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I am proud to be a Filipino because our homeland is the Philippines. According to Carlos P.

Romulo that
Filipino identity, Filipino culture, even Filipino history resists all expectations of it. Defining "being a
Filipino" is sophisticated and leads to defining the hazy history of our roots. Resulting from this, the
foreigners see us as "exotic", especially that Filipinos are constantly changing from time to time, given
that we experienced colonization. However, our history doesn't stop us to showcase our talent and
heroic acts around the world. We are known because we have our brave Bayani's, our culture is distinct,
and our homeland is unexpectedly beautiful. Our blood runs through uniqueness and being "exotic"
makes us distinct from others. Heroism also is shown, our Bayani's can prove that; Filipinos are not an
Indio and can still keep up. I am proud to be a Filipino because uniqueness runs through my blood. We
know our history is series of resistance to colonization, our heroes hope, and passing this hope to our
generation is an honor and a lesson to always fight for our freedom and rights because our country
deserves to be a home. Our history define us and it should be proud of and not ashamed of.

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