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Scene 1:

[Shweta laying unconsciously on bed. Mr. Bajaj is seen entering the room from door. He is shocked]

Mr Bajaj: [Running towards Mrs Singhania bed, trying to wake her up] shweta! Wake up, wake up.
What has happened to you? Oh dear god! Have you taken poison?

[Puzzled Mr. Bajaj Dials a number]

Mr. Baja: [holding his phone] Satyen, please come to Shweta’s home immediately. She has taken
poison. She is not waking up

[Mr. Baja puts down the phone, fell on floor, sobbing]

[Entry of Dr Satyen. He puts his hand on Mr. Bajaj’s shoulder and checks Shweta’s health]

Dr Satyen: Mrs Singhania is no more there, my friend. I’m sorry

[Sad music and curtain closes]

Scene 2:

Dr. Satyen with Natasha, his sister, at door of Mr. Bajaj. Kavya, secretary of Mr. Bajaj standing at a

Mr. Bajaj: [Opening the door] Come, Dr Satyen. Hello Natasha

Natasha: Hello [looking at Bajaj]

Mr. Bajaj: Meet my new secretary, Kavya. [Looking at Kavya] Kavya, he is my best friend Dr. Satyen.
And she is his sister, Natasha

Kavya: [Says hello to everyone] I do know Natasha from college.

Dr. Satyen: Great then

Mr. Bajaj: [Looking at Dr Satyen] I need to have a word with you in private

Dr. Satyen nods and goes away with with Mr. Bajaj in a cornor (if possible, showing it as a separate
bedroom]. Kavya and Natasha standing in another corner]

[Focus on Kavya & Natasha]

Natasha: you look exactly same as you did in college.

Kavya: work pressure, friend. My work is like every day exercise for me [chuckles]

Natasha: Btw, you heard about death of Shweta Singhania?

Kavya: Yes, I also came to knew that even her husband committed suicide a year before. Poor lady!

Natasha: No way she was a poor lady. I have a hunch that she only killed her husband to get marry
to your new boss, Mr. Bajaj
Kavya: (shh) lower your voice [pointing her finger towards Mr. Bajaj & Dr Satyen] And again, it’s just
a rumour

Natasha: okay. Then how was she ready to marry Mr. Bajaj with 6 months of the death of her
husband? It was her plan all along

Kavya: [gesturing, trying to calm down Natasha] Okay. Let’s discuss this on some other day

[Now, focus on Mr. Bajaj & Dr Satyen]

Mr. Bajaj: Let me tell you a secret my friend.

Dr. Satyen: What secret?

Mr. Bajaj: You know the rumour in the neighbourhood that Shweta only killed her husband. It’s true.
She did kill him. And then someone came to know about it and had started blackmailing her since
few months. She told me everything. That’ why she committed suicide, I guess

Dr. Satyen: I doubt. I only post-mortemed Mrs. Singhanis’s husband’s body. It seemed a natural
death to me.

Mr. Bajaj: Is it so? Then why did she lie to me?

Dr. satyen: I have no idea, friend

Mr. Bajaj: Well, anyway I have called Detective Pradhyuman to investigate the matter. Moreover,
she has left a letter for me, but I am going to open that letter after that detective arrives

[Suddenly Mr. Bajaj’s phone ring bells. Mr. Bajaj picks it up]

Strange voice on Mr. Bajaj’s phone: There is a medical emergency at railway station. Please send
some doctor here. It’s urgent

Mr. Bajaj: Excuse me, who are you? Why are you calling me?

Strange Voice: It’s matter of life and death. Urgent [screamed]

The phone was cut.

Mr. Bajaj: Strange call. Was asking for a doctor at railway station. Can you go there and see what’s

Dr. Satyen: I can, but this looks strange to me. Why would they call you?

Mr. Bajaj: Let detective Pradhyuman solve that matter. You should leave for station now I guess

[Dr. Satyen nodes. Curtail down]

Scene 3:
[Death body of Mr. Bajaj lying on bed. Chairs and tables around Mr. Bajaj is upside down. there is a
hair pin and a ring lying on floor beside bed. His secretary, Kavya, in one corner with 2 more
characters Shivani and Avni. All look frightened. A Policeman seen walking around the scene. Dr
Satyen is seen checking Mr. Bajaj’s pulse]

Dr. Satyen: Alas! My dear friend is dead by poison.

[Detective Pradhyuman enters the room. Dr. Satyen looks at him, approaches towards him]

Dr. Satyen: You must be Detective Pradhyuman. Mr. Bajaj just...

Pradhyuman: I know, he is dead. Tragic loss.

[Pradhyuman changes his expression while walking around the stage]

Pradhyuman: Let’s get back to business. We have to solve 2 murders. One, Mrs Singhania and two
Mr. Bajaj. You got something, man? (looking at Police)

Police: [With Pride] we might have solved the entire case.

Pradhyuman: Aah! Enlighten us, gentleman.

Police: [Looking at Kavya] Kavya, Mr. Bajaj’s secretary saw his nephew, Angad, with Mr. Bajaj at
around 9:30 PM. She heard lots of shouting in the room. From our sources, we also came to know
that Angad was in a huge debt, and needed money badly. And he has been missing since yesterday

Pradhyuman: So? Angad killed Mr. Bajaj for money? That’s what you mean?

Police: Of course, he was last seen with Mr. Bajaj, and since been missing. And he has a motive. He is
one of the beneficiary of Mr. Bajaj’s will

Pradhyuman: [looking at Dr Satyen] When did Mr. Bajaj die? Can you tell us time?

Dr. Satyen: Between 10 to 11 PM

Police: [looking at Pradhyuman] See, even doctor confirms the story. Angad was seen with Mr. Bajaj
at 9:30 PM

Pradhyuman: [looking at Kavya] Did you see Angad leaving the room?

Kavya: No, sir

Pradhyuman: [thinking and speaking loudly] Even if I believe Angad killed Mr. Bajaj, what motive
does Angad have to kill Mrs Singhania? Somehow I feel both murders are connected

Police: Well, you can have your hunch, Pradhyuman. Let me continue with my duty. I shall find
Angad soon.

[Policeman leaves]

Dr. Satyen immediately approaches to Pradhyuman

Dr. Satyen: I know Angad very well. He can’t be the murderer.

Pradhyuman: Well, at present everyone in this room is a suspect.

Kavya: Everyone? (shocked)

Pradhyuman: (smiles and walk to Kavya) Yes everyone. (Then Pradhyuman walks to Shivani) You are
niece of Mr. Bajaj right?

Shivani: Yes

Pradhyuman: You too are in debt, and you also would benefit from Mr. Baja’s death? Right? You also
have a share in Mr. Bajaj’s will?

Shivani: I didn’t kill uncle, I didn’t (cried)

Pradhyuman suddenly rush towards Mr. Bajaj’s dead body and pick up a hair pin.

Pradhyuman: Aah! dust on hair pin. It’s still sticky. Recent dust. Must be of yesterday night.

[Pradhyuman suddenly looks at Shivani]

Pradhyuman: So you too met Mr. Bajaj yesterday.

Shivani: I didn’t. (faltered) I never met uncle yesterday night

Pradhyuman: Then what is your hair-pin doing here? Don’t lie.

Shivani: I.... faltered

Pradhyuman: Even chair and table are upside down. Must have been physical confrontation. You
asked him for money, and your uncle refused. So killed him poison to pay off your debt. Isn't that
what happened yesterday?

Shivani: No No (screams with sobbing) I din’t kill him.

Pradhyuman: Then why did you lie that you didn’t meet your uncle yesterday?

Shivani: I was afraid (pause and sobs) I thought you would suspect me so I lied

Pradhyuman: Now I am suspecting you. Tell me what you were doing

Shivani: I came to steal money from uncle’s room. Somehow uncle woke up, and he thought I was a
thief. So, he threw table and chair at me. My hair-pin might have fallen down at that time. Then he
realized it was me so he got angry on me

Pradhyuma: So you gave him poison after that?

Shivani: No, no. For God’s sake. I didn’t kill him

[Pradhyuman stays quiet for some time. And then again observes dead body of Mr. Bajaj and picks
up a ring from floor]

Pradhyuman: (looking at Avni) Someone else too went to meet Mr. Bajaj

[Avni didn’t say anything and shivered]

Pradhyuman: You are Avni, right? Maid of Mr. bajaj?

Avni: Yess [too much freightened] I didn’t kill sir. I swear...

Pradhyuman: When did I say you kill Mr. Bajaj?

Avni: I am innocent sir. I am innocent

Pradhyuman: What were you doing in Mr. Bajaj’s room then? Why your ring is there? And how did
you buy such a costly ring? It has your name inscribed on it (looking at ring) So let me guess. You
were stealing money from the house. Mr. Bajaj came to know this, so you killed him

Avni: no no

Pradhyuman: Then tell me what happened yesterday night? And how did you get this diamond ring?

Avni: (crying) Angad gave me. We both are in love. Yesterday night, Angad came here and told Sir
about our relationship. Sir got angry, and then both Angad and Sir fought. That’s where I guess ring
fell off from Angad’s pocket

Pradhyuman: Did uncle approve in the end?

Avni: No

Pradhyuman: Then?

Avni: uncle threatened to Angad that if he goes ahead and marry me, uncle will remove his name
from uncle’s will

Pradhyuman: So you angry and poisoned Mr. bajaj?

Avni: No no

Pradhyuman: Then Angad killed Mr. bajaj:

Avni: No no. please believe me. We both are innocent (sobbing heavily)

Pradhyuman: Then where is Angad? Why is he missing?

[Avni didn’t speak anything and fell down on the floor. Dr. Satyen rushes towards Avni. Pradhyuman
still thinking. Curtain]

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