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Human Trafficking: Prevention, Prosecution

Human trafficking is that the business of stealing freedom for profit. In some cases,
traffickers trick, defraud or physically force victims into merchandising sex. In others,
victims are lied to, assaulted, vulnerable or manipulated
into operating underneath cruel, unlawful or otherwise unacceptable conditions. it's a
multi-billion greenback criminal business that denies freedom to 24.9
million folks round the world.
The fight against human trafficking will be evaluated in 3 categories: what's being
done, how it's being done and why it's being done.

 Meet with or write to your local, state, and federal elected officials  to let them
know you care about combating human trafficking and ask what they are doing to
address it.

 Host an awareness-raising event to watch and discuss films about human


 Become a mentor to a young person or someone in need. Traffickers often target

people who are going through a difficult time or who lack strong support systems.
As a mentor, you can be involved in new and positive experiences in that person’s
life during a formative time.

 Boycott products and companies that permit human trafficking. 

 The main factor that keeps human trafficking such a big issue is the constant
demand for cheap labor and exploitation. We should help combat the demand.

As we all know, China, a great country, is the country with biggest human trafficking
cases as a migrant workers whether women, children or men.
Individuals everywhere the globe are victims of human trafficking, each in their own
countries and abroad. there's nice progress being created on a grander
scale, however by operating towards these solutions and implementing them
into lifestyle human trafficking will become a additional manageable downside.

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