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Scenario based questions:

1) How will you respond if someone calls out all this as a Hoax?
2) What will you do if a set of people are not actively taking part in con week tasks?
3) What if you know a PGP1 very closely and they complain to you privately about the hecticness
of the tasks?
4) Even after multiple deadline extensions, Know your PGP2 tasks are not submitted. How do we
handle this in the GBM?
5) Despite multiple requests, the GBM dress code is not adhered to. How would you tackle this
during the next GBM?
6) What if a group of people start complaining and mailing about the workload to PGP office, how
will you respond ?

Scenario based acts:

1) Case comp final call: After 3-4 ppts PGP3 starts scolding you for the kind of quality with PGP1s.
Act how will you respond.
2) PGP3 drops off and other couple of members are trying to bring them back on call. You need to
address PGP1s in the meanwhile.
3) You catch PGP1s using phone during GBM. You need to be angry and scold everyone about how
disrespectful it is and give a minutes monologue and end the GBM.
4) A monologue from:
Candidate name:

How did the candidate respond to the questions?:

How did the candidates act?:

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