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1. Lucky people have good things happen to them. Are you lucky? Why or
why not?
I don’t consider myself an unlucky person, but I don’t have much good
luck, either. I think it depends on what I do to get what I deserve. I believe
in the phrase "You reap what you sow".
2. Do you ever do things (like wear a lucky color) for good luck? Do you
do anything to avoid bad luck?
Sometimes I wear a magic bracelet that my grandmother gave me and
she says that it attracts good vibes to me. On the other hand, my mother
gave me a necklace that prevents bad luck. It's funny and curious but
when I don't use them, strange and, sometimes, bad things happen to
3. Write down some notes about something good that has happened to
you. Did you do it on purpose (plan it), or did it happen by chance (by
One day many months ago, I had to go to my mother's work. I was in a
rush because it was late for me, that I left my house and I didn’t realize I
had no money for my lunch and to take the bus. However, I found a 20
soles bill on the sidewalk. It was definitely one of the best things that
happened to me by chance.
4. Do you make decisions based more on facts (true information about
something) or on your intuition (feelings)? Explain.
It depends. Sometimes, when the situation is really clear for me, I often
do things by intuition, because I know how it could work in a good or bad
way. On the other hand, When I’m not so sure about one thing, I prefer to
do it based on facts, because I don’t know how these things could work.
5. What lucky objects do you know about? Do you own a lucky object?
Where do you keep it? How does it help?
For years, I have known that there are many objects that attract good luck
and prevent bad luck. I'm not really sure if they’re real or not, but I've
been told a lot about them. As I mentioned before, I own a necklace and
bracelet that prevent bad luck. I have them usually with me and this,
apparently, makes things go well for me.
6. It’s better to be lucky than to be smart. Do you agree with this
statement? Why?
I don’t agree at all with that statement because you can’t always count on
luck. Things don’t happen by chance, if we act intelligently we will almost
always get good results, but if we only rely on intuition, it’s most likely that
things won’t turn out as we expected.

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