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Model 1 (proximal) with a∗, u∗, and CSI as selected predictors had AIC and SC

values of 286.6 and 305.3 as compared with 376.4 and 385.7 for the null model
(model with coefficient of predictors as 0), and 291.1 and 344.8 for the full model
(model with all available predictors) (Table 4). Similarly, model 2 (aerial) with
intensity, saturation, lightness, a∗, u∗, GGA, and CSI as predictors had AIC and SC
values of 201.03 and 234.28, respectively, as compared with 344.2 and 358.1 for the
null model, and 208.9 and 253.2 for the full model (Table 5). Based on the c-
statistic, the area under the ROC curve (model predictability) was 0.83 for model 1
and 0.92 for model 2.

Table 4. Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Schwarz criterion (SC) values of
the selected, full model (model with all available predictors), and null model
(model with coefficient of predictors as 0) trained by ordinal and binary logistic
regressions using color and vegetation indices from proximal and aerial RGB images.

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