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Reviewer 2

Grade 3 MTAP 2006

_________ 1. What is the value of the underlined digit in 54,587.

_________ 2. 19,800 is equal to how many hundreds?
_________ 3. Write seventeen thousand, nine hundred sixty-four in figures.
_________ 4. Write CLXXXVIII in Hindu-Arabic.
_________ 5. Write 97 in Roman numerals.
_________ 6. What is the missing factor in 9 x ____ = 459?
_________ 7. What is the sum of the prime numbers between 20 and 30?
_________ 8. What is the remainder when 1987 is divided by 17?
_________ 9. If 37 x 49 = 1813, what is 370 x 490?
_________ 10. What will you put in the blank to make the statement (45 + 8) + 12 = (__ + 7) + 18 true?
_________ 11. Loling used ¾ kilo of sugar for a dessert and ½ kilo for another. If she bought 2 kilos of
sugar, how much remained?
_________ 12. What comes next in the pattern 6/10, 9/15, 12/20, 15/25, ___?
_________ 13. What is the smallest number divisible by both 24 and 32?
_________ 14. What do you call a figure with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angle?
_________ 15. What is the perimeter of the figure?

20 m

38 m


63 m


87 m
_________ 16. What is the area of the same figure?
_________ 17. A box is 14 cm long, 11 cm wide and 9 cm high, what is its
_________ 18. A rectangular park is 95 m by 85 m. If a jogger goes around
5 times, how many meters will that be?
_________ 20. Travis gathered 323 eggs. He put 12 in each egg tray. How
many trays did he fill up?
_________ 21. Luis has 7 boxes of juice. Each box contains 58 cans. How
many food packages can he prepare if he will put 2 cans of juice in every package?
_________ 22. In 5 days, Cora reads 85 pages of her book. If it contains 170 pages, at the same rate, in
how many more days can she finish the book?
_________ 23. Apples cost P11.50 each. How many can you buy if you have P100?
_________ 24. Cory bought 4 2/5 meters of blue cloth and 5 ½ meters of red cloth. How many meters of
cloth did Cory buy?
_________ 25. Lito started doing his project at 8:15 p.m. and finished at 10:00 p.m. How many minutes
did he take to do his project?
_________ 26. What is the shape of the paper you are writing on?
_________ 27. Gary had some money. On his birthday, Father gave him P75 and Mother gave him P55.
He then had P322. How much money had he at first?
_________ 28. What is N in 23, 24, 26, 29, 33, ___, N, . . . ?
_________ 29. How many prime numbers are there between 50 and 60?
_________ 30. There are 1,896 students in Grade V. Of these, 949 are boys. How many are girls?
_________ 31. Jay has 3 P20-bills, 4 P50-bills, 7 P5-coins and 8 P10-coins. How much money has he?
_________ 32. Cristy is making handkerchiefs each 2.5 dm on each side. How much lace does she need
to put around 3 handkerchiefs?
_________ 33. Carlo and Chris went to see a movie. If it lasted for 1¾ hours and ended at 10:00 p.m.,
what time did it begin?
_________ 34. What is the largest 4 digit number with no digits alike?
_________ 35. What is (5 x 9) – (36 ÷ 12) + 13?
_________ 36. Write 7x104 + 5x103 + 7x102 + 4 as one number.
_________ 37. A certain number divided by 18 equals 21 remainder of 7. What is the number?
_________ 38. What is the smallest number that rounds to 60 to the nearest 10?
_________ 39. What is the sum of the first six odd numbers?
_________ 40. A vendor counted 16 wheels and 6 drivers from the
bicycles and tricycles passing in front of his stall. How
many bicycles were there?
_________ 41. What fraction of the figure is shaded?
_________ 42. Four-sevenths of the students in a school are boys. If
3/8 of the boys are scouts, how many scouts are there
in the school if there are 1792 students?
_________ 43. Mother baked 96 cookies. She served 3/8 of them for
snacks and gave 12 to a friend. How many cookies
_________ 44. Liza bought P278 worth of school supplies. If she got a change of P22, how much did
she give the cashier?
_________ 45. Luz had 84 stamps. She gave 1/3 of them to her sister and ½ of the remaining stamps to
her brother. How many stamps had she left?
_________ 46. How many even numbers are there between 21 and 41?
_________ 47. 2.3 is equal to how many tenths?
_________ 48. Which of the following can be divided by both 6 and 9? {56, 63, 66, 72, 78, 81, 84}
_________ 49. Rosa sold 6/7 of the garlands she made and had 14 left. How many did she make?
_________ 50. 0.35 is equal to what fraction in lowest terms?

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