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- Begin your speech with warm greetings to parents/guardians and to the graduates and


My heartfelt and warm congratulations to the graduating class Batch 2020-2021 for
impressing the life defining academic milestone in the new normal set up of education. It was
an extremely difficult decision to lose your opportunity to experience the physical conduct of
your commencement ceremony but admittedly the wisest or the most prudent and judicious
decision under this time of pandemic. We cannot afford to compromise any one’s safety and
health for the severity of COVID-19 has not yet fully unfolded. Nonetheless, this is the most
awaited moment in your life, the celebration of the culmination of years of perseverance,
tenacity, and sacrifices. The success you are celebrating today was conditioned by the amount
of risk you’re willing to take, amount of sweat you are willing to lose, and amount of tears
you’re willing to drop. Your diploma is a proof of your determination and your medals you have
received right now are not just made of gold, but they are made of sweat and hard-to-find alloy
called guts. But always remember that your recognitions/awards you have right now do not
always guarantee success in life, your attitude also matters.
It is my hope that your Alma Mater has equipped you with essential knowledge, talents
and skills that will help you to figure out what you want to pursue in life as you go out in search
of destiny. Study hard for learning and not for numbers. How you will ace life after school is the
real challenge. Make sure you still get to enjoy your student’s life so that you grow up without
so much missing chapters. Always learn how to make your parents proud for you don’t have
any idea how they starved and had sleepless nights thinking where to get your school
allowances. Our dear students do not forget the people who have helped you in one way or the
other to reach the finish line. Your presence and involvement will make difference in their lives.
Go out and share with them your wisdom, your education, you’re understanding and your love.
Get involved to make a difference and there you can create your own history, the history of a
champion. Once again have a happy graduation.!

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