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The TWG SHALL provide the participants the copy of the scenarios to be used during the
simulation activity. Such as Multiple Means of Representation, Multiple Means of
Engagement, and Multiple Means of Expression, and participants will simulate the possible
strategies/ solutions to be used based on the learners’ learning preferences presented.

1. There are four situations / scenarios to be presented.  Each division will select 1 and brainstorm in the
respective google classrooms as to the strategies and solution based on the situations and learning
preference. (5 minutes)
2. Present the output in the plenary (for no more than 2 minutes)

Situation 3:

Juana is suffering from an anxiety attack, her extreme shyness deter her from speaking in front
of the class to deliver a poem.  How can you help Juana perform the task based on the
competency required?

 Answer:As a teacher I help Juana through the use of positive behaviour support by
encouraging self relaxation procedures such as the word "calm" coupled deep paced-
breathing. Helping the students recognize and modify anxious self talk and anxious
thinking,Teaching problem solving approaches by having Juana included in the process.

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