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Leadership in Organisations (HRM 09105)

Tutorial One: Week Commencing Monday 14th September 2020

In this first Tutorial, it will be important to consider:

 What is a leadership position?

 What do I understand by the terms leader, leadership and leading?
 What is my working definition of leadership?

First, the Teaching Team will ask you to think about the concept of a ‘leadership position’. For
example, who in an organisation has a leadership position and why? What is a leadership position? Is
it only CEOs who hold such positions? If yes – why? If no – who else has a responsibility to offer
leadership and why?

Second, it will also be important for you to start to develop your understanding and critical reflection
of the words/terms leader, leadership and leading. Who and what is a leader? What do they look (and
feel) like? Can you give examples of current leaders and why? What is the difference between leader
and leadership? Of note, how will you go about actually leading other people i.e. how do you do it?

Third, the Teaching Team will be looking for you to offer definitions of leadership. Please do not
take them from the internet. Let us think beyond this. Why does your chosen definition work for you
and why?


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