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MAY E MIGHT – Colocando em Prática

1. Reescreva as sentenças usando might ou might not. Veja o modelo:

a. It’s possible that I’ll go to the movies tonight.

I might go to the movies tonight.

b. It’s possible that she’ll come to work tomorrow.

She might come to work tomorrow.

c. It’s possible that it’ll rain later.

It might rain later.

d. It’s possible that he’ll not come to the party.

He might not come to the party.

e. It’s possible that I won’t have time to talk to you later.

I might not have time to talk to you later.

f. It’s possible that they won’t be at the office right now.

They might not be at the office right now.

g. It’s possible that they want to stay alone.

They might want to stay alone.

2. Um amigo seu começa a fazer perguntas sobre seus planos futuros. Você
ainda não tem muita certeza sobre eles e, portanto, não dá respostas muito
seguras. Você apenas especula. Veja as perguntas feitas, escolha uma das
opções e dê respostas usando I may.

Invest the Money - stay home - talk to him on Monday - go to Europe - go

to a restaurant.

a. Where are you going for your next vacation?

I don’t know yet. ..........
I may go to Europe.

b. You won the lottery! What are you going to do with the money?
I’m not sure. …
I may invest the Money.

c. What are you doing tonight?

I haven’t decided yet.....
I may stay at home.

d. When will you talk to the boss about that?

I don’t know…
I may talk to him on Monday.
e. Are you going to have lucha t home today?
I’m not sure…
I may go to a restaurant.

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