-7039 citi From: Michelle Paul Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 9:15 PM To:; brytig2@comcastnet;;;; Jeffrey d;; Kris;;;,; sfergus8@comcast net; thomasbwaters@attnet; tiwilliams10; Ju'Coby Pittman; Dee Paez; Subject: Resignation Attachments: Board Concerns With Leadership. docx August 18, 2021 Clara White Mission Inc. 613 Ashley St. Jacksonville, Fl 32202 To The Board of Directors & CEO: Itis with great disappointment that | am resigning my position as Board President of the Clara White Mission effective immediately. | came on the Board because | believed in the Mission and the great work of Eartha White. Eartha was a woman who never thought of her own personal advancement, but instead focused on how she could improve the lives of those less fortunate than herself. Before becoming Board President, | had heard from several Board members that the CEO believed the role of the Board was to raise money, nothing more. Believing that | could make a difference and help the mission advance by using the strengths of the different Board members, | accepted the role as President. The first thing the Executive Board did was review the Board By-Laws to make sure we were in compliance, we were not. We began to try and move the Board in the direction of compliance with our by-laws. Things such as performance reviews of the CEO & proper committees that are specifically addressed in the by-laws just to name a few. For years Ju’Coby has run the Board by controlling what the Board knows and by hand selecting individuals that she believes she can control. Joe Whitaker, who had served the mission admirably as a Board member and volunteer, is one of the kindest men | know. As the Treasurer he had expressed his growing concem and frustration over requests for information and reports that never got received. Let me remind you, as a Board member we are all entitled to see any report and any document that we would like. There are three individuals on the Executive team that work for financial institutions. It is imperative that we know our CEO is operating with the utmost integrity and not wasting the resources that our donors provide. We will not put our license in jeopardy because senior management chooses to control access to information. Instead, we have all consistently been denied basic information. After all the dedicated years Joe has put in, and his passion and hard work, his recent treatment was nothing short of appalling, During the recent crisis, Joe Whitaker and | had a conversation with the Dupont Foundation. They shared that they had communicated with Ju'Coby over a year ago their concem of needing a COO to 1 run day to day operations since Ju'Coby's time is now split between City Council and the Mission. Joe and | were unaware of this conversation with Ju'Coby. They expressed that with Ju’Coby being out, they were especially concemed with not having a COO. We were able to share with them that we had actually approved the COO position in April and Ju'Coby had, per Raven, narrowed the list to seven individuals to interview. We shared that Raven, Kris and | had interviewed candidate and liked two, but both candidates ended up withdrawing their names. We shared that a former employee and Board member that Ju’Coby respected, referred a very strong candidate that we felt was a great fit with Ju’Coby. Not only was this candidate extremely qualified, he had a great deal of respect for Ju'Coby and was excited about the opportunity to work alongside of her to take CWM to the next level. They expressed that they were very glad to hear this, and offered to entertain a restricted funds grant to CWM to cover the cost of the COO salary. We thought this was extremely generous, and shared this information on our first call with her. At this point, it had been three months since Joe approved Ju'Coby's request for the position. It was during this conversation that Ju'Coby brought up the objection that, while he seemed qualified, she wanted someone who “looked like her’. She made this statement two more times, and the Executive Board was shocked. | shared that the number one priority for a COO candidate should be their qualifications, not that he “look like her”. We later shared with her that if she were to look at the leadership of the other local homeless non-profits, she would see that the leadership does not all “look like her’. In taking this position, Ju'Coby forfeited a $90,000 restricted funds grant to pay for a COO position, effectively putting her wishes before what was best for the Clara White Mission. The recent events have shown the Executive Board the lack of effective leadership. Ju’Coby is a great ambassador for the Mission, but has done a poor job in training her staff, and selecting people with the proper skill sets for each position. During this last COVID crisis, the staff could not provide Policies and procedures and COVID protocol. Meg sent us one, but it was generic and not in any way specific to CWM. On our first call with Ju'Coby, she explained that she had worked with the area homeless agencies and developed COVID Protocols, but that she had them in her office and had not physically shared the plans with her employees. How is that effective leadership? One of the VP's displayed continued insubordination by having outside people that are not employed by the Mission, come in to help with cooking. We had two employees who were doing a great job, but because Sharon didn't like one, she decided to go against Board direction and have outside individual come in. We were told by several staff members that that is typical behavior, “Sharon does what she wants to do and Ju'Coby just lets her’. This is an individual who makes over $70,000 and shared with us that she “does not check her emails very often’. As a Board member, we all carry liability for what happens at the Mission. As a Board member, if the building is under pandemic lock down, and outside individuals are allowed in the building, we as a Board could be liable. “Not knowing” is not a defense that holds up well. | am not willing to continue to carry the liability for an organization when senior management continues to hide information. Furthermore, it is widely known that Ju'Coby uses the mission and mission employees ‘employment agency. She has sorority sisters and friends that she consistently uses for sub- contractors. She puts campaign managers and close friends in positions of power so she can control and hide information. Ask yourself a question... why do the Past Board Presidents now for at least the last twelve years have nothing to do with the mission or its work? Why have now three of the last four Past Presidents resigned before their term and cut all ties with the mission? Why have now all of the last four Board Presidents resigned from their work on the Board? Why have several of the most active Board 2 members over the last twelve years that we know of, had a “falling out" and have completely stopped alll funding or volunteering? Don't ask your CEO, you will not be told the truth. | have been told by several individuals that by coming forward with any information we have, we will be met with vicious attacks. Such has already been the case. When Board members are bold enough to start asking questions and demanding accountability, you will understand what the Executive Board has faced over the last few months. I have attached a small sampling of our frustrations. | believe it was said best to me recently by a previous Board member. “When I can no longer protect the legacy of Eartha White because of the actions of the CEO, it is time for me to leave.” We have done our best, it is now time for us to allow others to experience our same frustration. Michelle Paul, CPFA Senior Vice President Financial Advi Cornerstone Wealth Management AeCOR trvesting involves risk, and investors may incur a profit or a loss. Sector investments are companies engaged in business related to a ‘specific sector. 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